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From: (Ben Delisle)
Newsgroups: seattle.general,talk.politics.drugs,talk.politics.misc,alt.drugs,,pnw.general,talk.politics.medicine
Subject: Init #595: Regulated Tolerance & Taxation of Marijuana. [WA State]

Peoples Initiative #595,  for Washington State. 

Regulated Tolerance & Taxation of Marijuana
(Allow Private Use by Persons Over 21, but Outlaw Public
 Advertising, Use or Display)

|                                           |
|       OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE               |
|                                           |
| DO NOT HAVE ACCESS?                       |
|                                           |
|       OFFICIAL BALLOT SUMMARY             |
|                                           |
|    This measure would allow               |
| people over twenty-one to grow, sell,     |
| and use cannabis (marijuana) as licensed  |
| by a new "cannabis control board."  A     |
| tax would be imposed, and sale and use    |
| would be limited to places not accessible |
| to minors. Advertising would be limited   |
| to medical journals, packaging, and       |
| point-of-sale signs not publicly visible. |
| Persons over twenty-one could grow        |
| limited quantities without obtaining a    |
| license. Criminal penalties would be      |
| revised, and certain prior convictions    |
| vacated.                                  |
|                                           |


[X} Turn Marijuana Black Market Profits
    into $250,000,000 in Tax Revenue

[X] Give AIDS and Cancer Patients the Right to
    Use Marijuana as a Medicine

[X] Save Tax Money Spent on Prisons, Jails, 
    Courts & Police

[X} Create Thousands of Jobs by Growing Hemp
    for Environmentally-Friendly Products
    Made from the Seeds and Stalks


We need 181,667 valid signatures to place Initiative 595  |
on the Nov. 2, 1993 ballot. Please join in the            |
effort to get signatures for this initiative drive.       |
If you can help please call the Washington Citizens for   | 
Drug Policy Reform (WCDPR) at (206)227-4164 (this is a    |
local call if calling from Seattle).                      |

The Complete Text of Initiative Measure 595

 	AN ACT Relating to cannabis; amending RCW 10.31.100, 
69.50.102, 69.50.204, and 69.50.401; adding a new section to 
chapter 82.04 RCW; adding a new chapter to Title 69 RCW; and 
prescribing penalties.


	NEW SECTION.  	Sec. 1.	Unless the context 
clearly requires otherwise, the following definitions apply 
throughout this chapter and section 10 of this act:
	(1)	"Board" means the cannabis control board.
	(2)	"Personal use quantity of pharmacoactive 
            cannabis" means:
	(a)	Twenty or fewer growing cannabis plants; or
	(b)  One hundred ounces or less of pharmacoactive 
           cannabis in any form.
	(3)	"Pharmacoactive cannabis" means medicinal or 
            recreational cannabis.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  (1)  A person may not sell or 
give to a minor, nor may a minor use or possess, 
pharmacoactive cannabis except by prescription of a licensed 
	(2)	A person may not sell, publicly display, or 
publicly use pharmacoactive cannabis or its paraphernalia 
except in locations to which access and view by minors is 

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  Cultivated plants capable of 
producing pharmacoactive cannabis must be screened from 
public view by a visual barrier.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  (1)  No person who is in a 
position to profit from the sale of pharmacoactive cannabis 
or its paraphernalia may create, display, perform, or 
distribute advertising or promotional material for 
pharmacoactive cannabis or its paraphernalia within the 
state of Washington, other than:
	(a)  In medical journals directed to and distributed 
           principally to licensed physicians;
	(b)  Package labeling;
	(c)  Point-of-sale advertising on the premises of 
           licensed sellers of pharmacoactive cannabis 
           presented such that it cannot be perceived by 
           minors; and
	(d)  On the exterior of stores where pharmacoactive 
           cannabis is sold, a sign indicating with words 
           only that pharmacoactive cannabis is sold 
           therein, or words to that effect, but not 
           otherwise depicting or promoting pharmacoactive 
           cannabis or its use.  By local option, each local 
           government may prohibit advertising on the 
           exterior of stores where pharmacoactive cannabis 
           is sold.

	(2)  For the purposes of this section, a person in a 
           position to profit from the sale of 
           pharmacoactive cannabis is a business enterprise 
           that, for pay or other consideration, cultivates, 
           processes, transports, or sells pharmacoactive 
           cannabis, or whose property is used for 
           cultivation, processing, transport, or sale of 
           pharmacoactive cannabis, and any beneficial owner 
           of a five percent or greater interest in such an 
	(3)  For the purposes of this section, a person in a  
           position to profit from the sale of paraphernalia 
           for pharmacoactive cannabis is a business 
           enterprise that, for pay or other consideration, 
           manufactures or sells paraphernalia for 
           pharmacoactive cannabis, and any beneficial owner 
           of a five percent or greater interest in such an 
	(4)  A violation of this section shall be punished by 
           a fine of up to five thousand dollars or four 
           times the amount paid to procure the advertising 
           in violation of this section, whichever is 

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.  Each of the following 
activities requires a license for each location where the  
activity is performed:
	(1)  Cultivating and selling cannabis hemp for 
           industrial products made from its stalks;
	(2)  Cultivating cannabis flowering female tops or 
	(3)  Producing nutritional, medicinal, and 
           recreational products made from cannabis leaves, 
           flowers, and seeds; and
	(4)  Selling pharmacoactive cannabis products made 
           from flowering female tops other than seeds.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 6.  A licensed seller of 
pharmacoactive cannabis may sell cannabis paraphernalia, 
with the same restrictions on access and view by minors as 
provided for pharmacoactive cannabis under sections 2 and 4 
of this act.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 7.  Without a license, a person 
over twenty-one years of age may cultivate and possess a 
personal use quantity of pharmacoactive cannabis that was 
cultivated without a license and on which taxes have not 
been paid.  Cultivation or possession of more than a 
personal use quantity of such cannabis is prohibited.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 8.  An owner of a parcel of real 
estate may allow other persons over the age of twenty-one to 
cultivate up to twenty plants on the property if the owner 
obtains, and retains for inspection at any time by 
officials, an acknowledged affidavit less than one year old 
reciting the address or legal description of the property, 
claiming ownership of up to twenty cannabis plants on the 
property, denying ownership of any other cannabis plants, 
signed and dated by the cultivator, and stating the 
cultivator's full legal name, address, and date of birth.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 9.  The fee for a license under 
section 5 of this act is fifty dollars.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 10.  A new section is added to 
chapter 82.04 RCW to read as follows:
	(1)  A tax is assessed on the importation or 
production for sale of pharmacoactive cannabis at the rate 
of fifteen dollars per ounce at standard cured moisture 
	(2)  Chapter 69.--RCW (sections 1 through 9 and 11 
through 25 of this act) applies to this section.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 11.  Sellers of pharmacoactive 
cannabis shall place a label indicating that the tax under 
section 10 of this act has been paid on each package of 
pharmacoactive cannabis, or pay the tax before possession 
may be transferred to another.  Labels to indicate that the 
tax has been paid shall be provided by the board.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 12.  Possession of more than a 
personal use quantity of pharmacoactive cannabis on which 
the tax under section 10 of this act has not been paid 
creates a presumption of selling or offering for sale, which 
is prohibited without a license.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 13.  There shall be a board, known 
as the "cannabis control board," consisting of three 
members, to be appointed by the governor, with the consent 
of the senate, who shall each be paid an annual salary to be 
fixed by the governor in 
accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.03.040.  The 
governor may, in his discretion, appoint one of the members 
as chair of the board, and a majority of the members shall 
constitute a quorum of the board.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 14.  (1)  The members of the board 
to be appointed after the effective date of this act shall 
be appointed for terms beginning on the effective date of 
this act, and expiring as follows:  one member of the board 
for a term of three years from the effective date of this 
act; one member of the board for a term of six years from 
the date of this act; and one member of the board for a term 
of nine years from the effective date of this act.  A member 
of the board appointed under this section shall hold office 
until the member's successor is appointed and qualified.  
Upon the expiration of the term of a member, the succeeding 
member of the board shall be appointed and hold office for 
the term of six years.  In case of a vacancy, it shall be 
filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired 
portion of the term in which the vacancy occurs.  A vacancy 
in the membership of the board does not impair the right of 
the remaining member or members to act, except as otherwise 
provided in this chapter.
	(2)  The principal office of the board shall be at the 
state capitol, and it may establish such other offices as it 
deems necessary.
	(3)  A member of the board may be removed for 
inefficiency, malfeasance or misfeasance in office, upon 
specific written charges filed by the governor, who shall 
transmit the written charges to the member accused and to 
the chief justice of the supreme court.  The chief justice 
shall, upon the charges, designate a tribunal composed of 
three judges of the superior court to hear and adjudicate 
the charges.  The tribunal shall fix the time of the 
hearing, which must be public, and the procedure for the 
hearing, and the decision of the tribunal is final.  Removal 
of a member of the board by the tribunal disqualifies the 
member for reappointment.
	(4)  A member of the board shall devote his or her 
entire time to the duties of his or her office and a member 
of the board may not hold another public office.  Before 
entering upon the duties of office, a member of the board 
shall enter into a surety bond executed by a surety company 
authorized to do business in this state, payable to the 
state of Washington, to be approved by the governor in the 
penal sum of fifty thousand dollars conditioned upon the 
faithful performance of the member's duties, and shall take 
and subscribe to the oath of office prescribed for elective 
state officers, which oath and bond shall be filed with the 
secretary of state.  The board shall pay the premium for the 

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 15.  The board may employ the 
number of employees as in its judgment are required.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 16.  The attorney general shall be 
the general counsel of the board and shall institute and 
prosecute all actions and proceedings necessary in the 
enforcement and carrying out of the provisions of this 
chapter and section 10 of this act.
	The attorney general shall assign assistants necessary 
to the exclusive duty of assisting the board in the 
enforcement of this chapter and section 10 of this act.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 17.  The state auditor shall audit 
the books, records, and affairs of the board annually.  The 
board may provide for additional audits by certified public 
accountants.  The audits under this section are public 
records of the state.  The payment of the audits provided 
for in this section shall be paid as provided in section 18 
of this act for other administrative expenses.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 18.  All administrative expenses of 
the board incurred on and after the effective date of this 
act shall be appropriated and paid from the general fund.  
These administrative expenses include, but are not limited 
to:  The salaries and expenses of the board and its 
employees, the cost of legal services, annual or other 
audits, and other general costs of conducting the business 
of the board.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 19.  The board shall, from time to 
time, make reports to the governor covering matters in 
connection with the administration and enforcement of this 
chapter and section 10 of this act as the governor may 
require, and, subject to RCW 40.07.040, the board shall 
prepare and forward to the governor biennially, to be laid 
before the legislature, a report for the fiscal period 
	(1)  A financial statement and balance sheet showing 
in general the condition of the business and its operation 
during the year;
	(2)  A summary of all prosecutions for infractions and 
the results of the prosecutions;
	(3)  General information and remarks; and
	(4)  Any further information requested by the 

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 20.  The administration of this 
chapter and section 10 of this act is under the board, and 
it shall adopt rules to administer this act.  The board may 
not restrict the number of licenses granted.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 21.  State agencies shall refrain 
from enforcing any provision of United States criminal law 
not consistent with the purposes of this act, to avoid a 
waste of resources.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 22.  All persons incarcerated in 
prisons in the state of Washington based solely on use, 
possession, or sale of marijuana, as a result of conviction 
after trial or by plea bargain with no other crime charged, 
shall be released and their civil rights restored.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 23.  (1)  Thirty percent of tax 
revenues raised under section 10 of this act shall be 
reserved to subsidize job retraining programs for unemployed 
Washington state residents with financial need.  The 
department of labor and industries shall select worthy 
private and state-run programs to receive these funds.
	(2)  Ten percent of the tax revenues raised under 
section 10 of this act shall be reserved to subsidize drug 
treatment programs.  The board shall select worthy private 
and state-run programs to receive these funds.
	(3)  The balance of the tax revenues raised under 
section 10 of this act shall be deposited in the general 

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 24.  If, within one hundred twenty 
days of the effective date of this act, the board has not 
yet begun issuing licenses to cultivate hemp for fiber and 
cellulose and licenses for cultivating pharmacoactive 
cannabis and seeds, any person twenty-one years of age or 
older may commence the cultivation upon delivery to the 
Washington State Department of Agriculture a sworn notarized 
statement with the name, address, and date of birth of the 
applicant and the address or legal description of the 
property to be used for the cultivation.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 25.  The following penalties apply 
to this chapter:
	(1)  For unauthorized selling or giving pharmacoactive 
cannabis to a minor in violation of section 2(1) of this 
act:  Imprisonment for a term of up to one hundred and 
eighty days and a fine of up to $5,000.
	(2)  For cultivating or possessing more than a 
personal use quantity of pharmacoactive cannabis without a 
license in violation of section 7 of this act:  Imprisonment 
for a term of up to ninety days and a fine of up to $2,500.
	(3)  For cultivation, possession, or use of 
pharmacoactive cannabis by a person under twenty-one years 
of age in violation of section 2(1) of this act:  A 
misdemeanor and a fine of up to $500.
	(4)  For selling or offering for sale pharmacoactive 
cannabis or its paraphernalia in a place perceivable by 
minors in violation of section 2(2) of this act:  A 
misdemeanor and a fine of up to $5,000.
	(5)  For display or use of pharmacoactive cannabis or 
its paraphernalia in a public place perceivable by minors in 
violation of section 2(3) of this act:  A misdemeanor and a 
fine of up to $500.
	(6)  For failure to screen pharmacoactive cannabis 
plants from public view:  A fine to be set by the Board.
	(7)  For cultivating or selling cannabis hemp for 
products made from its stalks without a license:  A fine to 
be set by the board.

	Sec. 26.  RCW 10.31.100(1) and 1988 c 190 s 1(1) are 
each amended to read as follows:
	(1)  Any police officer having probable cause to 
believe that a person has committed or is committing a 
misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor, involving physical harm or 
threats of harm to any person or property or the unlawful 
taking of property or involving the illegal use or 
possession of cannabis, or involving the acquisition, 
possession, or consumption of alcohol by a person under the 
age of twenty-one years under RCW 66.44.270 shall have the 
authority to arrest the person.

	Sec. 27.  RCW 69.50.102 and 1981 c 48 s 1 are each 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  As used in this chapter, "drug paraphernalia" 
means all 
equipment, products, and materials of any kind which are 
used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, 
propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, 
manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, 
processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, 
repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, 
ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human 
body a controlled substance.  For purposes of this chapter, 
"controlled substance" does not include cannabis or its 
derivatives.  Drug paraphernalia ((It)) includes, but is not 
limited to:
	...  .
	(7)  Separation gins and sifters used, intended for 
use, or designed for use in removing twigs and seeds from, 
or in otherwise cleaning or refining ((, marihuana;)) a 
controlled substance.
	...  .
	(12)  Object used, intended for use, or designed for 
use in ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing 
((marihuana,)) cocaine((, hashish, or hashish oil)) into the 
human body, such as:
	(i)  Metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or 
ceramic pipes with or without screens, permanent screens, 
((hashish heads,)) or punctured metal bowls;
	(((ii)  Water pipes;))
	(((iii)))  (ii)  Carburetion tubes and devices;
	(((iv)))   (iii)  Smoking and carburetion masks;
	(((v)  Roach clips:  Meaning objects used to hold 
burning material such as a marijuana cigarette, that has 
become too small or too short to be held in the hand;))
     (((vi)))  (iv)   Miniature cocaine spoons ((,)) and 
cocaine vials;
	(((vii)  Chamber pipes;))
	(((viii)))  (v)  Carburetor pipes;
	(((ix)))  (vi)  Electric pipes;
	(((x)))  (vii)  Air-driven pipes; and;
	(((xi)  Chillums;
	(xii)  Bongs; and
	(xiii))) (viii)  Ice pipes or chillers.
	(b)  "Drug paraphernalia does not include equipment 
and accessories used by persons for cannabis use, growth, 
production, transportation, or sale.
	(c) ... .

	Sec. 28.  RCW 69.50.204(d) and 1986 c 124 s 3(d) are 
each amended to read as follows:
	(d)  Hallucinogenic substances.  Unless specifically 
excepted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, 
compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any 
quantity of the following hallucinogenic substances, or 
which contains any of its salts, isomers, and salts of 
isomers, whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and 
salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical 
designation (For purposes of paragraph (d) of this section, 
only, the term "isomer" includes the optical, position, and 
geometric isomers.):
	...  .
	(13)  ((Marijuana;
	(14)))  Mescaline;
	(((15)))  (14)  Parahexyl-7374; some trade or other 
names:  3-Hexyl-1-hydroxy-7, 8, 9, 10-tetrahydro-6, 6, 
9-trimethyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran; synhexyl;
	(((16)))  (15)  Peyote, meaning all parts of the plant 
presently classified botanically as Lophophora Williamsii 
Lemaire, whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, any 
extract from any part of such plant, and every compound, 
manufacture, salts, derivative, mixture, or preparation of 
such plant, its seeds, or extracts (interprets 21 U.S.C. 
Sec. 812(c), Schedule I(c) (12));
	(((17)))  (16)  N-ethyl-3-piperidyl benzilate;
	(((18)))  (17)  N-methyl-3-peperidyl benzilate;
	(((19)))  (18)  Psilocybin;
	(((20)))  (19)  Psilocyn;
	(((21)  Tetrahydrocannabinols, synthetic equivalents 
of the substances contained in the plant, or in the resinous 
extractives of cannabis, specifically, and/or synthetic 
substances, derivatives, and their isomers with similar 
chemical structure and pharmacological activity such as the 
	(i)  Delta 1 - cis - or trans tetrahydrocannabinol, 
and their optical isomers;
	(ii)  Delta 6 - cis - or trans tetrahydrocannabinol, 
and their optical isomers;
	(iii)  Delta 3,4 - cis - or trans 
tetrahydrocannabinol, and its optical isomers;
(Since nomenclature of these substances is not
internationally standardized, compounds of these structures, 
regardless of numerical designation of atomic positions 
covered, are all included.)  ))	
	(((22)))  (20)  Ethylamine analog of phencyclidine:
Some trade or other names:  N-ethyl-1phenylcyclohexalymine, 
(1-phenylcyclohexl) ethylamine;
N-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)ethylamine; cyclohexamine; PCE;
	(((23)))  (21)  Pyrrolidine analog of phencyclidine:  
Some trade or other names:  
1- (1--phencyclohexyl)pyrrolidine; PCPy; PHP;
	(((24)))  (22)  Thiophene analog of phencyclidine:  
Some trade or other names:  1- (1-[2-thenyl]-cyclohexly)-
pipendine; 2-thienylanalog of phencyclidine; TPCP; TCP.
	Sec. 29.  RCW 69.50.401(d)(e) and (f) and 1989 c 271 s 
104(d)(e) and (f) are each amended to read as follows:
	(d)  It is unlawful for any person to possess a 
controlled substance unless the substance was obtained 
directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order 
of a practitioner while acting in the course of his 
professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by 
this chapter.  Any person who violates this subsection is 
guilty of a crime, and upon conviction may be imprisoned 
for not more than five years, fined not more than ten 
thousand dollars, or both((, except as provided for in 
subsection (e) of this section)).
	(e)	((Except as provided for in subsection 
(a)(1)(ii) of this section any person found guilty of 
possession of forty grams or less of marihuana shall be 
guilty of a misdemeanor
	(f)))  It is unlawful to compensate, threaten, 
solicit, or in any other manner involve a person under the 
age of eighteen years in a transaction unlawfully to 
manufacture, sell, or deliver a controlled substance.  A 
violation of this subsection shall be punished as a class C 
felony punishable in accordance with RCW 9A.20.021.
	This section shall not apply to offenses defined and 
punishable under the provisions of RCW 69.50.410.

	NEW SECTION.  Sec. 30.  Sections 1 through 9 and 11 
through 25 of this act constitute a new chapter in 
Title 69 RCW.

	--- END ---