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All References with Titles containing 'Endogenous hallucinogens' OR with Authors including 'Endogenous hallucinogens' OR with Abstract including 'Endogenous hallucinogens' OR with Keywords including 'Endogenous hallucinogens'

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Remschmidt H Psychotische Zustandebilder bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten Münch. med. Wschr. 1973
Braun U, Kalbhen DA Evidence for the biogenic formation of amphetamine derivatives from co... Pharmacology 1973
Winter JC The behavioral pharmacology of psychoactive drugs Psychopharmacol.Bull... 1975
Rosengarten H, Friedhoff ... A review of recent studies of the biosynthesis and excretion of halluc... Schizophr Bull 1976
Otis LS, Pryor GT, Marqui... Preclinical Identification Of Hallucinogenic Compounds Pharmacology of Hall... 1978
Appel JB Neurohumoral Determinants of Sensitivity to LSD Psychopharmacol. Bul... 1979
Sloviter RS, Drust EG, Da... Serotonergic Mediation Of Behavioral Effects In Rats Of Indoles And Ph... Federation Proc. 1980
Sloviter RS, Drust EG, Da... A Common Mechanism for Lysergic Acid, Indolealkylamine and Phenethylam... J. Pharmacol. esp. T... 1980
Weaver KEC Letters to the Editor: LSD and Schizophrenia Arch. Gen. Psychiatr... 1984
Mokler DJ, Commissaris R... Naloxone Alters the Effects of LSD, DOM and Quipazine on Operant Behav... Pharmacology Biochem... 1984
Strassman RJ Hallucinogenic drugs in psychiatric research and treatment. Perspectiv... J Nerv Ment Dis 1995
Strassman RJ, Qualls CR, ... Differential tolerance to biological and subjective effects of four cl... Biol Psychiatry 1996
Strassman RJ Human psychopharmacology of N,N-dimethyltryptamine Behav Brain Res 1996
Jacob MS, Presti DE Endogenous psychoactive tryptamines reconsidered: an anxiolytic role f... Med Hypotheses 2005
Wallach JV Endogenous hallucinogens as ligands of the trace amine receptors: A po... Med Hypotheses 2008
Barker SA, Borjigin J, Lo... LC/MS/MS Analysis of the Endogenous Dimethyltryptamine Hallucinogens, ... Biomedical Chromatog... 2013