Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
Click on Column Headers to Re-Sort The Current List |
Zaguirre JC |
Behavioral reactions to illusionogenic substances.(Studies on artifici... |
Philippine Fed. Priv... |
1957 |
Balestrieri A |
"Amphetamine shock" during LSD-25 and mesclaine psychosis |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Apter JT, Pfeiffer CC |
The effect of the hallucinogenic drugs LSD-25 and mescaline on the ele... |
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. |
1957 |
Votava Z, Podvalová I, Se... |
Studies on the pharmacology of d-lysergic acid cycloalkylamides. |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1958 |
Monnier M |
Stimulants hallucinogènes, psychotoniques et analeptiques du système n... |
XXIst International ... |
1959 |
Cerletti A |
Teonanacatl und Psilocybin |
Deutsche Medizinishe... |
1959 |
Observations on the psychotogenic effect of N-N diethyltryptamine, a n... |
J Ment Sci |
1959 |
Sutter JM, Pelichier Y |
Les substances hallucinogenes. |
Algérie-méd. |
1959 |
Janiger O |
The use of hallucinogenic agents in psychiatry. |
California Clinician |
1959 |
Sandison RA |
The role of psychotropic drugs in group therapy |
Bull. Org. mond. San... |
1959 |
Smith CM |
Some Reflections on the Possible Therapeutic Effects of the Hallucinog... |
Quart.J.Stud.Alcohol... |
1959 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Les effets somatiques de la Psilocybine |
Presse méd. |
1959 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Les effets psychiques de la Psilocybine et les perspectives thérapeuti... |
Ann. Méd. Psychol. |
1959 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Les effets psychiques de la Psilocybine et les perspectives thérapeuti... |
Presse Méd. |
1959 |
Balestrieri A |
Studies on cross tolerance with LSD-25, UML-491 and JB-336 |
Psychopharmacologia |
1960 |
Marrazzi AS |
The action of psychotogens and a neurophysiological theory of hallucin... |
Amer. J. Psychiat. |
1960 |
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... |
LSD and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. I. An explorator... |
A.M.A. Arch. gen. Ps... |
1960 |
Smith CM, Walaszek EJ |
Interaction of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) with polypeptides whic... |
Fed. Proc. |
1960 |
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and JB-318: A comparison of two hall... |
A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... |
1960 |
Takashina K |
Physiological studies of visual symptoms due to the effects of halluci... |
Psychiat. Neurol. Ja... |
1960 |
Krill AE, Wieland AM, Ost... |
The effect of two hallucinogenic agents on human retinal function |
AMA Arch. Ophth. |
1960 |
A Balestrieri |
Studies on cross tolerance with LSD-25, UML-491 and JB-336. |
Psychopharmacologia |
1960 |
Smith CM, Walaszek EJ |
Potentiation of Smooth Muscle Stimulants by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide... |
Fed. Proc. |
1961 |
Esecover H, Malitz S, Wil... |
Clinical profiles of paid normal subjects volunteering for hallucinoge... |
Amer.J.Psychiat. |
1961 |
Balestrieri A |
Some Aspects of the Sensitivity to Hallucinogenic Drugs. |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1961 |
Pichot P |
Hallucinogenic drugs. New Drugs |
Lancet |
1961 |
H Escover, S Malitz, B Wi... |
Clinical profiles of paid normal subjects volunteering for hallucinoge... |
Am. J. Psychiat. |
1961 |
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... |
LSD and JB 318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. III. Qualitative an... |
Arch. gen. Psychiat. |
1962 |
R Lanter, J Weil, M Roth |
Note a propos de l'utilisation diagnostique et therapeutique des drogu... |
Ann. medicopsychol. |
1962 |
Lanter R, Weil J, Roth M |
Note á propos de l'utilisation diagnostique et thérapeutique des drogu... |
Ann. méd.-psychol. |
1962 |
TR Shanthaveerappe, K Nan... |
Histochemical Studies on the Mechanism of Action of the Hallucinogens ... |
Acta Neuropath. |
1963 |
Shanthaveerappa T R, Nand... |
Histochemical Studies on the Mechanism of Action of the Hallucinogens ... |
Acta Neuropath. (Ber... |
1963 |
Matsuoka M |
Pharmacological Studies of Hallucinogens, Report II. Part I; Bibliogra... |
Folia Pharmacol. Jap... |
1964 |
Matsuoka M |
Pharmacological Studies of Hallucinogens, Report II. Part II; Studies ... |
Folia Pharmacol. Jap... |
1964 |
Matsuoka M |
Pharmacological Studies of Hallucinogens, Report II. Part III; Influen... |
Folia Pharmacol. Jap... |
1964 |
Savage C, Stolaroff MJ |
Clarifying the Confusion Regarding LSD-25 |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1965 |
Fontana AE |
Psychotherapy with hallucinogens |
1965 |
Fontana AE, Shavelzon A |
The dynamics of a group in psychotherapy |
Psychotherapy with H... |
1965 |
Fontana AE, Reynoso R |
Individual psychotherapy with hallucinogens |
Psychotherapy with H... |
1965 |
Martinez JB |
Resumen historico del uso de alucinogenos |
Psicoterapia con 'al... |
1965 |
Touyaa HJ |
Resultados de nuestro trabajo clinico |
Psicoterapia con alu... |
1965 |
Cohen S |
A classification of LSD complications |
Psychosomatics |
1966 |
Dependence on LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs |
Journal American Med... |
1967 |
LSD and chromosomes |
British Medical Jour... |
1967 |
Dangers of LSD |
Lancet |
1967 |
McGlothlin W, Cohen S, Mc... |
Long lasting effects of LSD on normals |
Arch Gen Psychiat |
1967 |
Smart RG, Bateman K |
Unfavourable reactions of LSD: a review and analysis of the available ... |
Canadian Medical Ass... |
1967 |
Hirschhorn K, Cohen MM |
Nonpsychic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide |
Ann. intern. med |
1967 |
Barbituriques, amphetamines, tranquillisants, et hallucingens |
Bull. Stupef. |
1967 |
Gonzales EA Balourdas TA |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD25)'s effects on the microcirculation |
Pharmacologist |
1967 |
Szara S, Morotn DM, Aiken... |
Comparison of hallucinogenic and nonhallucinogenic congeners of region... |
Pharmacologist |
1967 |
Votava Z, Glisson SN, Him... |
Behavioral reaction of rats pretreated with reserpine to LSD-25 |
Int. J. Neuropharmac... |
1967 |
McGlothlin W, Cohen S, Mc... |
Long lasting effects of LSD on normals |
Arch Gen Psychiat |
1967 |
Le LSD 25 et les drogues hallucinogènes |
Concours méd |
1967 |
A propos du LSD 25 et des drogues hallucinogènes |
J Méd Nord et Est |
1967 |
Uyeno ET |
Hallucinogenic compounds and swimming response |
J. Pharmacol.exp.The... |
1968 |
Zsigmond EK |
Letters to the editor of clinical workshop. Anesthetic Considerations ... |
Anesthesiology |
1968 |
Editorial |
Hallucinogenic drugs |
Medical Journal of A... |
1968 |
Geber WF |
Le LSD et d'autres hallucinogènes sont tératogènes |
Trib méd |
1968 |
Louria DB |
Lysergic acid diethylamide |
1968 |
Editorial |
La drogue du siècle: le LSD. Les psycho-dysleptiques. Qu'est-ce qu'un ... |
Méd. Prat. |
1968 |
Genest P |
Étude cytogénétique des hallucinogènes, Essai préliminaire de la lyser... |
Laval Méd. |
1969 |
Uyeno ET |
Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on the maternal behavior of the ... |
Journal of Psycholog... |
1970 |
Barnes DT, Whitaker LH, S... |
The uses and abuses of L.S.D. and other hallucinogenic drugs. |
Australian and New Z... |
1970 |
Lochaya E |
The Strange Trip of Dr. Hofmann |
Health News |
1970 |
McGlothlin W, Jamison K, ... |
Marijuana and the use of other drugs |
Nature |
1970 |
Gessner PK |
Pharmacological studies of 5-methoxy-n,n-dimethyltryptamine, LSD and o... |
Psychotomimetic Drug... |
1970 |
Hofmann A |
The discovery of LSD and subsequent investigations on naturally occurr... |
Discoveries in Biolo... |
1970 |
Barfknecht CF, Nichols DE |
Potential psychotomimetics, Bromomethoxyamphetamines |
J Med Chem |
1971 |
Barfknecht CF, Nichols DE |
Potential psychotomimetics. Bromomethoxyamphetamines |
J Med Chem |
1971 |
Madow L, Snow LH |
The psychodynamic implications of the physiological studies on psychom... |
1971 |
Wanted: a fast trip back from LSD. Hallucinogen research may also aid... |
Med Wld News |
1971 |
Zacune J, Hensman C |
Non-medical use of LSD and hallucinogenic drugs |
Drugs, alcohol and t... |
1971 |
Connell PH |
Hallucinogens |
Side effects of drug... |
1972 |
Consroe PF |
Specific pharmacological management of acute toxicity due to psychedel... |
Arizona Medicine. |
1972 |
Domino EF, Bartolini A |
Effects of various psychotomimetic agents on the EEG and acetylcholine... |
Neuropharmacoloy |
1972 |
Voss EW |
Immunochemistry of tryptophan related drugs |
Final Report: NIMH G... |
1972 |
Carlsson A, Bédard P, Lin... |
The Influence of Nerve Impulse- Flow on the Synthesis and Metabolism o... |
Biochem.Soc.Symp. |
1972 |
Girdano DA, Girdano DD |
LSD and other hallucinogens |
Drug education: cont... |
1972 |
Grof S |
LSD and the Cosmic Game: Outline of Psychedelic Cosmology and Ontology |
Journal for the Stud... |
1972 |
Labhard F, Wyss P |
Drognes modernes et schizophrénie |
Schweiz.Arch.Neurol.... |
1973 |
Meares R, Horvath T |
A Physiological Difference Between Hallucinosis and Schizophrenia |
Brit Psychiat |
1973 |
Wholes NW |
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA... |
Proc Soc Exp Biol Me... |
1973 |
Soskin RA, Grof S, Richar... |
Low Doses of Dipropyltryptamine in Psychotherapy |
Arch Gen Psychiat |
1973 |
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Gomita... |
State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning) with Hallucinogens... |
Jap.Pharmacol. |
1973 |
Barfknecht CF, Nichols DE... |
Potential Psychotomimetics. 2-Amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Anal... |
J Med Chem |
1973 |
Remschmidt H |
Psychotische Zustandebilder bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten |
Münch. med. Wschr. |
1973 |
Wittwer JD, Kluckhohn JH |
Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of LSD |
J of Chromatographic... |
1973 |
Turek IS, Soskin RA, Kurl... |
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Subjective Effects |
Journal of Psychedel... |
1974 |
De Faubert Maunder MJ |
A field test for hallucinogens: further improvements |
J.Pharm.Pharmacol. |
1974 |
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sak... |
Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic ac... |
Biochem Pharmacol |
1974 |
Berridge MJ, Prince WT |
The Nature Of The Binding Between LSD And A 5-HT Receptor: A Possible ... |
Br J. Pharmac. |
1974 |
Caldwell J, Sever PS |
The biochemical pharmacology of abused drugs 1. Amphetamines, cocaine,... |
Clin.Pharmacol.Ther. |
1974 |
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Ueki S |
State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning). III. State-Depend... |
Jap J Pharmacol |
1974 |
Martin WR, Sloan JW |
The possible role of tryptamine in brain function and its relationship... |
Mount Sinai Journal ... |
1974 |
McCloskey KL, Franz DN |
Effects of LSD, Mescaline and Psilocybin on Sympathetic Preganglionic ... |
Pharmacologist |
1974 |
Moorthy AS |
Mitotic and meiotic chromosome analyses in normal and hallucinogenic d... |
Dissertation Abstr. ... |
1974 |
Siegal RK, Brewster JM, J... |
An Obsservational Study of Hallucinogen-Induced Behavior in Unrestrain... |
Psychopharmacologia |
1974 |
Rappoport M, Cornish H |
The Effect of Two Hallucinogens on in Vivo Concentrations of Cyclic AM... |
Toxicol. appl. Pharm... |
1974 |
Sivadjian J |
Similitudes et differences dans l'activite de deux hallucinogenes, la ... |
J Pharmacol |
1974 |