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All References with Titles containing 'lsd metaboli' OR with Authors including 'lsd metaboli' OR with Abstract including 'lsd metaboli' OR with Keywords including 'lsd metaboli'

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Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... Psychological and biochemical effects of lysergic acid diethylamide Nature 1951
Hoff H, Arnold OH Die Therapie der Schizophrenie Wien. klin. Wehnschr... 1954
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25). Part 1. Gene... J. Fac. Med. Iraq. 1954
Lewis JL, McIlwain H The action of some ergot derivatives, mescaline and dibenamine on the ... Boichem. J. 1954
Hoagland H, Rinkel M, Hyd... Adrenocortical function and urinary phosphate excretion. Comparison i... Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... 1955
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrin... J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1956
Boyd E Preliminary studies on the metabolism of LSD. (From "Lysergic acid die... Grune & Stratton, Ne... 1956
Perlin S Psychophysiologic variables in the study of the effect of LSD-25 on ce... Psychiatr. Res. Rep. 1956
Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Szára, S Dimethyltryptamin: Its Metabolism in Man the Relation of its Psychotic... Experientia 1956
Woolley DW, Shaw EN Evidence for the participation of serotonin in mental processes. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Abood LG, Romanchek L The chemical constitution and biochemical effects of psychotherapeutic... Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Pennes HH The nature of drugs with mental actions and their relation to cerebral... Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med... 1957
Burton RM, Sodd MA, Goldi... Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on barbiturate anesthesia Arch. internat. phar... 1957
Freter K, Axelrod J, Witk... Studies on the chemical and enzymatic oxidation of lysergic acid dieth... J. Amer.Chem. Soc. 1957
Rinkel M Pharmacodynamics of LSD and mescaline J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Action de certains barbituriques neuroleptiques, tranquillisants et st... Psychotropic drugs E... 1957
Haley TJ Pharmacological actions from intracerebral drug injections Psychotropic drugs 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Effets de la 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), de la diéthylamine de l'acide ... Compt. rend Soc. bio... 1957
Pierre R, Cahn J, Herold ... Actions de la 21 hydroxypregnanedione et du méthyl-androstanolone sur ... Thérapie 1958
Boyd ES Metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. Fed. Proc. 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. de... 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1958
Herold M, Cahn J, Dubrasq... Contribution á un concept biochimique des psychoses experiméntales. V... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1958
Cerletti A Biochemie, Physiologie und Pharmakologie des 5-Hydroxytryptamins (Sero... Helv. med. Acta 1958
Woolley DW Serotonin in mental disorders Res. Publ. Ass. Nerv... 1958
Cerletti A The LSD psychosis. Pharmacological aspects of the LSD psychosis. Chemical concepts of... 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. Pr... Presse méd. 1958
Brengelmann JC, Pare CMB,... Alleviation of the psychological effects of LSD in man by 5-hydroxytry... J.Ment.Sc. 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. VI... C.R.Soc.Biol. 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. VI... C. R. Soc. Biol. 1958
Slaytor M, Pennefather JN... Metabolites of LSD and ergonovine. Experientia 1959
Glow PH Some aspects of the effects of acute reserpine treatment on behavior. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.&... 1959
Egana E, Candiani S Effects of the LSD-25 on the behavior of rats and on the metabolic ind... IInd International C... 1959
Cahn J, Herold M Modifications du metabolisme cerebral chez le lapin in-vivo sous l'act... IInd International C... 1959
Boyd ES The metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. Arch.internat.pharma... 1959
Brown BB Pharmacologic aspects of LSD-25 J.Wadsworth Gen.Hosp... 1959
Abramson HA The effect of respiratory poisons and anoxia on Siamese fighting fish ... Neuropharmacology. ... 1959
Tissot R Essai d'interprétation neuro-physiologique et pharmacologique de quelq... Méd. et Hyg. 1959
Elmadjian F Excretion and metabolism of epinephrine and norepinephrine in man. Molecules and Mental... 1959
Mahler DJ, Humoller FL Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide and bufotenine on performance of ... Proc. Soc. exper. Bi... 1959
Woolley DW Serotonin in mental disorders Dis.Nerv.System 1960
Sankar DVS Biochemical aspects of "LSD-psychosis" Fed.Proc. 1960
Masuda M, Dorpat TL Urinary aromatic metabolites in normal subjects after LSD J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1960
Bradley CA, Miya TS, Yim ... The Effect of Certain Psychopharmacologic Agents on Liver and Brain Su... J.Neuropsychiat. 1961
Sakamoto K LSD-25, mescaline induced psychosis and catechol amine metabolism Folia psychiat. neur... 1961
Hertle F, Zipf KE, Brogha... Beobachtungen über Stoffwechselverhalten, Muskeltonus und einige Kreis... Arch. Psychiat. Nerv... 1962
Siva Sankar DV, Phipps E,... Effect of LSD, BOL, and chlorpromazine on "neurohormone" metabolism Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1962
Weltman AS, Sackler AM Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on growth metabolism and... J. pharm. Sci. 1965
Weltman AS, Sachler AM Metabolic and endocrine effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25)... J. Endocr. 1966
Szara S, Morotn DM, Aiken... Comparison of hallucinogenic and nonhallucinogenic congeners of region... Pharmacologist 1967
Diaz P, Ngai SH, Costa E The effect of LSD on the metabolism of rat brain serotonin Pharmacologist 1967
Vojtéchovský M, Krus D, K... The influence of tryptophane and 5-HTP pretreatment on experimental ps... Active.nerv.sup (Pra... 1967
Máthé V, Kassay G Effect of LSD-25 (lysergic acid diethylamide) on the energetic metabol... Int. Pharmacopsychia... 1968
Kabes J, Fink Z Spontaneous motor activity and acetylcholine brain metabolism in rats ... 4th International co... 1969
Appel JB, Sheard, MH, Fre... Alterations in the behavioral effects of LSD by midbrain raphe lesions... Behavioral. Biology. 1970
Foote WE, Lieb JP, Martz ... Effect of hydrocortisone on single unit activity: in midbrain raphe. Brain Research 1972
Voss EW Immunochemistry of tryptophan related drugs Final Report: NIMH G... 1972
Carlsson A, Bédard P, Lin... The Influence of Nerve Impulse- Flow on the Synthesis and Metabolism o... Biochem.Soc.Symp. 1972
Messiha FS, Grof S D-Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) - Effect on biogenic amines excreti... Biochem Pharmacol 1973
Nomura J, Hisamatsu K, Ma... Stress and Cerebro-Hepatic Axis with Special Reference to Steroids Met... Psychoneuroendocrino... 1973
Boggan WO, Freedman D LSD tolerance and brain serotonin metabolism Fed Proc 1973
Green DE, Hertel RH Rapid, Automated Analysis of Drugs by Direct, Multiple-Ion Detection Abstr Papers, Am Che... 1973
Nichols DE Potential Psychotomimetics Bromomethoxyamphetamines And Structural Con... Diss.Abstr.Intern. B 1973
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sak... Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic ac... Biochem Pharmacol 1974
Agarwal MK Analysis Of The Influence Of Selected Neurotropic Agents On Hepatic Me... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1974
Costello CE, Hertz HS, Sa... Routine Use of a Flexible Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer - Comput... Clin.Chem. 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sak... Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic ac... Biochem Pharmaol 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Na... Studies on Enzymatic Dealkylation of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD... Biochem Pharmacol 1974
Stolkl JM, Barchas JD, Go... A Comparison of Psychotomimetic Drug Effects on Rat Brain Norepinephri... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1974
Fossati C I Danni Provocati Dall'abuso di Bevande Alcooliche: Possibilita di Dis... Clin Ter 1974
Freedman DX, Boggan WO Brain Serotonin Metabolism After Tolerance Dosage of LSD Advances in Biochemi... 1974
Hamon M, Glowinski J Regulatlon of Serotonin Synthesis. Life Sci 1974
McMahon D Chemical Messengers in Development: A Hypothesis. Differentiation of e... Science 1974
Roizin L, Schneider J, Wi... Effects of prolonged LSD-25 administration upon neurons of spinal cord... J. Neuropath. exp. N... 1974
Voss EW, Cobb NC Enzyme Capable of Modifying d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Rabb... Biochem.Biophys.Res.... 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T Studies on the P-450 Difference Spectra induced by Lysergic Acid Dieth... Chem.Pharm.Bull. 1975
Siva Sankar DV LSD-a Total Study   1975
Herman ZS 5-Hydroxytptamine Metabolism in the Brain Under the Influence of Psych... Pol.J.Pharmacol.Phar... 1975
Kostowski W Interactions between Serotonergic and Catecholaminergic Systems in the... Pol.J.Pharmacol.Phar... 1975
Appel JB Neurohumoral Determinants of Sensitivity to LSD Psychopharmacol. Bul... 1976
Back DJ, Singh JKG The Biliary Excretion of (3H) Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Wistar and... Experientia 1976
Belanger M, Chibon P, Cou... Etude radiologique des effets du LSD-25 sur l'amphibien pleurodeles wa... Compt.Rend.Soc.Biol. 1976
Hamon M, Bourgoin S, Enja... The Effects of Quipazine on 5-HT Metabolism in the Rat Brain Naunyn Schmiedebergs... 1976
Lapin IP Depressor Affect of Kynurenine and Its Metabolites in Rats Life Sci. 1976
Curzon G, Marsden CA Effect of LSD on rat brain 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism at elevated ... Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1976
Bourgoin S, Artaud F, Enj... Acute Changes In Central Serotonin Metabolism Induced By The Blockade ... J. Pharmacol. exp. T... 1977
Chekman IS, Potemkina NN,... Nicotinamide Coenzymes as the Object of Action of Medicines and poison... Farmakol.Toksikol. 1977
Gatzke HD Autoradiographische Untersuchungen zur Frage der Beeinflussbarkeit den... Arzueimittel-Forsch. 1977
Hashimoto H, Hayashi M, N... Actions Of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) And Its Derivatives On 5... European Journal of ... 1977
Hasimoto H, Hayashi M, Na... Hyperthermic Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and its Der... Arch. int. Pharmacod... 1977
Jaton AL, Loew DM, Vigour... Turning behaviour elicited by apomorphine, (+)-amphetamine and three e... Brit J. Pharmacol. 1977
Messiha FS Dopamine, the Psyche, and Extrapyramidal Disorders Clin.Pharmacol.Ther. 1977
Waldmeier PC, Maître L Neurochemical Investigations of the Interaction of N,N-Dimethyltryptam... Psychopharmacology 1977
Marquardt GM, DiStefano V... Pharmacological and Toxicological Effects of B-3,4-Methylenedioxyamphe... Toxicol.Appl.Pharmac... 1978
Moffat A C Analytical Chemistry and Drug Metabolism. Proc.Anal.Div.Chem.S... 1978
Green JP, Weinstein H, Ma... Defining the Histamine H2- Receptor in Brain: The Interaction With LSD QUASAR. Quantitative... 1978
Burki HR, Asper H, Ruch W... Bromocriptine, dihydroergotoxine, methysergide, d-LSD, CF-25-397, and ... Psychopharmacology 1978

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