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Hance AJ, Bradley PB.
“The effects of intraventricular injections of drugs on the electrical activity of the brain of the conscious cat”.
Twentieth International Physiological Congress. 1956 Jul-Aug;Abstracts of Communi:391.
The effects of intraventricular injections of epinephrine, serotonin, amphetamine, LSD and BOL on the EEG and behavior of cats. Epinephrine and Serotonin increased slow activity in the EEG which correlated with changes in behavior. When these 2 drugs were followed or preceded by amphetamine or LSD given i.p., behavior showed little change but EEG effects were modified. Thus, amphetamine, following epinephrine or serotonin, no longer caused hyperactivity although it produced alerting in the EEG. Similarly LSD (20-25 mcg./kg i.p.) no longer caused alerting of behavior but in some cases increased the sedation observed after intraventricular epinephrine or serotonin and also caused high voltage rhythmic activity at 4 to 6 cps in the EEG which responded only transitorily to sensory stimulation. LSD alone (100-200 mcg. intraventricularly) produced rhythmic activity of 4 to 6 cps and some sedation. BOL (similar doses given intraventricularly or intraperitoneally) caused sedation without rhythmic EEG activity. Amphetamine had little or no effect on either EEG or behavior when given intraventricularly except in very large doses which caused licking, vomiting and mild sedation. The above mentioned effects of LSD may be specific as they were not observed after BOL and may be related to its psychological effects. (Cf. Bradley & Hance, No. 227 and Elkes et al., No. 64)
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