Erowid References Database
Welsh JH.
“Serotonin as a possible neurohumoral agent: evidence obtained in lower animals.”.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc.. 1957;66:618.
Serotonin occurs in a variety of non-nervous tissues in lower vertebrates and in invertebrates. It also appears to be present in the nervous system of molluscs and crustaceans. . In the mollusc Venus mercenaria, serotonin has a cardio-excitor action which can be partly blocked by DHE, which itself exerts a cardio-excitor action. In very low concentrations, LSD mimics the effects of serotonin on the heart of Venus mercenaria. . In crustaceans, e.g. Cancer borealis, serotonin exerts a cardio-regulatory action. . In molluscs, e.g. Mytilus, serotonin relaxes certain non-cardiac muscle and appears to be a product of some inhibitor nerves.
Notes # : (auch DHE-Erw.A) |
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