Erowid References Database
Pierre R.
“Influence de la sérotonine, de dérivés de la phénothiazine, de stéroides, de tranquillisants sur l'EEG du lapin intoxiqué par le diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique. II. Action sur la réaction d'eveil produite par la LSD.”.
Compt. rend. Soc. biol.. 1957;151:1135.
The arousal reaction induced by 50 mcg/kg LSD i.v. (Cf. No. 419) was inhibited slightly by serotonin (5 mg/kg) and viadril when these drugs were given before LSD. When given after LSD, serotonin (12.5 mg/kg) and plegicil completely suppressed the EEG changes. Chlorpromazine had only a moderate inhibiting effect. Mopazine and meprobamate had a very slight effect. The steroids were not studied after administration of LSD.
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