Erowid References Database
Arendsen-Hein GW.
“Hallucinogenic drugs. Specific problems”.
Lancet. 1961;1:445.
Short report of society proceedings. . "Criminal psychopathy is an even more obstinate (and dangerous) condition, and the work of the author was of particular importance. A modern therapeutic regimen had helped many of his cases, but systemic LSD treatment had been started for those who, being physically fit, non-psychotic, averagely intelligent, and anxious for recovery, were of longstanding severe psychopathic criminality and quite untouched by ordinary therapeutic contact. Under this regimen, abreaction took place, conflicts were revealed, resistance fell, and introspection and insight increased: a new capacity for human relationships was formed. The subjects showed less fear of LSD than of other treatments and cooperated well. Fourteen of 21 cases were clinically improved though a longer follow-up was awaited. Dr. Arendsen-Heim was sure we should re-think our belief in the intractability of psychopaths: this method enabled us to penetrate deeply and bring about changes in personality formerly thought impossible."
Notes # : Proc. Quart. Meet. Royal Med.-Psychol. Ass., London, Feb. 15-17, 1961 |
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