Erowid References Database
Graf M, Pletscher A.
“Pharmacological characterization of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) receptor of blood platelets.”.
Experientia (Basel). 1978;34(7):924.
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5HT) causes a reversible shape change of platelets in plasma, manifested by a decrease in light transmission. In the present work, pharmacological specificity of the 5HT receptor of platelets and possible analogs with those of CNS were investigated using suspensions of rabbit platelets in an artificial medium. Among a great variety of drugs, tryptamine and derivatives (especially 5HT), quipazine (5HT receptor agonist) and ADP caused the most pronounced shape change (ED50 5 x 10-6 to 2 x 10-7 M). Mescaline was weaker (ED50 3 x 10-5 M). The most potent antagonists of the shape change induced by 10-6 M 5HT were ergoline derivatives, cinanserine and neuroleptic drugs (IC50 10-9 to 10-9M). In contrast, methysergide was a weak inhibitor of the ADP-induced shape change (IC50>10-4 M). D-LSD was a mixed 5HT antagonist/agonist. Rabbit platelets contain receptors which are relatively specific for tryptamine derivatives and whose pharmacological properties seem to be partly similar to-those of some 5HT receptors in CNS.
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