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Newsgroups: alt.drugs.culture
Subject: legal e
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 17:33:42 GMT

Reported characteristics of this product, beyond smart drug capacity,
include highly increased energy levels, euphoric stimulation, tingly skin
sensations, enhanced sensory processing, mood enhancement and increased
sexual sensations.Unlike it¹s chemical counterpart this 100% natural and
herbal product has no side effects and detoxifies your entire system
whilst producing a considerable range of pleasurable effects.

   Utilizing the combined efforts of six master herbalists from countries
around the world including Africa, Brazil, China, the United States and
Australia, several rare and hard to find versions of popular herbs were
located and tapped at their sources. The herbs were then reformulated and
synergistically blended to produce Herbal Ecstacy¹s unique effect.

   Thousands of people all over the world have turned to this all organic
product as a viable alternative to harmful chemical stimulants and other
drugs.This visionary product has been designed to provide the nineties
mass market consumer with the benefits of the earth¹s medicinal herbs and
an alternative to harmful recreational substances.

   The health risks of chemical drugs and illegal substances are making
their use less desirable to a segment of adults that is becoming more
health concious. Herbal Ecstacy and products like it may be the
alternative to drugs and the choice for this generation and generations to

Please note the following formula is 100% natural and organic, composed
solely of herbs, using a vegetable tableting agent.  No additional
ingredients are used whatsoever!

Tibetian Ma Huang, Chinese Black Ginseng Root, German Wild Ginkgo Biloba,
African Raw Cola Nut, Wild Brazilian Guarana, Indonesian Green Tea
Extract, Russian Gotu-Kola, Australian Fo-Ti-Teng and Rou Gui (rare form
of Chinese Nutmeg).
Total tablet weight 750 mg.
Total active ingredient 650 mg.
Tableting agent: corn derived vegetable stabilizer 100 mg.
Tablet coating: 100% natural/blackberry concentrate and vegetable stabilizer.

Herbal Ecstacy is manufactured in strict compliance with all guidelines of
the Food and Drug Administration, throughout the United States, Canada,
the United Kingdom and Australia and is under the supervision of the US.
Department of Health Services Food and Drug Branch. Sales and distribution
throughout the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia are in
compliance with all government regulations.
Herbal Ecstacy also has the ŒNational Association of Advanced Food
Supplements (U.S.A.)¹ seal of approval.

Standardized: supreme quality and consistency. This product is
standardized to have the perfect amounts in every tablet.
Amino acids: this powerful blend contains all eighteen amino acids in
complete form.
Antioxidants: helps prevent free-radical damage to cells. If left
unchecked, these highly reactive, free radical, molecules attack the
cellular walls and may cause some damage.
Thermogens: rare forms of popular herbs are synergistically blended to
create the most powerful thermogenic compound available today. Burns
calories through heat generation.
Metabolizers: increases metabolism. Burns calories and maintains lean mass.
Vegetarian: no animal products are used whatsoever.
100% natural: no preservatives, additives or other impurities.

Thermogenesis (burning fat/build raw muscle).
      Many clinical trials have pointed to ma haung in combination with
green tea and cola nut as being one of the most effective mixtures that
reduces fat mass, while preserving fat-free (lean) mass. Further studies
have shown the greatest advantage can be realized when purified,
standardized extracts are used. This ensures the proper ratio of active

What people around the world say about Herbal Ecstacy.
      ³It is the perfect blend of energy, endurance and stamina and gives
me the boost i need to get going². Charles Pearson - Hollywood, U.S.A.
       ³Pure, raw energy.I use it to burn fat, build raw muscle and to
stay alert. Truely the best stuff on the market². Jonathan Moore -
Montreal, Canada.
       ³It keeps me mentally alert and stimulates my thinking. An
exceptional product². Susan Sander - Sydney, Australia
       ³This stuff is amazing. A nice clean rush of energy that brought a
big smile to my face and left me feeling extremely positive without any
downside at all.² Robert Andrews - Birmingham, England.
       ³One tablet every other day for 30 days is all I needed to lose 20
pounds.² Karen Wilson - Oregon, U.S.A.
       ³A healthy, tingly and euphoric rush of energy....sheer ecstacy!²
Joel Rider - World Health Review.
       ³...the f@*@er actually works! get what can only be described
as a fantastically light headed, tingly happy-happy buzz.² Herb Garden
magazine - England.
       ³Herbal ecstacy acts on the same basis as MDMA, triggering similar,
but not identical, physical reactions in the body² Peter Noah - URB
       ³Herbal ecstacy is more than just another smart drug. It is a
carefully formulated and thoroughly tested organic alternative² Dr. Janis
Burton - New Psychology Magazine.