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Old Vendor Complaints
Descriptions of Complaints submitted about Various Vendors
by Erowid
NOTE: This page is an archive of old complaints and complaints on this page may no longer be valid, please do not assume that inclusion on this page indicates a vendor is still having problems with customers.

Click here for Current Vendor Complaints.

November 29, 2001:

In the summer of 2001, the original owner of Shaman's Garden re-took control of the business from the individual who had been running it (and failing to provide products) for the past year. As of this fall, the original owners made an offer to fulfill any orders which had gone unfilled and we have received several notes telling us that they made good on this promise. According to the original (and now current) owners, as of November 2001 they have responded to each complaint and problem. Unless we hear otherwise, we now consider the previous complaints resolved and Shaman's Garden to be in good standing.

May 2001:
Erowid received an influx of complaints about Shaman's Garden in April 2001. In each case the complaint was similar...a product was ordered, the charge was placed on the customer's credit card, then no product arrived. No responses were received to emails or phone calls to the contact information given on the shaman's garden web site. Additional complaints were also being aired on various related message boards. Erowid sent two notes to Shaman's Garden asking for a response to these complaints (one on April 19, and another on April 25). No response was received.

One customer contacted the web hosting company for Shaman's Garden to place an official complaint against the company. The hosting company contacted Shaman's Garden but also received no reply, so the Shaman's Garden web site was shut down as of May 14, 2001. Following are copies of the email sent to Shaman's Garden by their hosting company.

Date: Tue May 08, 2001
From: (Web Hosting Company)
Subject: Fraud complaint...
Hello -

We have received serious complaint in regards to your site at An individual claims that he has done business with you through your site and has not received the product ordered, nor have his emails sent to your business been answered.

Your business appears to have been reported to the Hawaii Better Business Bureau - the report states that you have been contacted multiple times without reply.

There is also a thriving message board that chronicles numerous complaints about your service from numerous users. It appears that this is not an isolated case.

Another site has numerous complaints about your business, along the same lines mentioned previously.

Our terms and conditions specifically state that fraudulent activity is NOT allowed on our servers, with penalty of cancellation without refund. Please submit your response to within 24 hours to ensure continued service to your account.

- [Hosting Company Representative]

Date: Mon May 14, 2001
From: (Web Hosting Company)
Subject: Fraud complaint...
Hello -

As per our terms of service, your account has been permanently disabled without refund for apparent online fraud. I contacted you approximately a week ago to gain your response to these allegations and have not heard back, and have received other complaints in that time from those who haven't received their orders from your business.

- [Hosting Company Representative]