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Any reports with DiPT
(80 Total)

Very Highly Recommended Long Lost Novelty Restored Kaleida DiPT 2016 Feb 23
Very Highly Recommended Not Unlike a Velvety, Saucey, French Dish Acrimonius Funk DiPT & Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2006 Oct 19
Highly Recommended Collisions of Thought NutterButter DiPT 2004 Aug 16
Recommended Scary, Interesting and Unique ziomale DiPT 2021 Jul 15
Recommended Fusion Diode DiPT & DMT 2019 Mar 29
Recommended Exactly as Advertised nervewing DiPT 2018 Sep 19
Recommended The Founding Of A New Religion Eilyfe DiPT & 4-HO-MET 2014 Jul 10
Recommended Demonic Parallel Universe mindexplorer DiPT, Etizolam & MDMA 2012 Feb 06
Recommended Like Listening to your Favourite Songs for the First Time peruviankush DIPT 2012 Feb 03
Recommended When the Sounds DiPT Down LucidStudies DiPT & Cannabis 2007 Oct 18
Recommended Three Trials - Great Thing myself DiPT 2006 Feb 14
Recommended Completely Altered Xorkoth DiPT 2005 Oct 19
Recommended Asynchronous Synchronicity Jamshyd DiPT 2004 Mar 12
Recommended Magnificently Perplexed Luke DiPT, 4-AcO-DET & Absinthe 2004 Jan 06
Recommended Energies Were Communicating With Me Morninggloryseed DiPT 2003 Jun 06
Recommended Bohemian DIPTsody Borkhane DiPT 2003 Jun 02
Recommended Music Was Broken Anonymous DiPT 2002 May 12
Recommended Noticable Differences In Music and Sounds Napoleon 5-MeO-DiPT & DiPT 2002 Feb 14
Souls Tuner Karcinogenious LSD, Cannabis & DIPT 2021 Jan 20
An Enlightening Threshold Goddess Mode DiPT & Cannabis 2019 Apr 11
A Ring Modulator Stuck in My Ears Conquistador DiPT 2010 Apr 23
Wandering Into a Cult Gathering LucidStudies DiPT 2008 Feb 09
Long-Term Auditory Problems Boxarity DiPT 2007 Aug 23
An Economical Auditory Adventure Azureskies DiPT 2007 Mar 15
Technological Trip Prozak DiPT 2006 Jul 17
My Possessions Are Links on My Comfort Chain Lucidistortions DiPT & DXM 2006 Jul 14
A Gentle but Intriguing Introduction Way DiPT & Cannabis 2005 Feb 04
Rapture Surprise julien DiPT 2004 Aug 16
As Expected Fragbait DiPT 2004 Jan 02
DiPT-whipped Wifetaker DiPT 2003 May 21
Deep & Slow Dipt down sounds DiPT 2002 May 14
Freebasing Tryptamines... Dingo DIPT / 5MEO-DIPT 2002 Feb 10
DiPT Distortion EuFiHel DiPT & Cannabis 2001 Feb 27
Through the Ears of a Psychedelic-Virgin Harri Seldon DiPT 2020 Jul 16
Doppler Effect CallMeGhost DiPT 2017 Aug 16
Chorus of Sensation chronular DIPT (misidentification suspected) 2016 Sep 15
Aural Depths Andrew DiPT 2010 Aug 09
Unique and Easy to Identify JKK DiPT 2010 Jan 24
Profound Auditory Effects Greghead DiPT 2008 Jul 24
Mentally Blown for 24 Hours Unformed DiPT & Cacti (San Pedro) 2008 Jan 16
To Hear the Infinite Dj49 DiPT 2006 Jul 17
I Was an iDIoPT for Believing Meodid DiPT 2006 Feb 15
Interesting. caw DiPT & Methylone 2005 Nov 03
A Drug You Can Taste Whilst Sober NOISEassault DiPT 2004 Nov 17
'This Isn't Right' Squirel DXM & DiPT 2004 Nov 03
Erotic Phinslit DiPT 2004 Jul 14
Sheer Intensity Julien DiPT 2004 Jul 11
Bird Chirping Overtones Flying Hamster DiPT & Cannabis 2004 Jul 05
Band Rehearsal Q. DiPT 2004 Mar 12
The Nobodies And The Growling Stereo Luke DiPT 2003 Dec 26
More Tripping & Revelations Borkhane DiPT 2003 Sep 05
Cloudland into Dreamtime Turns - Tryps on Tour DINGO AMT, DPT, DiPT, & 5-MeO-DiPT 2003 Aug 07
Way Too High Wilocybin DiPT 2003 Apr 25
Undescribably Weird Fragbait DiPT 2003 Feb 26
More Research is Called For Gumby DiPT 2003 Jan 20
Unexpected Call Catfish Rivers DPT, DiPT, GBL, Cannabis, & Wormwood extract 2003 Jan 04
3 Tries Aztec Cricket DiPT 2002 Sep 09
Unexpectedly Potent Moander DiPT 2002 Aug 09
The Idiot Savant of Psychedelics 77k DIPT 2001 May 23
Am I Hearing Things? Cyril DiPT 2000 Oct 10
DiPT in Cuba Jimmy DiPT 2000 Jul 18
Aural Effects Began to Take Precedence Mydriasis Aletheia DiPT 2022 Nov 22
Tinnitus and Therapy HDM DiPT 2021 Nov 01
Drowning Cybermen, Didgeridoos, Baleen Whales. HDM DiPT 2021 Sep 19
Gritty Music and Lots of Eye Candy Brad 4-AcO-DMT & DiPT 2019 Feb 09
Nothing Special Psilocybe DiPT 2008 Sep 22
Hit Me Like a Ton of Bricks Mac Salvia divinorum (10x extract), DiPT, Cannabis & Alcohol 2004 Jul 23
Ha Ha I See Sounds kidfun DiPT & Cannabis 2004 Jul 23
Underated Psychedelic Experience Trippingsnake DiPT 2004 Jul 05
Not Very Intense aeonaeonaeon 4-AcO-DiPT & DiPT 2004 Mar 12
Benificial as a Booster Morninggloryseed DiPT & MiPT 2003 Aug 25
Half Way There philosophicus DiPT (freebase) 2003 Jun 30
The Blind Fox Pyrotix DiPT & Cannabis 2003 Apr 25
Deep & Slow (part 2) Will It Ever End? DiPT 2002 May 22
Confrontation With the Auditory Hallucinogen Fistman DiPT 2002 Feb 15
I Missed Christmas Because of Drugs chigz DiPT & DXM 2002 Feb 14
Appreciating the Music All Over Again Cartoon=koan Syrian Rue & DiPT 2004 Mar 12
My Most Blissfull Hell Mormon Druggie DiPT 2003 Jul 30
Freebasing Tryptamines a Farce? Trauma DiPT 2002 May 05
Diisopropyl How the Flop Does this Work? dmtg666 DIPT 2001 Jun 28

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

COPYRIGHTS: All reports copyright Erowid.
TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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