Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
Donations $20 and higher are being doubled!
Erowid is a global information resource. We're an educational non-profit that
provides a balanced, honest look at psychoactive drugs and drug use--to
reduce harms, improve benefits, and support appropriate policies.
How to Participiate in
Erowid Re-Visioning
Jun 2005
Introduction #
As part of Erowid's ten-year anniversary, it's time to take a step back and look at our overall mission and direction. Many parts of our original vision have been partially or completely realized, so it's a good time to survey what we're doing and where we're heading.

In January 2005, we began holding a series of re-visioning meetings with Erowid supporters. While this process is far from finished, we've had two formal meetings (in San Francisco and Seattle) and many casual conversations with members and friends around the world. As the year continues we'll be working to involve more of the community in this conversation.

Learn More #
If you're here, you should already have read "The Process of Re-Visioning" from Issue 8 of Erowid Extracts, which is a brief overview of what we've been doing and have done so far.

If you're interested in learning more, the next step is to read through the summary of this process so far: June 2005 Status of the re-visioning process so far: June 2005 Status of Re-Visioning. Please read this before continuing.

Participate #
Starting in June 2005, we'd like to invite members, volunteers, and others who have a long term interest in the Erowid project to participate. We'd like to have everyone fill out the survey form below. If you include your email address with the survey, you'll be invited to join an email list for discussing the future of Erowid.

Survey #
Erowid Re-Visioning Survey 1 : members and crew   (June 2005)
Submitter Name
Email Address (required only if you want to join a re-visioning discussion list)
How old are you?
How long have you been an Erowid donor/member volunteer/crew?
Have you ever worked on Erowid, either as a volunteer, editor, triager, paid staff, or otherwise? (not including experience or article submissions)
Have you ever submitted articles, experiences, images, or other content you've written? (not including editing, experience triaging/review, corrections, etc.)
Have you participated in any Erowid re-visioning meetings or discussions before this?

For the following questions, please think in terms of time and energy spent in the next year. Understand that resources are quite limited. : Do you think that Erowid should work on an alternate version of the website that would be designed to suit doctors, lawyers, and researchers? This would include a different look and feel as well as somewhat different interfaces that would be geared towards their interests?
User Ratings / Comments: Do you think that Erowid should allow the general visitor to comment publicly on documents and rate them?
Subscribe to Topics: Do you think Erowid should work on a system for allowing visitors to subscribe via email or RSS to receive information as it is added to a user-selected list of topics?
Image processing : Do you think Erowid should spend time on a system to improve the image submissions system? Reviewing, grading, editing images that are submitted, increasing the number published?
Interactions Database : Do you think Erowid should spend time on building a system for collecting and displaying interactions between pharmaceuticals and the psychoactive plants and chemicals Erowid covers?
Experiences Improvements : Do you think Erowid should spend time on improving and expanding the Experience Reports system? Including more structured report format alternatives, visitor comments, visitor ratings, heavier cross linking between sections, etc.?
Reporter Resources : Do you think Erowid should spend time on developing resources catered to reporters? These would include timely press releases, articles and collections of quotable snippets that provide alternative views, links to references that critique current research and politics, as well as image resources to illustrate stories?

For the following questions, please refer to the list on the Re-Visioning June 2005 Overview page.
Top Priorities : Which of the identified projects should be Erowid's top priority?
Top Priority 2 : Which of the identified projects should be Erowid's second priority?
Lowest Priority 1 : Which of the identified projects should be Erowid's LOWEST priority?
Lowest Priority 2 : Which of the identified projects should be Erowid's second LOWEST priority?
Other Project Ideas This Year : Other than those listed already, what project do you think Erowid should work on in the NEXT YEAR?
Other Project Ideas Long Term: Other than those listed already, what project do you think Erowid should work on over the LONG TERM (3-5 years)?
Should NOT work on : What projects or activities do you feel strongly that Erowid should NOT work on in the next year or two?
Comments: If you have any additional comments about the re-visioning process or this survey, please let us know here!
Individual survey responses are for internal Erowid use only. See also our Privacy Policy.