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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
References A - F
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The Entheogen Review
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David Aardvark is the editor of the Entheogen Review

[Incomplete citations are mostly second-hand.]

  • Aarons, D.H. et al (1977) Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 66: 1244-1248. "Cardiovascular Actions of the Harmala Alkaloids: Harmine, Harmaline, and Harmalol." (Darryl H. Aarons, G. Victor Rossi & Raymond F. Orzechowski)
  • Abdusalamov, B. et al. (1964) Nauchn. Tr. Tashkentsk. Gos. Univ. 263: 3-7. "Alkaloids and aminoacids of Calligonum." [B. Abdusalamov, A.S. Sadykov & Kh. A. Aslanov] CA (1965) 63: 3314.
  • Abulafatih, H.A. (1987) Economic Botany 41 (3): 354-360. "Medicinal Plants in Southwestern Saudi Arabia."
  • Adams, Herman R. & Bennie J. Camp (1966) Toxicon 4: 85-90. "The Isolation and Identification of Three Alkaloids From Acacia berlandieri."
  • Agurell, S. et al. (1968) American Journal of Pharmacy 140: 148-151. "Alkaloid Content of Banisteriopsis Rusbyana." [Stig Agurell, Bo Holmstedt & Jan-Erik Lindgren]
  • Agurell, S. et al. (1968) Biochemical Pharmacology 17: 2487-2488. "Identification of two new alkaloids in South American hallucinogenic plants." [Stig Agurell, Bo Holmstedt, Jan-Erik Lindgren & Richard Evans Schultes]
  • Agurell, S. et al. (1969) Acta Chemica Scandinavica 23: 903-916. "Alkaloids in Certain Species of Virola and Other South American Plants of Ethnopharmacological Interest." [Stig Agurell, Bo Holmstedt, Jan-Erik Lindgren & Richard Evans Schultes]
  • Ahmad, A. et al (1992) Journal of Ethnopharmacology 35: 289-294. "Study of the in vitro antimicrobial activity of harmine, harmaline and their derivatives." (Aqueel Ahmad, Khursheed Ali Khan, Sabiha Sultana, Bina S. Siddiqui, Sabira Begum, Shaheen Faizi & Salimuzzaman Siddiqui)
  • Ahmed, A. & N.R.W. Taylor (1959) British Journal of Pharmacology 14: 350-354. "The Analysis of Drug-Induced Tremor in Mice."
  • Ahmed et al. (1969) J. Chem. UAR 10: 119-123
  • Airaksinen, M.M. & I. Kari (1981) Medical Biology 59: 21-34 "β-Carbolines, Psychoactive Compounds in the Mammalian Body. Part I: Occurrence, Origin and Metabolism"
  • Airaksinen, M.M. & I. Kari (1981) Medical Biology 59: 190-211. "β-Carbolines, Psychoactive Compounds in the Mammalian Body. Part II."
  • Akaboro & Saito (1930) Ber. 63B, 2245
  • Alander, O.R. (1761) Inebriantia. Dissertation Uppsala.
  • Albarracín, Leopoldo (1925) Thesis; Universidad Nacional, Bogatá, Colombia. "Contribución al Estudio de los Alcaloides de Yagé." [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Albarracín, Leopoldo (1925) "Contribución al estudio de los alkaloides del yagé." Bogatá. [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Allen, James R.F. & Bo R. Holmstedt (1980) Phytochemistry 19: 1573-1582. "The Simple β-Carboline Alkaloids."
  • al-Shamma & Abdul-Ghany (1977) Bulletin of the Biology Research Center, Baghdad 8: 10-16
  • Al-Shamma, Ali & Lester A. Mitscher (1979) Journal of Natural Products 42 (6): 633-642. "Comprehensive Survey of Indigenous Iraqi Plants for Potential Economic Value. 1. Screening Results of 327 Species for Alkaloids and Antimicrobial Agents."
  • Al-Shamma, A. et al. (1981) Journal of Natural Products 44 (6): 745-747. "Antimicrobial Agents From Higher Plants. Antimicrobial Agents From Peganum harmala seeds." (A. Al-Shamma, S. Drake, D.L. Flynn, L.A. Mitscher, Y.H. Park, G.S.R. Rao, A. Simpson, J.K. Swayze, T. Veysoglu & S.T.-S. Wu)
  • Alvares Pereira, Nuño (1957) Revista Brasileira de Farmácia. 38 (6): 139-142. "Obtenção da Bufotenina das Sementes de Piptadenia peregrina Benth."
  • Anonymous (1912) Times (London) South American Supplement, August. 27, 1912. "The yajé plant."
  • Anonymous (1939) Field Mus. News 10 (3): 5. "Toxicologist completes study of Peru's "death vine."
  • Appleseed, Johnny (1992-1996) Largely unpublished research. Desmanthus leptolobus information has appeared, among other places, in the (1993) Entheogen Review 2 (2): 26-27, "Ayahuasca analogues experiences." and in (1993b) Integration 4: 59-62, "Ayahuasca analog plant complexes of the temperate zone: Phalaris arundinacea and the Desmanthus spec." The latter piece also exists as an undated privately distributed manuscript. [Sample preparation:
    Extraction was by simmering with hot hydrochloric acid (at pH 3); ammonia was used to basify; methylene chloride recovered the alkaloid fraction.
    Assays: co-tlc with known reference standards.
    TLC: on Whatman Silica Gel 60 plates; developed with Methylene chloride-Methanol-Conc. Ammonia (80:15:1).
    Visualization: Ehrlichs and/or Xanthydrol spray reagents. Xanthydrol differentiates 5-MeO from DMT; Ehrlichs reagent does not.]
  • Applewhite, P.B. (1973) Phytochemistry 12: 191-192. "Serotonin and Norepinephrine in Plant Tissues."
  • Aranha, C. et al. (1991) 1st Congresso em Saude, Centro de Estudos Medicos, União do Vegetal, São Paulo, Brasil, 30 May_2 June. "Aspectos botánicos e taxonómicos das plantas Banisteriopsis sp. e Psychotria sp." (C. Aranha, G. Travaini & M.A. Correa) [From Pomilio et al. 1999]
  • Arévalo Valera, G. (1986) América Indigena 46 (1): 147-161. "El ayahuasca y el curandero Shipibo-Conibo del Ucayali (Perú)."
  • Arispe, V.V. (1938) Thesis; Universidad Nacional Mayor, San Marcos Fac. Farmacía y Bioquimica, Lima, Pèrú. "Estudio Farmacográfico y Farmacológico del Ayahuasca."
  • Arthur, H.R. et al. (1967) Australian Journal of Chemistry 20: 811-813. "Nb-Methylated Tryptamines and Other Constituents of Acacia confusa Merr. of Hong Kong." [H.R. Arthur, S.N. Loo & J.A. Lamberton]
  • Aublet (1775) Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Françoise 1: 160, t. 61.
  • Awad et al. (1967) J. Pharm Sci. 56: 279.
  • Ayala Flores, Franklin & Walter H. Lewis (1978) Economic Botany 32: 154-156. "Drinking the South American Hallucinogenic Ayahuasca."
  • Baer, Gerhard (1969) Bulletin de la Société suisse de Américanistes 33: 5-8. "Eine Ayahuasca-Sitzung unter dem Piro (Ost-Perú)."
  • Baldwin, John T. (1946) Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 73: 282. "Banisteria Caapi Spruce: Its chromosomes."
  • Barker, James (1953) Bol. Indig. Venez. 1:433-489. "Memoria sobre la cultura de los guaika."
  • Barker, S.A. et al (1980) Biochemical Pharmacology 29: 1049-1057. "Metabolism of the hallucinogen N,N-dimethyltryptamine in rat brain homogenates." (S.A. Barker, J.A. Monti & S.T. Christian)
  • Barneby, Rupert C. (1991) Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 65: 1-835 plus frontispiece. "Sensitivae censitae: A description of the Genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the New World." ISBN# 0-89327-366-X.
  • Barnes, C.D. & Eltherington, L.G. (1965) Drug Dosages in Laboratory Animals—A Handbook. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Barnes, R.F. et al. (1971) Agronomy Journal 63: 507-509. "Evaluation of Selected Clones of Phalaris arundinacea . II. Indole Alkaloid Derivatives." (R.F. Barnes, A.B. Simons & G.C. Marten)
  • Barret, P. (1932) Société des Americanistes de Paris 24: 309-310. "Le Yagé."
  • Barriga Villalba, A.M. (1925)a Boletín de la Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Naturales 14 (79): 31-36. "Un nuevo alcaloide." [Work using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Barriga Villalba, A.M. (1925)b Journal of the Society of Chemistry and Industry (Transactions) 44: 205-207. "Yageine, a new alkaloid." [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Barriga Villalba, A.M. (1927) Bol. Lab. Semper-Martinez, No espec. 9. "El Yagé. Bebida especial de los indios ribereños del Putumayo y el Amazonas." [Work using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Bashir, A.K. et al. (1986) Fitoterapia 57 (3): 190-192. "HPLC Separation of Harman Alkaloids From Grewia villosa and of Coumarins From Randia nilotica ." [A.K. Bashir, M.S.F. Ross & T.D. Turner] Reported harmine but not harmaline.
  • Batista, Leõnia Maria & Reinaldo Nóbrega de Almeida (1997) Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense 16 (2): 83-86. "Central Effects of the Constituents of Mimosa ophthalmocentra Mart. ex Benth."
  • Batista, L.M. et al. (1999) Pharmaceutical Biology 37 (1): 50-53. "Isolation and Identification of Putative Hallucinogenic Constituents from the Roots of Mimosa ophthalmocentra.." (L.M. Batista, R.N. Almeida, E.V.L. da Cunha, M.S. da Silva & J.M. Barbosa Filho)
  • Battista, A.F. et al. (1970) Exp. Neurol. 28: 513-524. "Effect of harmaline in monkeys with central nervous system lesions." [A.F. Battista, S. Nakatani, M. Goldstein & B. Anagnoste]
  • Baudouin, G. et al. (1981) Journal of Natural Products 44: 546-550. "Plants of New Caledonia LXXII. Alkaloids of Dutaillyea oreophila and Dutaillyea drupacea." [Geneviève Baudouin, Françoise Tillequin, Michel Koch, Jacques Pusset & Thierry Sévenet]
  • Baxter, Claire & Slaytor, Michael (1972)b Phytochemistry 11: 2767-2773. "Biosynthesis and Turnover of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine in Phalaris tuberosa."
  • Bear, Jaya (2000) Amazon Magic: The Life Story of Ayahuascero and Shaman Don Agustin Rivas Vasquez. Colibri Publishing, Taos
  • Becher, Hans (1960) Mitteil. Mus. Völkerkunde Hamburg 26: 1-138. "Die Surára und Pakidái, zwei Yanonámi-Stämme in nordwestbrasilien."
  • Bell, E.A. (1981) "Non-protein Amino Acids in the Leguminosae." pp. 489-499, in Advances in Legume Systematics. R.M. Pohill & P.H. Raven (eds.).
  • Bellier, Irène (1986) América Indígena 46(1): 128-145. "Los Cantos mai huna del yage (amazonia peruana)."
  • Beneficente União do Vegetal (1989) União do Vegetal. Hoasca: Fundamentos e Objetivos. Centro de Memória e Documentaçao. 141 pp. No ISBN. ["not sold openly" according to Ott 1997 MAPS 7 (3): 50]
  • Bennati & Fedeli (1968) Boll. Chim. Farm. 107: 716
  • Bennett, B.C. & Rocío Alarcón (1994) Economic Botany 48 (2): 152-158. "Osteophloeum platyspermum and Virola duckei (Myristicaceae): Newly Reported as Hallucinogens from Amazonian Ecuador."
  • Bentham, George (1841) Journal of Botany (Hooker) , being a second series of the Botanical Miscellany 4(31):390. 1841.
  • Beringer, K. & K. Wilmanns (1929) Deut. Med. Wochenschrift 55: 2081-2086. "Zur Harmin _Banisterin-Frage."
  • Bernauer, Karl (1964) Helvetica Chimica Acta 47 (4): 1075-1077. "Notiz über die Isolierung von Harmin und (+)-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroharmin aus einer indianischen Schnupfdroge."
  • Bertrand (1945) Bull. Soc. Chim. France 12: 1010.
  • Bhalla, N.P. et al. (1982) Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 3: 23-32. "Traditional Plant Medicines of Sagar District, Madhya Pradesh, India." [N.P. Bhalla, T.R. Sahu, G.P. Mishra & R.N. Dakwale]
  • Bianchi, Antonio & Giorgio Samorini (1993) "Plants in Association with Ayahuasca." pp. 21-42 in Christian Rätsch & John R. Baker (Eds.) Jahrbuch für Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness. Issue 2.
  • Biocca, E. et al. (1964) Annali di Chimica 54: 1175-1178. "Sulle sostanze allucinogene impiegate in Amazonia. Nota I _ Osservazioni sul Paricà dei Tukâno e Tariâna del bacino del Rio Uaupés." [E. Biocca, C. Galeffi, E.G. Montalvo & G.B. Marini Bettòlo]
  • Blaha et al. (1971) Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 36: 3448
  • Blair et al. 1969 Phytochemistry 8: 497.
  • Bloom, Floyd E. (1982) Beta-Carbolines and Tetrahydroisoquinolines. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, California. December 12 and 13, 1981. Alan R. Liss, New York, 1982. 410 pp. plus index.
  • Bongiorno de Pfirter, G. & E. Mandrile (1984) Acta Farm. Bonarense 3: 161-168. "Active natural principles with hallucinogenic activity: harmaline and harmine. Its presence in the Banisteriopsis (Malpighiaceae) species." [from Liwszyc et al. 1992]
  • Bonhour, A. et al. (1967) Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicologia Médica de Europay 8: 123-143. "Estudios Psicofarmacologicos Con Bufotenina." [Alberto Bonhour, Edmundo Fischer & Maria Cristina Melgar]
  • Boom, Brian M. (1987) Ethnobotany of the Chácobo Indians, Beni, Bolivia. (Volume 4, Advances in Economic Botany) The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York.
  • Boom, B.M. & S. Moestl (1990) Economic Botany 44 (3): 416-419. "Ethnobotanical notes of José M. Cruxent from the Franco-Venezuelan expedition to the headwaters of the Orinoco River, 1951-1952."
  • Borkowski & Lutomski (1960) Biul.Inst.Roslin Leczn. 6: 220-227 [CA 55: 25159]
  • Borkowski, Boguslaw (1959) Biul.Inst.Roslin leczn. 5: 158-168 "Chromatographic determination of alkaloids of Zygophyllum fabago." [CA (1960) 54: 15844-e]
  • Bourke, C.A. (1984) Austr. Vet. Journal 61: 360-363. "Staggers in sheep associated with the ingestion of Tribulus terrestris."
  • Bourke, C.A. & M.J. Carrigan (1992) Austr. Vet. Journal 69: 165-167. "Mechanisms underlying Phalaris aquatica "sudden death" syndrome in sheep affected by Phalaris aquatica staggers."
  • Bourke, C.A. et al. (1987) Austr. Vet. Journal 64 (1): 31-32. "Delayed development of clinical signs in sheep affected by Phalaris aquatica." [C.A. Bourke, M.J. Carrigan, J.T. Seaman & J.V. Evers]
  • Bourke, C.A. et al. (1988) Austr. Vet. Journal 65 (7): 218-220. "Experimental evidences that tryptamine alkaloids do not cause Phalaris aquatica sudden syndrome in sheep." [C.A. Bourke, M.J. Carrigan & R.J. Dixon]
  • Bourke, C.A. et al. (1990) Austr. Vet. Journal 67 (10): 356-358. "The pathogenesis of the nervous syndrome of Phalaris aquatica toxicity in sheep." [C.A. Bourke, M.J. Carrigan & R.J. Dixon]
  • Bourke, C.A. et al. (1992) Austr. Vet. Journal 69: 163-165. "Locomotor effects in sheep of alkaloids identified in Australian Tribulus terrestris." [C.A. Bourke, G.R. Stevens & M.J. Carrigan]
  • Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi (1993) Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru (Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286)
  • Breedlove, D. E. (1986) Flora de Chiapas (Listados Florísticos de México 4: i—v, 1—246)
  • Bremek (1933) Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 71: 279.
  • Bristol, Melvin L. (1966)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 21 (5): 113-140. "The Psychotropic Banisteriopsis among the Sibundoy of Colombia."
  • Bristol, Melvin L. (1969) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 22 (5): 165-227. "Tree Datura Drugs of the Colombian Sibundoy."
  • Britton & Robinson (1932) The Hydrogen Ion. Chapman & Hall, London
  • Brückl, K. & F. Mussgnug (1929) Münchner Medizinischer Wochenschrift 26: 1078. "Ueber die Identitat von Harmin und Banisterin."
  • Brüzzi, A. da S.A. (1962) A civilizacao indigena do Vaupés. page 228.
  • Buckholtz, Neil S. (1979) Psychopharmacology Bulletin 15 (1): 56-57. "Neurochemical and Behavioral Effects of Beta-carbolines."
  • Buckholtz & Boggan (1977) Biochemical Pharmacology 26: 1991-1996.
  • Burger, A. & Nara, S. (1965) J. Med. Chem. 8: 859.
  • Calderón, Daniel (1944) Colombia 1 (6-7): 87-88. "Yagé, planta misteriosa y sugestiva."
  • Callaway, James C., Jr. = Callaway, Jace C., Jr.
  • Callaway, J.C. (1988) Medical Hypotheses 26:119-124. "A proposed mechanism of the visions of dream sleep."
  • Callaway, Jace C. (1995) Eleusis 1: 4-10. "Ayahuasca, Now and Then."
  • Callaway, James C. & Charles S. Grob (1998) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 30 (4): 367-369. "Ayahuasca Preparations and Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: A Potential for Severe Adverse Reactions."
  • Callaway, J.C. & D.J. McKenna (1998) "Neurochemistry of Psychedelic Drugs" pp. 485-498 (Section 6.6) in Steven B. Karch (ed.) Drug Abuse Handbook, CRC Press. ISBN 0 8493 2637 0.
  • Callaway, J.C. et al. (1994) Psychopharmacology 116: 385-387. "Platelet serotonin uptake sites increased in drinkers of ayahuasca." (James C. Callaway Jr., Mauno M. Airaksinen, Dennis J. McKenna, Glacus S. Brito & Charles S. Grob]
  • Callaway, J.C. et al. (1996) Journal of Analytical Toxicology 20: 492-497. "Quantitation of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and harmala alkaloids in human plasma after oral dosing with ayahuasca." (J.C Callaway, L.P. Raymon, W.L. Hearn, D.J. McKenna, C.S. Grob & G.S. Brito)
  • Callaway, J.C. et al. (1997) Journal of Analytical Toxicology IN PRESS "Pharmacology of Hoasca Alkaloids in Healthy volunteers." (James C. Callaway, D.J. McKenna, C.S. Grob, G.S. Brito, L.P. Raymon, R.E. Poland, E.N. Andrade, E.O. Andrade, & D.C. Mash) [From McKenna et al. 1998]
  • Callaway, J.C. et al. (1998) Journal of Ethnopharmacology (in press) "Pharmacology of hoasca alkaloids in humans." (J.C. Callaway, D.J. McKenna, C.S. Grob, G.S. Brito, L.P. Raymons, R.E. Poland, E. Andrade & D.C. Mash) [From McKenna et al. 1998] Not in Volume 60, 61 or 62
  • Callaway, J.C. et al. (1998) Journal of Ethnopharmacology (in press) meant Callaway et al. 1999?
  • Callaway, J.C. et al. (1999) Journal of Ethnopharmacology 65: 243-256. "Pharmacokinetics of Hoasca alkaloids in healthy humans." (J.C. Callaway, D.J. McKenna, C.S. Grob, G.S. Brito, L.P. Raymon, R.E. Poland, E.N. Andrade, E.O. Andrade & D.C. Mash)
  • Caller Ibérico, Clorinda (1941) Bol. Mus. Hist. Nat. Javier Prado 5: 313. "Ayahuasca."
  • Camp, Bennie J. & Carl M. Lyman (1956) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Scientific Edition 45 (11): 719-721. "The Isolation of N-Methyl beta-Phenethylamine from Acacia berlandieri."
  • Camp, Bennie J. & Carl M. Lyman (1957) The Southwestern Veterinarian 10: 133.
  • Camp, Bennie J. & Joan A. Moore (1960) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Scientific Edition. 49 (3): 158-160. "A Quantitative Method for the Alkaloid of Acacia berlandieri."
  • Camp, Bennie J. & Michael J. Norvell (1966) Economic Botany 20 (3): 274-278. "The Phenethylamine Alkaloids of Native Range Plants."
  • Camp, B.J. et al. (1964) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 111 (2): 744-750. "The Chemistry of the Toxic Constituents of Acacia berlandieri." [Bennie J. Camp, Ray Adams & J.W. Dollahite]
  • Canessa, M. et al. (1973) Journal of Membrane Biology 13: 263-282. "Harmaline: a competitive inhibitor of Na+ ion in the Na+ + K+)-ATPase system." (Mitzy Canessa, Enrique Jaimovich & Milton de la Fuente)
  • Carlson, J.R., I.A. Dyer & R.J. Johnson (1968) Amer. J. Vet. Res. 29: (10): 1983-2938. "The tryptophan-induced interstitial pulmonary emphysema in cattle."
  • Carlson, J.R. et al. (1972) Science 176: 298-299. "Induction of pulmonary edema and emphysema in cattle and goats with 3-methylindole." [J.R. Carlson, M.T. Yokoyama & E.O. Dickinson]
  • Carneiro, Robert L (1964) Ethnology 3: 6-11. "The Amahuaca and the Spirit World."
  • Casale, J.F. & J.E. Koles (1995) Microgram 28 (9): 296-299. "Analysis of ayahuasca (`Santo Daime[sic]')."
  • Cassady et al. (1971) Lloydia 34 (1): 161-162. "The Isolation of 6-Methoxyharmalan and 6-Methoxyharman from Virola cuspidata." [John M. Cassady, G.E. Blair, Robert F. Raffauf & Varro E. Tyler]
  • Cassady et al. (1972) pp. 95-99; "The Isolation of 6-Methoxytetrahydroharman from Virola cuspidata and N-Monomethyltryptamine from Virola theiodora." (John M. Cassady, Varro E. Tyler, M. Williams & G.E. Blair) (pp. 100-101; Discussion with Tyler) in: Mothes et al. (eds.) (1972) 4. Internationales Symposium. Biochemie und Physiologie der Alkaloide. Halle (Saale), 25. bis 28. Juni 1969 Akademie-Verlag-Berlin 1972 (Kurt Mothes, Klaus Schreiber & Horst Robert Schütter)
  • Cavanilles (1790) Monadelphiae Classis Dissertationes Decem 9: 434, pl. 262, f. 2.. (Tetrapterys mucronata)
  • Cavin, Janice Clymer & Eloy Rodriguez (1988) Journal of Chromatography 447: 432-435. "High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Identification of Simple β-Carboline Alkaloids in Specimens of Heliconiini Butterflies."
  • Chagnon, Napolean A. (1967) Nat. Hist. 76: 22-31. "Yanomamö _ the fierce people."
  • Chagnon, N. et al. (1970) Acta Cient. Venez. 21: 186-193. "Algunos aspectos de uso de drogas comercio y domesticación de plantas entre los indigenas yanomamö de Venezuela y Brazil." [Napolean A. Chagnon, P. Le Quesne & J.M. Cook]
  • Chagnon, N. et al. (1971) Current Anthropology. 12: 72-74. "Yanamamö hallucinogens: anthropological, botanical and chemical findings." [Napolean A. Chagnon, P. Le Quesne & J.M. Cook]
  • Chaumeil, J.P. (1982) L'Ethnografie LXXXVIII: 49-84. "Representation du Monde d'un Chaman Yagua."
  • Chatterjee, A. & M. Ganguly (1968) Phytochemistry 7: 307-311. "Alkaloidal Constituents of Peganum harmala and Synthesis of the Minor Alkaloid Deoxyvascinone."
  • Chen, A.L. & K.K. Chen (1939) Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 12: 30-38. "Harmin, the alkaloid of Caapi."
  • Cheng, Jing & Keith R. Mitchelson (1997) Journal of Chromatography 761 (1-2): 297-305. "Improved separation of six harmane alkaloids by high-performance capillary electrophoresis."
  • Chilton, W.S. et al (1979) Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 11 (1-2): 61-69. "Psilocin, Bufotenine and Serotonin: Historical and Biosynthetic Observations." [W. Scott Chilton, Jeremy Bigwood & Robert E. Jensen]
  • Clarke, E.C.G. (1969) The Isolation and Identification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals, Body Fluids and Post-Mortem Material.
  • Clarke's Isolation and Identification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals, Body Fluids and Post-Mortem Material. Second edition, 1986. Pharmaceutical Press, London. [Posthumous revision of editor E.C.G. Clarke's 1969 classic]
  • Clement, B.A. et al. (1997) Phytochemistry 46 (2): 249-254. "Toxic Amines and Alkaloids From Acacia berlandieri." (Beverly A. Clement, Christina M. Goff & David A. Forbes]
  • Clement, B.A. et al. (1998) Phytochemistry 49 (5): 1377-1380. "Toxic Amines and Alkaloids from Acacia rigidula." (B.A. Clement, C.M. Goff & T.D.A. Forbes)
  • Clinquart, E. (1926) Journal de Pharmacie [Belgique] 36: 671-674. "Contribution à l'étude de la liane Yagé et de son alcaloide." [Work using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Cocco, L. (1972) Iyewei-teri. Edizione Don Bosco, Caracas, p. 309. [From Grossa 1975]
  • Cook, J.W. et al. (1951) Journal of the Chemical Society 1203-1207. "The chemistry of the Mitragyna genus. Part II. Synthesis of 7-methoxy-2-methyl- and 7-methoxy-1:2-dimethyl-β-carboline." [J.W. Cook, J.D. Loudon & P. McClosky]
  • Costa, Oswaldo De A. (1956) Revista Brasileira de Farmácia 37 (11): 481-489. "A Identidade Botânica do "Yagê". (Destazendo uma confusão)."
  • Costa, Oswaldo de A. & Luis Faria (1936) Revista Assoc. Brasileira de Farmácia 17: 265.
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