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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
[Incomplete citations are mostly second-hand.]

References G - P
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  • López Guillén, J.E. & I.K. De Cornelio (1974)b Biota 10: 76-104 "Medicinal Plants of Peru. Part 5." from McKenna et al. 1986.
  • Love & Weir was mentioned by Rendig. No further details were given.
  • Lowry, B. (1987) Economic Botany 41 (3): 450-452. "Caapi revisited_In Christianity."
  • Loyoza, X. et al. (1989) Archivos de Investigación Médica (México) 20 (1): 87-93. "Experimental Evaluation of Mimosa tenuiflora (willd.) poir. (tepescohuite) I. -Screening of the Antimicrobial Properties of Bark Extracts." ["Evaluación Experimental de la mimosa tenuiflora (willd.) poir. (tepescohuite) I. - Búsqueda de las Propiedades Antimicrobianas de los Extractos de Corteza."] [Xavier Loyoza, JV. Navarro, J.T. Arnason & E. Kourany]
  • Luckow, Melissa (1993) Monograph of Desmanthus (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) Systematic Botany Monographs. Volume 38. The American Society Of Plant Taxonomists 1993. ISBN 0-912861-38-X
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo (1984)a Journal of Ethnopharmacology 11(2): 123-133. "The Healing Practices of a Peruvian Shaman."
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo (1984)b Journal of Ethnopharmacology 11(2): 135-156. "The Concept of Plants as Teachers Among Four Mestizo Shamans of Iquitos, Northeastern Peru." See also Padilla 1984.
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo (1986)a América Indigena 46 (1): 235-245. "Bibliografía sobre el ayahuasca."
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo (1986)b América Indigena 46 (1): 247-251. "Apéndices."
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo (1986)c Vegetalismo. Shamanismo among the mestizo population of the Peruvian Amazon. Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion, vol. 27, Stockholm (Almquist & Wilksell Int.).
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo (1992) "Icaros. Magic Melodies Among the Mestizo Shamans of the Peruvian Amazon." See in Langdon & Gerhard.
  • Luna, Luis Eduardo & P. Amaringo (1991) Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California.
  • Lutomski (1959) Biul. Inst. Rosl. Lecz. 5: 169
  • Lutomski (1959) Biul. Inst. Rosl. Lecz. 5: 182
  • Lutomski (1960) Biul. Inst. Roslin Leczniczych. 6: 209-219. "Isolation of the major alkaloids from Passiflora incarnata L." CA (1961) 55: 21479. also 54: 16751
  • Lutomski, J. & B. Malek (1975) Planta Medica 27 (3): 222-225. "Pharmakochemische Untersuchungen von Drogen der Gattung Passiflora. 3. Mitteilung: Phytochemische Forschung der Drogen aus Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa."/ "Pharmacochemical Investigations on Raw Materials Genus Passiflora. 3. Phytochemical Investigations on Raw materials of Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa."
  • Lutomski & Nowicka (1968) Herba Pol. 14: 235-238
  • Lutomski et al. (1967) Herba Pol. 13: 44-52
  • Lutomski et al. (1967) Herba Pol. 13: 103.
  • Lutomski et al. (1967) Herba Pol. 13: 171
  • Lutomski, J. et al. (1968) Herba Pol. 14: 139-147. "Simple carboline alkaloids V. Comparative analysis of basic constituents of Passiflora incarnata from greenhouses and field cultures." [J. Lutomski, M. Adamska & M. Jaruzelski]
  • Lutomski et al. (1975) Planta Medica 27 (2): 112-121. "Pharmacochemical Investigation of the Raw Materials From Passiflora Genus. 2. The pharmacochemical estimation of juices from the fruits of Passiflora edulis and Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa." [J. Lutomski, B. Malek & L. Rybacka]
  • Macbride, Francis J. (1936) Rubiaceae, Flora of Peru (Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 13(6/1): 3-261)
  • Macbride, Francis J. (1950) Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 13: 781-871. "Flora of Peru (Malpighiaceae)."
  • Mack, J.P.G. et al. (1988) Plant Physiology 88:315-320. "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Production in Phalaris aquatica Seedlings: A Mathematical Model for its Synthesis." [Joseph P. Mack, Dawn P. Mulveda & Michael Slaytor]
  • MacRae, Edward (1992) Guiado Pela Lua: Xamanismo e Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca no Culto do Santo Daime. Editôra Brasiliense. 165 pp. ISBN 85-11-07035-4.
  • Majak, W. & R.J. Bose (1977) Phytochemistry 16: 749-752. "Further characterization and quantitative determination of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine in Phalaris arundinacea."
  • Majak, W. et al. (1978) Phytochemistry 17: 301-303. "TLC luminescence of gramine and related indole alkaloids in Phalaris arundinacea." [Walter Majak, Ruth E. McDiarmid & Robert J. Bose]
  • Mallol de Recasens, María R. (1963) Revista Colombiana de Folclor 3 (8): 59-81. "Cuatro representaciones de las imágenes alucinatorias originadas por la toma del Yagé."
  • Makadam (1978) Indian J. Microbiol. 16: 6603.
  • Manske, Richard Helmuth Fred (1965) "The Carboline Alkaloids" pp. 47-53 (Ch. 3) in: The Alkaloids. Chemistry and Physiology. Volume VIII. "The Indole Alkaloids." R.H.F. Manske (ed.), Academic Press, New York, London 1965
  • Manske, R.H.F. et al. (1927) Journal of the Chemical Society 1-14. "A Synthesis of Harmaline." [R.H.F. Manske, W.H. Perkin & R. Robinson]
  • Manske et al. (1927) JCS 1: 240.
  • Mao, C. C. et al (1975) Brain Research 83: 516-519. "Inhibition by diazepam of the tremor and the increase of cerebellar cGMP content elicited by harmaline." (C.C. Mao, AA. Guidotti & E. Costa)
  • MAPS (1990) MAPS Bulletin. Fall Issue. "Dr. Nichols Confirms the Prozac Blocks MDMA Neurotoxicity." [The note on this protective effect being exerted when administered up to 6 hours after the fact was from personal communication from Rick Doblin to the editor of the Entheogen Review in the summer of 1998.]
  • Marini-Bettòlo, G.B. & Juan A. Coch Frugoni (1956) Gazzeta Chimica Italiana 86: 1324-1331. "Influenza del pH nella separazione elettroforetica su carta degli alcaloidi." ["The influence of pH on the electrophoretic separation of alkaloids on paper."] [CA (1958) 52: 653c ] [From paper presented to the XV Congresso di Chimica Pura e Applicata - Lisbona, 8-16 settembre, 1956]
  • Marini-Bettòlo, G.B. & Juan A. Coch Frugoni (1958) Rendiconti. Istituto Superiore di Sanità 21: 319-327 [cf. CA 49, 1280e] "Influenza del pH nella separazione elettroforetica su carta degli alcaloidi." [CA (1959) 53: 1633] [From paper presented to the XV Congresso di Chimica Pura e Applicata - Lisbona, 8-16 settembre, 1956]
  • Marini-Bettòlo, G.B. et al. (1964) Annali di Chimica 54: 1179-1186. "Sulle sostanze allucinogene dell'Amazonia. Nota II. Osservazioni sull'Epená degli Yanoáma del bacino del Rio Negro e dell'Alto Orinoco." [G.B. Marini-Bettòlo, Franco Delle Monache & Ettore Biocca]
  • Marini-Bettòlo, G.B. et al. (1964) Annali di Istituto Superiore di Sanità 1: 784-792. "Allucinogeni impiegati dagli Indi del Bacino Amazonico del Rio Negro e dell'Alto Orinoco." [G.B. Marini-Bettòlo, Ettore Biocca, Corrado Galeffi, Franco Delle Monache & Eulalia G. Montalvo]
  • Marion, Léo (1952) "The Indole Alkaloids." pp. 369-498 (Ch. 13) in: R.H.F. Manske & H.L. Holmes (eds.) The Alkaloids. Chemistry and Physiology. Vol. 2" Academic Press, New York 1952
  • Marten, G.C. & Maurice Heath (1973) "Reed Canarygrass." pages 263-276, in: Maurice, Heath, Darrel S. Metcalfe & Robert F. Barnes (eds.) Forages. Third Edition. The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. ISBN 0-8138-0680-1.
  • Marten, G.C. et al. (1973) Agronomy Journal 65: 199-201. "Alkaloids and palatability of Phalaris arundinacea L. grown in diverse environments" [G.C. Marten, R.F. Barnes, A.B. Simons & F.J. Wooding]
  • Marten, G.C. et al. (1974) Agronomy Journal 66: 363-368. "Alkaloids of Reed Canarygrass as Influenced by Nutrient Supply." [G.C. Marten, A.B. Simons & J.R. Frelich]
  • Martius (1875) Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 30 (3): 415. (Mimosa ophthalmocentra)
  • Mashkovsky, M.D. & G.S. Arutyunyan (1964) Federation Proceedings 23: T125-T128. "Pharmacology of 5-methoxytryptamine hydrochloride (Mexamine)."
  • McComb, E.N. et al. (1969) Journal of Chromatography 40: 125-129. "Paper chromatographic detection and colorimetric determination of some 5-O-substituted tryptamines (3-[2-aminoethyl] indoles), utilizing the formation of xanthylium salts." [E.N. McComb, N. Androulidakis & V.V. Rendig.]
  • McDonald, I.W. (1942) Austr. Vet. J. 18: 182. "A "staggers" syndrome in sheep and cattle associated with grazing on Phalaris tuberosa." From Lee et al. (1956) This appears to be the first paper reporting on Phalaris staggers.
  • McIsaac & Estévez (1966) Biochemical Pharmacology 15: 1625-1627
  • McKenna, Dennis J. & Charles S. Grob (1994) PlantWise 6: 12-13. "The Hoasca Project: An Update."
  • McKenna, Dennis J. & G.H.N. Towers (1981) Phytochemistry 20 (5): 1001-1004. "Ultra-Violet Mediated Cytotoxic Activity of β-Carboline Alkaloids."
  • McKenna, Dennis J. & G.H.N. Towers (1984) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 16 (4): 347-358. "Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Tryptamines and Beta-carbolines. A Minireview."
  • McKenna, Dennis J. & G.H.N. Towers (1985) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 17 (1): 35-39. "On the Comparative Ethnopharmacology of Malpighiaceous and Myristicaceous Hallucinogens."
  • McKenna, Dennis J. et al. (1984)a Journal of Ethnopharmacology 10 (2): 195-223. "Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants: tryptamine and β-carboline constituents of ayahuasca." [Dennis J. McKenna, G.H.N. Towers & F. Abbott]
  • McKenna, D.J. et al. (1984)b Journal of Ethnopharmacology 12 (2): 179-211. "Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors in South American Hallucinogenic Plants Part 2: Constituents of Orally-active Myristicaceous Hallucinogens." [Dennis J. McKenna, G.H.N. Towers & F.S. Abbott]
  • McKenna, D. J. et al. (1986) América Indigena 46(1): 73-99. "Ingredientes biodinamicos en las plantas que se mezclan al ayahuasca. Una farmacopea tradicional no investigada." [Dennis J. McKenna, L.E. Luna & G.H.N. Towers]
  • McKenna, Dennis J. et al. (1995) "Biodynamic constituents in Ayahuasca admixture plants: an uninvestigated folk pharmacopoeia." pp. ?? in Siri von Reis & Richard Evans Schultes (eds.) Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline. [D.J. McKenna, L.E. Luna & G.H.N. Towers]
  • McKenna, D.J. et al. (1998) The Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research 1: 65-77. "The Scientific Investigation of Ayahuasca: A Review of Past and Current Research." [Dennis J. McKenna, J.C. Callaway & Charles S. Grob]
  • McKenna, Terence (1992) Food of the Gods. The search for the original tree of knowledge. A radical history of plants, drugs, and human evolution. Bantam. ISBN 0-553-37130-4.
  • McKenna, Terence (1993) True Hallucinations. Being an Account of the Author's Extraordinary Adventures in the Devil's Paradise. Harper: San Francisco. ISBN 0-06-250545-9 (alk. paper). Paperback 1994 ISBN 0-06-250652-8.
  • McKenzie, E. et al. (1975) Phytochemistry 14: 273-275. "New Natural Products from Peganum Harmala." [Elizabeth McKenzie, Lesley Nettleship & M. Slaytor]
  • McLeod, William R. & Balvant R. Sitaram (1985) Acta Psychiatria Scandinavica 72: 447-450. "Bufotenine reconsidered."
  • Meckes-Lozoya, M. et al. (1990)a Archivos de Investigación Médica (México) 21 (2): 163-169. "Propiedades farmacológicas in vitro de algunos extractos de Mimosa tenuiflora (tepescohuite)." ["In vitro pharmacological properties of some extracts of Mimosa tenuiflora (tepescohuite)."] [Mariana Meckes-Lozoya, Xavier Loyoza & Jose Luis Gonzalez]
  • Meckes-Lozoya, M. et al. (1990)a Archivos de Investigación Médica (México) 21 (2): 171-174. "Efecto Producido por la Fracción de alcaloides de Mimosa tenuiflora (tepescohuite) sobre el Reflejo Peristáltico de Íleón del Cobayo." ["The Effect Produced by the Alkaloidal Fraction of Mimosa tenuiflora (tepescohuite) upon the Peristaltic Reflex in Guinea Pig's Ileum."] [Mariana Meckes-Lozoya, Xavier Loyoza, Jose Luis Gonzalez & Miguel Martinez]
  • Meckes-Lozoya, M. et al. (1990)b Archivos de Investigación Médica (México) 21 (2): 175-177. "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Alkaloid in Mimosa tenuiflora bark (tepescohuite)." "N,N-Dimetiltriptamina Alcaloide de la Cortex de Mimosa tenuiflora (tepescohuite)." [Mariana Meckes-Lozoya, Xavier Loyoza, Robin J. Marles, Chantal Soucy Breau, Avalokitesvara Sen & John T. Arnason]
  • Mehta, B.K. et al. (1988) Phytochemistry 27 (9): 3004-3005. "4-Ethylgallic acid from Two Mimosa Species." [B.K. Mehta, Km. Savita Sharma & Avinash Dubey]
  • Merck (1976) The Merck Index. An Encyclopedia of Chemicals and Drugs. Ninth Edition. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J.
  • Meyerratken, Ulrich & Nathalie Salem (1998) Daime. Brisiliens Kult der heilenden Kraftpflanzen. 239 pp. & 12 color plates. ©1997 Droemeresche Verlagsanstalt Th. Knaur Nacjf. München.
  • Michiels, M. & E. Clinquart (1926) Bulletin de l'Académie Royale du Médecine du Belgique. 5-6: 19-29. "Sur des réactions chimiques d'identification de la Yagéine." [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Miller, F.P. & R.P. Maickel (1970) Life Sci. 9 (I): 747. (from Usdin & Efron 1979)
  • Mitchelson 1997 THIS REFERENCE IS MISSING!!!!!!
  • Molina R., A. 1975 Ceiba 19(1): 1-118. "Enumeración de las plantas de Honduras
  • Molla, H.A. & B. Roy (1985) Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 7 (3): 578-580. "Traditional Uses of Some Medicinal Plants by the Rabha Tribals in Jalpaiguri District, W. Bengal."
  • Moore, R.M. et al. (1967) Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 20: 1131-1140. "Factors Affecting Concentrations of Dimethylated Indolealkylamines in Phalaris tuberosa L.." (R.M. Moore, J.D. Williams & Joyce Chia)
  • Morais, Mello (1881) Phytographia ou Botânica Brasileira. Livraria de B.L. Garnier, Rio de Janeiro. Page 228.
  • Morimoto, Hiroshi & Haruji Oshio (1965) Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 682: 212-218. "Über Alkaloids, V. Inhaltsstoffe von Lespedeza bicolor var. japonica, I. Über Lespedamin, Ein Neues Alkaloid."
  • Morimoto, Hiroshi & Norichika Matsumoto (1966) Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 692: 194-199. "Über Alkaloids, VI. Inhaltsstoffe von Lespedeza bicolor var. japonica , II."
  • Morin, A.M. (1984) Brain Research 321: 151-154. "β-carboline kindling of the benzodiazepine receptor."
  • Mors, Walter B. & Perola Zaltzman (1954) Boletím do Instituto de Química Agrícola (Rio de Janeiro) 34: 17-27. "Sôbre o alcalóide da Banisteria caapi e do Cabi paraensis." [See also CA (1955) 49: 14906] [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Morton, C.V. (1930) Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 43: 157. "A new Banisteria from Brazil and British Guiana."
  • Morton, C.V. (1931) Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 21 (20): 485-488. "Notes on yagé, a drug plant of southeastern Colombia."
  • Muhtadi et al. (1974) Bull. Fac. Sci. Riyadh Univ. 6: 59
  • Mukadan (1978) Indian J. Microbiol. 16: 6603
  • Mulga at
  • Müller, Jean (Müll. Arg.: Müller Argoviensis; i.e. `of Aargau') (1881) Flora Brasiliensis 6(5): 370, 383-427, 457-466.
  • Mullet, Joan H. (1970) pp. 325-328 in: Proceedings of the XI International Grassland Congress. Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia 13-23 April 1970. "The Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Seed Production of Phalaris tuberosa L.."
  • Mulvena, Dawn P. & Michael Slaytor (1982) Journal of Chromatography 245:155-157. "Separation of tryptophan derivatives in Phalaris aquatica by thin layer chromatography."
  • Mulvena, Dawn P. & Michael Slaytor (1983) Phytochemistry 22 (1): 47-48. "N-Methyltransferase activities in Phalaris aquatica."
  • Munir et al. (1995) Fitoterapia 66 (1): 73-76. "An easy rapid metal mediated method of isolation of harmine and harmaline from Peganum harmala." [Christy Munir, M. Idrees Zaidi, Nasir Ahmad & Atta-Ur-Rahman]
  • Naranjo, Claudio (1967) "Psychotropic Properties of the Harmala Alkaloids." Pages 382-391 in Efron (ed.) ESPD.
  • Naranjo, Claudio (1973) "Psychological Aspects of the Yagé Experience in an Experimental Setting." Pp. 176-190 (Ch 10) in Harner (1973)
  • Naranjo, C. (1987) Journal of Mental Imagery 11 (2): 131-136. "Ayahuasca imagery and the therapeutic potential of the harmala alkaloids." [from Don et al. 1998]
  • Naranjo, Plutarco (1969) Cienc. Nat. 10: 10. "Etnobotánica de la ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis sps.)."
  • Naranjo, Plutarco (1970) Ayahuasca, religión y medicina. Editorial Universitaria, Quito. 154 pages.
  • Naranjo, Plutarco (1972) Ayahuasca: Mitos y Leyendas. Editorial Universitaria, Quito. 154 pages.
  • Naranjo, Plutarco (1986) América Indígena 46 (1): 117-127. "El Ayahuasca en la arqueologia ecuatoriana."
  • Nepokroeff, M. et al. (1999) Systematic Botany 24 (1): 5-27. Reorganization of the genus Psychotria and tribe Psychotrieae (Rubiaceae) inferred from ITS and rbcL sequence data. (Molly Nepokroeff, Birgitta Bremer & Kenneth J. Sytsma)
  • Nettleship & Slaytor (1971) Phytochemistry 10: 231
  • Nettleship & Slaytor (1974) J. Exp. Botany 25: 1114
  • Neu (1954) Arzneim.-Forsch. 4: 292
  • Neu (1954) Arzneim.-Forsch. 4: 601
  • Neu, R. (1956) Arzneim.-Forsch. 6: 94-99. "Inhaltstoffe der Passiflora incarnata. 3. Mitt." Also given as 94-98. "Inhaltstoffe der Passiflora incarnata. 3. Mitt.: 3-Methyl-4-carbolin (2"-Methyl-(pyridino-3'-4':2,3-indol), das Alkaloid der Passifloren."
  • Neuss, Norbert (ed.) (1964) Physical Data of Indole and Dihydroindole Alkaloids. Volume 1. Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, IN 1964 [Excellent unbound (loose-leaf) book but fragmentary & woefully incomplete]
  • Nichols, D.E. et al. (1991) "Stereochemical Aspects of Hallucinogenesis." pp. 1-39 (Chapter 1) in R.R. Watson (ed.) Biochemistry and Physiology of Substance Abuse, Vol. III. CRC Press. [D.E. Nichols, Robert Oberlander & Dennis J. McKenna]
  • Niedenzu, F. (1928) Pharmaz. Zeit. 73: 141. "Über die Stammpflanzen des Yageins."
  • O'Connell, F.D. (1969) Naturwissen. 56: 139. "Isolation of caffeine from Banisteriopsis inebrians (Malpighiaceae)."
  • O'Connell, Frank D. & E.V. Lynn (1953) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 42 (12):753-754. "The Alkaloid of Banisteriopsis inebrians Morton."
  • Oon, M.C.H. et al. (1977) Psychopharmacology 54: 171-175. "Factors Affecting the Urinary Excretion of Endogenously Formed Dimethyltryptamine in Normal Human Subjects." [Michael C.H. Oon, Robin M. Murray, Richard Rodnight, Marion P. Murphy & James L.T. Birley]
  • Oram, R.N. & J.D. Williams (1967) Nature 946-947. "Variation in Concentration and Composition of Toxic Alkaloids Among Strains of Phalaris tuberosa L."
  • Oram, R.N. (1970) pp. 785-788 in: Proceedings of the XI International Grassland Congress. Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia 13-23 April 1970. "Genetic and Environmental Control of the Amount and Composition of Toxins in Phalaris tuberosa L."
  • Oraskolie, I.K. et al. (1964) Zhur. Prikl. Khim 37: 1394-1395. "Adsorbtsiommii Metod Biidiehemmia Alkaloidov ie Hammada leptoclada semicistra Chenopodiaceae." [I.K. Oraskolie, O.S. Omrosctenko & A.S. Sadikov] (This was how our source translated Cyrillic into Roman script.)
  • Orazkuliev, I.K. et al. (1964) Zhur. Prikl. Khim 37: 1394-1395. "An adsorption method for the separation of alkaloids of Hammada leptoclada." [I.K. Orazkuliev, O.S. Ostroshenko & A.S. Sadykov]
  • Oryekhov (1930) Byull. Nauchno-Issled. Khim.-Farm Inst. 3
  • Østrem, Liv (1987) Hereditas 107: 235-248. "Studies on genetic variation in reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea L."
  • Ott, Jonathan (1993) Pharmacotheon. Entheogenic Drugs, their Plant Sources and History. Natural Products Co., Kennewick, Wa. 639 pp. ISBN 0-9614234-2-0 (Hard.)/ 0-9614234-3-9 (paper.)
  • Ott, Jonathan (1994) Ayahuasca Analogues. Pangaean Entheogens. Natural Products Co., Kennewick, Wa. 127 pp. ISBN 0-9614234-4-7 (Hardcover)/ 0-9614234-5-5 (paperback)
  • Ott, Jonathan (1995) The Age of Entheogens & The Angels' Dictionary. Natural Products Co., Kennewick, Wa. 1995. 159 pp. ISBN 0-9614234-6-3 (Hardcover)/ 0-9614234-7-1 (paperback)
  • Ott, Jonathan (1996) Pharmacotheon. Entheogenic Drugs, their Plant Sources and History. Second Edition Densified. Natural Products Co., Kennewick, Wa. 639 pp. ISBN 0-9614234-8-x (Hardcover)/ 0-9614234-9-8 (paperback)
  • Ott, Jonathan (1999) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 31 (2): 171-177. "Pharmahuasca: Human Pharmacology of Oral DMT Plus Harmine."
  • Ott, Jonathan (2001)a Shamanic Snuffs or Entheogenic Errhines. Entheobotanica: Solothurn, Schweiz. ISBN 1-888755-02-4. 159 pages.
  • Ott, Jonathan (2001)b Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 33 (3): 273-281. "Pharmañopo-Psychonautics: Human Intranasal, Sublingual, Intrarectal, Pulmonary and Oral Pharmacology of Bufotenine."
  • Ott, Jonathan (2001)c Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 33 (4): 403-407. "Pharmepéna-Psychonautics: Human Intranasal, Sublingual and Oral Pharmacology of 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyl-Tryptamine"
  • Ovejero (1947) Farmacognosia 6: 103
  • Pachter, I.J. et al. (1959) Journal of Organic Chemistry 24: 1285-1287. "Indole Alkaloids of Acer saccharinum (the Silver Maple), Dictyoloma incanescens, Piptadenia colubrina, and Mimosa hostilis." [Irwin J. Pachter, David E. Zacharias & Oscar Ribeiro]
  • Padilla, Alfonso (1984) Journal of Ethnopharmacology 11 (2): 147-154. "Appendix. The Icaros of Don Emilio Andrade Gomez."
  • Pardal, Ramon (1936) Ravista Geografica Americana 3 (34): 1-21. "Las drogas estupefacientes e ilusiogenas del indio americano."
  • Paris, René Raymond & Jacqueline Caiment Le Blond (1955) Comptes Rendus Hebdomaires des Seances de L'Academie des Sciences 241 (2): 241-242. "Sur une Rubiacée d'Afrique Équatoriale Française: le Leptactina densiflora Hook. f."
  • Paris, R.R. et al. (1957) Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. 780-782. "Alcaloïdes du Leptactina densiflora Hook." [R.R. Paris, F. Percheron, J. Mainil & R. Goutarel]
  • Paris, R. et al. (1967) Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises 25 (7-8): 509-513. "Sur les Alcaloïdes et les flavonoïdes d'une Légumineuse d'Haïti: Piptadenia peregrina Benth. Absence d'alcaloïdes chez Piptadenia africana Hook. f." [R. Paris, A. Saint-Firmin & S. Etchepare]
  • Parmar, S.S. & V.C. Brink (1976) Canadian Journal of Plant Science 56: 175-184. "Tryptamine Levels In Pasturage Implicated In Bovine Pulmonary Emphysema."
  • Pennes, Harry H. & Paul H. Hoch (1957) American Journal of Psychiatry 887-892. "Psychotomimetics, Clinical and Theoretical Considerations: Harmine, WIN-2299 and Nalline."
  • Pereira, E. (1953) Arquiv. Servic. Forestal (Rio de Janeiro) 7: 111-70. "Contribuçao ao Conhecimento da familia Malpighiaceae."
  • Pérez-Arbeláez, Enrique (1935) Plantas útiles de Colombia. Ed. 1: 44.
  • Pérez-Arbeláez, Enrique (1947) Plantas útiles de Colombia. Ed. 2: 326, 334.
  • Pérez-Arbeláez, Enrique (1956) Plantas útiles de Colombia. Ed. 3: 460.
  • Perkin & Roberts (1919) Journal of the Chemical Society 115: 933-972. "Harmine and Harmaline. Part III."
  • Perrot, E. & Raymond-Hamet (1927)a Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences 184: 1266-1268. "Le Yagé, plante sensorielle des Indiens de la région amazonienne de l'Équateur et de la Colombie." [Work using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Perrot, E. & Raymond-Hamet (1927)b Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques 34: 337-347. "Yagê, Ayahuasca, Caapi et leur alcalóide: telepathine ou yageine." [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Perrot, E. & Raymond-Hamet (1927)c Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques 34: 417-426. "Yagê, Ayahuasca, Caapi et leur alcalóide: telepathine ou yageine." [Work using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Perrot, E. & Raymond-Hamet (1927)d Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques 34: 500-514. "Yagê, Ayahuasca, Caapi et leur alcalóide: telepathine ou yageine." [Work using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
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