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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
References R - Z

[Incomplete citations are mostly second-hand.]
  • Rätsch, Christian (1998) Enzyklopädie der Psychoaktiven Pflanzen. Botanik, Ethnopharmakologie und Anwendung. ISBN 3-85502-570-3. AT Verlag, Switzerland.
  • Ramírez de Jara, María Clemencia (1986) América Indígena 46(1): 162-188. "Los hijos del bejuco solar y la campa celeste. El yaje en la cultura popular urbana."
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  • Reichel-Dolmatoff, Geraldo (1972) "The Cultural Context of an Aboriginal Hallucinogen, Banisteriopsis caapi." pp. 84-113, Chapter Three, in Peter. T. Furst (ed.) Flesh of the Gods: The Ritual Use of Hallucinogens. (New York: Prager) First published in Spanish as Reichel-Dolmatoff (1969)
  • Reichel-Dolmatoff, Geraldo (1975) The Shaman and the Jaguar: A Study of Narcotic Drugs Among the Indians of Colombia. Temple University Press, Philadelphia. ISBN 0-87722-038-7.
  • Reinberg, P. (1921) Journal de la Société des Américanistes Paris 13: 25-54, 197-216. "Contributión a l'étude des biossons toxiques des indiens du nord-ouest de l'Amazone: l'ayahuasca, le yagé, le huánto. Étude comparative toxico-physiologique d'une experience personelle."
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  • Ribas, J. et al. (1972) Anales di Quimica 68: 299-302. "Investigation del contenido en Alcaloides de la Banisteriopsis inebrians (Malpighiceae)." [I. Ribas, J. Saa & L. Casiedo]
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  • Rivier, Laurent & Jan-Erik Lindgren (1972) Economic Botany 26: 101-129. " "Ayahuasca", the South American Hallucinogenic Drink: an Ethnobotanical and Chemical Investigation."
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  • Ross, S.A. et al. (1980) Fitoterapia 51: 309-312. "Studies for determining antibiotic substances in some Egyptian plants. Part II. Antimicrobial alkaloids from the seeds of Peganum harmala." [From Ahmad 1992]
  • Rouhier, Alexandre (1924) Paris médical, partie para-médicale 52: 341. "Le yagé: plante télépathique." [Work performed using poorly identified material; lacking herbarium vouchers.]
  • Rouhier, Alexandre (1926) Bull. Sci. Pharmacol. 252-261. "Documents pour servir à l'étude du Yagé."
  • Rovelli, Bruno & Goeffrey N. Vaughan (1967) Australian Journal of Chemistry 20: 1299-1300. "Alkaloids of Acacia. I. Nb,Nb-Dimethyltryptamine in Acacia phlebophylla F.Muell."
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  • Ruíz Lopez, Hipólito & José Antonio Pavón (1799) Flora Peruviana 2: 58, t. 205; 2: 59, t. 207, f. b.; 2: 61, t. 210. (Psychotria descriptions)
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    Material not in this article was from E.B. Russo "Plants of the Machiguenga" at
  • Rutter, R. (1990) Catálago de Plantas Utiles de la Amazonia Peruana. pages, 68, 79, 103, 113. Instituto Linguistico de Verano, Ministerio de Educaión, Lima [From Desmarchelier et al. 1996]
  • Saa & Jose (1972) Acta Cient. Compostelana 9: 159.
  • Saavedra, J. & J. Axelrod (1972) Science 24: 1365-1366. This is a bad citation
  • Safford, William E. (1916)a Annual Report Smithsonian Institution 387-424 plus 17 plates. "Narcotic Plants and Stimulants of the Ancient Americans."
  • Safford, William Edwin (1916)b Washington Academy of Sciences 6: 547-562. "Ethnobotany. Identity of Cohoba, the Narcotic Snuff of Ancient Haiti."
  • Safford, William E. (1920) Annual Report Smithsonian Institution 537-567 plus 13 plates. "Daturas of the Old World and New: An Account of their Narcotic Properties and their Use in Oracular and Initiatory Ceremonies."
  • Safford, William E. (1921) Washington Academy of Sciences 8: 173-189. "Synopsis of the genus Datura."
  • Safina et al. (1970) Trudy Instituta Botaniki Akademij Nauk Kazakskoj SSR 28: 226-235
  • Salcedo, Mario B. (1986) Un Herbolario de Chajaya Devela sus Secretos. Ediziones Senpas: La Paz, Bolivia. 165 pages.
  • Samorini, Giorgio (1994) Percorsi Psichedelici (articolo scelti dal Bollettino SISSC) 67-77. "Una pianta per gli psiconauti attuali e futuri siriaca (Peganum harmala)." [First published in (1994) Boll SISSC 8: 7-13.]
  • Sax, Newton Irving (1984) Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. Sixth Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold. Citing Chemical Systems Laboratory [i.e. the US Army Armament Research and Development Command. Chemical Systems Laboratory. NIOSH Exchange Chemicals. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010.] See also Sax, Newton Irving & Richard J. Lewis Sr. (1989) Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 7th edition. 3 volumes. Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 0-442-28020-3 (set).
  • Schipper & Volk (1960) Dtsch. Apoth. Ztg. 100: 255
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1954) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 16: 241-260. "A new narcotic snuff from the northwest Amazon."
  • Schultes, R.E. (1957) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 18 (1): 1-56. "The Identity of the Malpighiaceous Narcotics of South America."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1961) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 19 (5):123-124. "A Reputedly Toxic Malouetia From the Amazon."
  • Schultes, R.E. (1963)a The Harvard Review 1: 18-32. "Hallucinogenic Plants of the New World."
  • Schultes, R.E. (1963)b Psychedelic Review 1: 145-166. "Botanical sources of the New World narcotics."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1966) Lloydia 29 (4): 293-308. "The Search for New Natural Hallucinogens."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1967)a "The Place of Ethnobotany in the Ethnopharmacological Search for Psychotomimetic Plants." pp. 33-57 in D.H. Efron et al. (eds) Ethnopharmacologal Search for Psychotomimetic Drugs. Public Health Service Publication No. 1645.
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1967)b "The Botanical Origins of South American Snuffs." pp. 291-306 in D.H. Efron et al. (eds) Ethnopharmacologal Search for Psychotomimetic Drugs. Public Health Service Publication No. 1645.
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1969)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 22 (4): 133-164. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes IV."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1969)b Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 22 (6): 229-240. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes V. Virola as an orally administered hallucinogen."
  • Schultes, R.E. (1969)c "The Unfolding Panorama of the New World Hallucinogens." pp. 336-354 in Gunkel (ed.), Current Topics in Plant Sciences.
  • Schultes, R.E. (1969)d Bulletin on Narcotics 21 (3): 3-16. "The plant kingdom and hallucinogens. (part I)"
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1969)e Bulletin on Narcotics 21 (4): 15-27. "The plant kingdom and hallucinogens (part II)"
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1970)a Annual Review of Plant Physiology 21: 571-594. "The botanical and chemical distribution of hallucinogens."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1970)b Bulletin of the Morris Arboretum 21: 3-14. "The New World Indians and their hallucinogenic plants."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1970)c Bulletin on Narcotics 22 (1): 25-53. "The plant kingdom and hallucinogens. (part III)"
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1972)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 23 (3): 137-147. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes X. New Data on the Malpighiaceous Narcotics of South America."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1972)b Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum Etnologiska Studier 32: 115-138. "Ilex guayusa from 500 A.D. to the present."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1972)c Plant Science Bulletin. 18 (4): 34-40. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XI. The Ethnotoxicological Significance of Additives to New World Hallucinogens."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1975)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 24 (6): 121-131. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XIII. Notes on Poisonous or Medicinal Malpighiaceous Species of the Amazon."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1975)b "Present Knowledge of Hallucinogenically Used Plants: A Tabular Summary." pp. 1-28, Ch. One in: V.C. Runeckles (ed.) Recent Advances in Phytochemistry. Volume 9. Plenum Press. ISBN # 0-306-34709-1.
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1977)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 25 (4): 99-104. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XV. Desfontainia: a new Andean hallucinogen."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1977)b Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 25 (4): 109-130. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XVI. Miscellaneous notes on biodynamic plants of South America."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1978)a "Solanaceous hallucinogens and their role in the development of the New World cultures." pp. 137-160 in J.G. Hawkes et al. (eds.) The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae. Linn.Soc.Symp.ser. N. 7, London, Academic Press.
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1978)b Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 26 (5): 177-197. ". "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXIII. Notes on biodynamic plants of aboriginal use in the northwestern Amazonia."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1978)c Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 26 (9-10): 311-337. "Evolution of the Identification of the Major South American Narcotic Plants."
  • Schultes, R.E. (1979) Bot Mus. Lflt. 23: 137-? "New data on the Malpighiaceous narcotics of South America." (from McKenna et al. 1986.)
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1979)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 27 (5-6): 143-153. "Discovery of an ancient guayusa plantation in Colombia."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1979)b "The Place of Ethnobotany in the Ethnopharmacological Search for Psychotomimetic Plants." pp. 33-57 in D.H. Efron et al. (eds) Ethnopharmacologal Search for Psychotomimetic Drugs. New York: Raven 1979. Reprint of Efron et al. (eds.) (1967).
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1979)c Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 11 (1-2): 13-24. "Hallucinogenic Plants: Their earliest botanical descriptions."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1980) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 28 (1): 1-45. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXVI. Ethnopharmacological notes on the flora of northwestern South America."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1982) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 14 (3): 205-220. "The Beta-carboline Hallucinogens of South America."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1983)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 29 (2): 133-137. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXXI. Further Ethnopharmacological Notes on Malpighiaceous Plants of the Northwestern Amazon."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1983)b Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 29 (3): 251-272. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXXII. Notes, Primarily of Field Tests and Native Nomenclature, on Biodynamic Plants of the Northwest Amazon."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1983)c Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 29 (4): 343-365. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXXIII. Ethnobotanical, Floristic and Nomenclatural Notes on Plants of the Northwest Amazon."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1983)d Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India. 23 (1-4): 160-168. "Psychoactive Plants in Need of Chemical Study."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1985)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 30 (3):195-197 (pp. 61-63 printed on page - misprint.) "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXXVI. A Novel Method of Utilizing the Hallucinogenic Banisteriopsis."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1985)b Journal of Ethnopharmacology 14 (2,3): 105-124. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXXIV. Biodynamic rubiaceous plants of the northwest Amazon." [Schultes 1985a in Ott 1994]
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1986)a América Indigena 46 (1): 9-47. "El desarrollo histórico de la identificación de las malpigiáceas empleadas como alucinógenos." [Schultes 1986b in Ott 1994]
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1986)b Journal of Ethnobiology 6 (2): 229-238. "Recognition of variability in wild plants by Indians of the northwest Amazon: An enigma." [Schultes 1986a in Ott 1994]
  • Schultes, Richard Evans (1987) Boletin de Antropologia (Univ. Antioquia, Colombia) 6 (21): 89-98. "Algunos apuntes etnofarmacologicos de la Amazonia Columbiana."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Norman R. Farnsworth (1980) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University. 28 (2): 123-214. "Ethnomedical, Botanical and Phytochemical Aspects of Natural Hallucinogens."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Albert Hofmann (1979) Plants of the Gods. Origins of Hallucinogenic Use. Alfred Van Der Marck Editions 1979. Originally published by McGraw-Hill: New York 1979
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Albert Hofmann (1980) The Botany and Chemistry of the Hallucinogens, 2nd Edition. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Albert Hofmann (1983) Botanica e chimica degli allucinogeni. Roma (Cesco Ciapanna)
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Albert Hofmann (1992) Plants of the Gods. Origins of Hallucinogenic Use. Healing Arts Press 1992
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Bo Holmstedt (1968) Rhodora 70: 113-160. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes. II. The Vegetal Ingredients of the Myristicaceous Snuffs of the Northwest Amazon."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Bo Holmstedt (1971) Lloydia 34 (1): 61-78. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes. VIII. Miscellaneous Notes on Myristicaceous Plants of South America."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Robert F. Raffauf (1960) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 19 (5):109-122. "Prestonia: An Amazonian Narcotic or Not?"
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Robert F. Raffauf (1986) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 30 (4): 255-283. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes XXXVII. Miscellaneous notes on medicinal and toxic plants of the northwest Amazon."
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Robert F. Raffauf (1990) The Healing Forest. Medicinal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia. Portland, Oregon; Dioscorides Press.
  • Schultes, Richard Evans & Robert F. Raffauf (1992) Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, Their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazon. Synergetic Press, Oracle, Arizona.
  • Schultes, R.E. et al. (1969) Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 22 (4):121-132. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes III. Phytochemical Examination of Spruce's Original Collection of Banisteriopsis caapi." [Richard Evans Schultes, Bo Holmstedt & Jan-Erik Lindgren]
  • Schultes, R.E. et al. (1977)a Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 25 (10): 259-272. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes. XVII. Virola as an oral hallucinogen among the Boras of Peru." [Richard Evans Schultes, Tony Swain & Timothy C. Plowman]
  • Schultes, R.E. et al. (1977)b Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University 25 (10): 273-287. "De Plantis Toxicariis e Mundo Novo Tropicale Commentationes. XVIII. Phytochemical Examination of Spruce's Ethnobotanical Collection of Anadenanthera peregrina." [Richard Evans Schultes, Bo Holmstedt, Jan-Erik Lindgren & Laurent Rivier]
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  • Seitz, George J. (1967) "Epéna. the Intoxicating Snuff Powder of the Waika Indians and the Tucano Medicine Man, Agostino." pp. 315-338 in ESPD. [Comments on disparity of effects resulting from Virola snuff when simply taken as snuff versus being blown up the nostrils by a second person; footnote 4, page 331.]
  • Setor de Fitoquímica (1971) Acta Amazonica 1(1): 83-86. "The Chemical Composition of Amazonian Plants. "
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  • Siqueira-Jaccoud (1959) See as de Siqueira-Jaccoud
  • Siskind, Janet (1971) "Preliminary report of an investigation of the use of Ayahuasca by a tribe of the Selva." Paper presented at 2nd National Congress of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Lima, Perú, October, 1968. See Harner (ed.) Hallucinogens and Shamanism.
  • Siskind, Janet (1973) "Visions and Cures Among the Sharanahua." pp. 28-39, in Harner (Ed.)
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  • Vickers, William T. & Timothy Plowman (1984) Useful Plants of the Siona and Secoya Indians of Eastern Ecuador. Fieldiana, Botany, New Series, No. 15 (pp. i-iii, 1-63), Field Museum of Natural History, USA.
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  • Villavicencio, Manuel (1858) Geografia de la Republica del Ecuador. page 371. New York: R. Graighead. Also given as Geography of the Republic of Ecuador.
  • Volmet & Svensson, CA 49, 1280e
  • von Reis Altschul, Siri (1964) Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 193: 1-65. "A Taxonomic Study of the Genus Anadenanthera."
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  • von Reis Altschul (1967)b Lloydia 30 (2): 192-196. "Psychopharmacological Notes in the Harvard University Herbaria."
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  • von Reis Altschul, Siri (1975) Drugs and Foods from Little Known Plants. Notes in Harvard University Herbaria. Harvard University Press. (A valuable piece.) 1973 was the first edition.
  • von Reis, Siri & Frank J. Lipp, Jr. (1982) New Plant Sources for Drugs and Foods from the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium. Harvard University Press 1982. 1SBN 0-674-61765-7 (And another)
  • Wassen, S. Henry (1967) ESPD pp. 233-289. "Anthropological Survey of the Use of South American Snuffs."
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  • Yasuhara, Hajime (1974) Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 24: 523-533. "Studies on Monoamine Oxidase (Report XXIV). Effect of Harmine on Monoamine Oxidase." (Also studied amphetamine's inhibition)
  • Yasuhara, H. et al. (1972) Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 22: 439-441. "Differences in Actions of Harmine on the Oxidations of Serotonin and Tyramine by Beef Brain Mitochondrial MAO." [Hajime Yasuhara, Sodayuki Sho & Kazuya Kamijo]
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