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All References with Titles containing 'Bobon' OR with Authors including 'Bobon' OR with Abstract including 'Bobon' OR with Keywords including 'Bobon'

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divry P, Bobon, J, Collar... La "lysergo-analyse" comme technique propedeutique en psychiatrie Prem Reun Int de Neu... 1958
Divry P, Bobon J, Collard... La "lysergo-analyse" comme technique propédeutique en psychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Maccagnani G, Bobon J, Go... Exploration sous psychodysleptiques du contenu latent de dessins schiz... Encéphale 1964
Díaz JL Ethnopharmacology and taxonomy of Mexican psychodysleptic plants J Psychedelic Drugs 1979