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All References with Titles containing 'Ciccarone_D' OR with Authors including 'Ciccarone_D' OR with Abstract including 'Ciccarone_D' OR with Keywords including 'Ciccarone_D'

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Ciccarone D, Ondocsin J, ... Heroin uncertainties: Exploring users' perceptions of fentanyl-adulter... Int J Drug Policy 2017
Mars SG, Ondocsin J, Cicc... Toots, tastes and tester shots: user accounts of drug sampling methods... Harm Reduct J 2018
Peiper NC, Clarke SD, Vin... Fentanyl test strips as an opioid overdose prevention strategy: Findin... Int J Drug Policy 2019
Palamar JJ, Ciccarone D, ... Trends in seizures of powders and pills containing illicit fentanyl in... Drug Alcohol Depend 2022