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All References with Titles containing 'Elkes_J' OR with Authors including 'Elkes_J' OR with Abstract including 'Elkes_J' OR with Keywords including 'Elkes_J'

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Bradley PB, Elkes J The effect of amphetamine and d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) on... J. Physiol. 1953
Bradley PB, Elkes C, Elke... On some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25) in normal vo... J. Physiol. 1953
Elkes J, Elkes C, Bradley... The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain, and ... J. Ment. Sc. 1954
Elkes C, Elkes J, Mayer-G... Hallucinogenic drugs Lancet 1955
Elkes J Pharmacology of chlorpromazine and reserpine. Brit. Med. J. 1956
Elkes J Effects of psychotomimetic drugs in animals and man. (Neuropharmacolo... Josiah Macy Foundati... 1957
Bradley PB, Elkes J The effects of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain Brain 1957
Elkes J The dysleptics: note on a no man's land Comprehens, Psychiat... 1963