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Ardis AE, Baltzly R, Scho... Amines Related to 2,5-Dimethoxyphenethylamine. 111 2-Hydroxy and 2-Met... Journal of American ... 1946
Forrer GR, Goldner RD Experimental physiological studies with lysergic acid diethylamide (LS... Arch. Neurol. 1951
HOCH PH Experimentally produced psychoses Am J Psychiatry 1951
De Giacomo U Les catatonies toxiques expérimentales Acta neurol. 1951
Matefi Mezcalin- und Lysergsäurediäthylamid-Rausch: Selbstversuche mit besond... Confinia Neurologica... 1952
DeShon HJ, Rinkel M, Solo... Mental changes experimentally produced by LSD (d-Lysergic acid diethyl... Psychiatric Quart. 1952
Rinkel M, DeShon HJ, Hyde... Experimental schizophrenia-like symptoms. Amer. J. Psychiatry 1952
Lovell RRH, Osborne JA, G... Ascorbic acid, glucose-l-phosphate, and lysergic-acid diethylamide in ... Lancet 1953
Hoffer A, Osmond H, Smyth... Schizophrenia; a new approach. II. Result of a year's research J Ment Sci 1954
Strombert VL The Isolation of Bufotenine from Pipatdenia (Anadenanthera) peregrina Journal of the Ameri... 1954
Sloane B, Doust JWL Psychophysiological investigations in experimental psychoses: results ... J. Ment. Sci. 1954
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25). Part 1. Gene... J. Fac. Med. Iraq. 1954
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomo... Experimental psychiatry. III. A chemical concept of psychosis. Dis. Nerv. Syst. 1954
Jovy D Versuch einer experimentallen Erfassung von Wahrnehmungs und Bedeutung... Diss., Köln 1954
Fischer R, Agnew N On drug-produced experimental psychoses Naturwissenschaften 1954
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25).Part 2. Centra... J. Fac. Med. Iraq 1954
Téllez A Psicosis experimentales consácido lisérgico Rev. chilena neuro-p... 1954
Roubícek J, Srnec J Experimentální psychosa vyvolaná LSD. Cas. lék. cesk. 1955
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomo... Experimental psychiatry II. Clinical and physio-chemical observations ... Amer. J. Psychiatry. 1955
Hoch PH Experimental psychiatry Amer. J. Psychiatry 1955
Agnew N, Hoffer A Nicotinic acid modified lysergic acid diethylamide psychosis J. Ment. Sc. 1955
Fabing HD Frenquel, a blocking agent against experimental LSD-25 and mescaline p... Neurology 1955
Giberti F, Gregoretti L Prime esperienze di antagonismo psicofarmacologico. Psicosi speriment... Sistema nerv. 1955
Fabing HD Experimental compound MER-17 (Frenquel): A new blocking agent against ... Psychiatr. Res. Rep. 1955
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomo... Experimental psychiatry IV. Hallucinogens: Tools in experimental psych... Dis. Nerv. Syst. 1955
Tonini G, Montanari C Effects of Experimentally Induced Psychoses on Artistic Expression Confinia neurol. 1955
Hirsch JM, Quintero Maro ... Psiquatría experimental con LSD. Communicación preliminar y exposición... Arch. venezol. psiqu... 1955
Pierre R, Cahn J Anesthésie prolongée par la sérotonine (5-HT). Etude expérimentale. Anesth. et analg. 1956
Rothlin E, Cerletti A Pharmacology of LSD-25. (Lysergic acid diethylamide and mescaline in e... Grune & Stratton 1956
Boyd E Preliminary studies on the metabolism of LSD. (From "Lysergic acid die... Grune & Stratton, Ne... 1956
Rinkel M Experimentally induced psychoses in man. (Pharmacology. Ed. by H.A. Ab... Josiah Macy Jr. Foun... 1956
Rinaldi F The experimental electroencephalographic approach to psychopharmacolog... Psychiatr. Res. Rep. 1956
Masserman J, Pechtel C An experimental investigation of factors influencing drug action Psychiatr. Research ... 1956
Rinkel M Biochemical reflections on the psychosis problem. (From "Lysergic Acid... Grune and Stratton, ... 1956
Delay J, Thuillier J Psychiatrie expérimentale et psychoparmacologie Sem. hôp. 1956
Hoch PH Studies in routes of administration and counteracting drugs. (From "Ly... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Himwich HE The effect of Frenquel on EEG changes produced by LSD-25 and mescaline... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Sandison RA The clinical uses of lysergic acid diethylamide.(From "Lysergic Acid D... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Savage C The LSD psychosis as a transaction between the psychiatrist and patien... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Hoffer A Studies with niacin and LSD.(From "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mesc... Grune & Stratton 1956
Abramson HA Some observations on normal volunteers and patients.(From "Lysergic Ac... Grune & Stratton 1956
Evarts E Brain effects of LSD in animals.(From "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and ... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Pennes H Summary and Discussion.(From "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline... Grune & Stratton 1956
MacDonald JM, Galvin JAV Experimental psychotic states Amer. J. Psychiatr. 1956
Zambrano MG Fenomenología de la intoxicación experimental con la LSD 25 en la psíc... Tesis 1956
Mariategui Chippe J Psicopatología de la intoxicación experimental con la dietilamida del ... Tesis 1956
Mariategui J Psicopatología de la intoxicación experimental con la LSD. Estudios e... Rev. neuro-psiquiatr... 1956
Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Purpura DP Experimental analysis of the inhibitory action of lysergic acid diethy... Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Fischer R Factors involved in drug-produced model psychoses. J. Ment Sc. 1957
Sachs E Acetylcholine and serotonin in the spinal fluid J. Neurosurg. 1957
von Mering O, Morimoto K,... Experimentally induced depersonalization Experimental psychop... 1957
Hoch PH The problem of schizophrenia in the light of experimental psychiatry. Experimental psychop... 1957
Varela G, Palencia L, Váz... Utilización del pex Lebistes reticulatus (Guppy) en el diagnóstico de ... Rev. Inst. saluby. e... 1957
Rey JC Psicósis lisérgica. (LSD psychosis) Rev. psiquiatr. 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1957
Irányi J, Fráter R Adatok a kísérletes lysergsav-diathylamid psychosis tünettánahoz. (Ang... Ideggyógyászati Szem... 1957
Bercel NA, Travis LE A theory on the mechanism of paranoid reaction in experimental psychos... IInd International C... 1957
Passouant P Etude expérimentale des effets de la bulbocapnine et du L.S.D.25. Concours méd. 1957
Rubin LS The psychopharmacology of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) Psychol. Bull. Wash. 1957
Mariátegui J, Zambrano M Psicosíndromes experimentales con los derivados del ácido lisérgico. E... Rev. neuro-psiquiatr... 1957
Bambaren Vigil C La prueba de Bender en la intoxicación experimental con la LSD 25 Rev. neuropsiquiatr. 1957
Baruk H, Launay J, Bergés... Etude préliminaire de l'action du LSD 25 chez les animaux, catatonie e... Ann. med. -psychol. 1958
Olds J Self-stimulation of the brain. Its use to study local effects of hung... Science 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. de... 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1958
Herold M, Cahn J, Dubrasq... Contribution á un concept biochimique des psychoses experiméntales. V... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1958
Roubícek J Similarities and differences between schizophrenia and experimental ps... Rev. Czechoslov. Med... 1958
Hoch PH Psychoses-producing and psychoses-relieving drugs. Res. Publ. Ass. Nerv... 1958
Evarts EV Neurophysiological correlates of pharmacologically-induced behavioral ... Res. Publ. A. Nerv. ... 1958
Woolley DW Serotonin in mental disorders Res. Publ. Ass. Nerv... 1958
Horácková E, Mosinger B, ... Císelny ctverec pri sledování koncentrace pozornosti v experimentální ... Csl.psychiatr. 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. Pr... Presse méd. 1958
Lajtha A The biochemistry of hallucinogens. Chemistry of mescaline and lysergic... Psychopharmacology. ... 1958
Brengelmann JC, Pare CMB,... Alleviation of the psychological effects of LSD in man by 5-hydroxytry... J.Ment.Sc. 1958
Ruiz C Las psicosis experimentales. Estudio comparativo entre las del LSD-25... Frontis 1958
Roubícek J Podobnosti a rozdílnosti schizofrenií a experimentáliních psychos Csl. psychiatrie 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. VI... C.R.Soc.Biol. 1958
Iahikawa K Clinical and experimental studies upon the actions of dihydroergot-der... J.Chiba med. Soc. 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. VI... C. R. Soc. Biol. 1958
Floru R, Costin A, Steres... On the central interrelation between the serotonin and some psychotrop... XXIst International ... 1959
Yamada T Experimental Study of LSD-Psychosis Psychiatria et Neuro... 1959
Rome HP Mushrooms, Folklore, and Experimental Psychoses Scientific Papers an... 1959
Benda P, Orsini F Etude expérimentale de l'estimation du temps sous LSD-25. Ann.méd.-psychol. 1959
Sutter JM, Pelichier Y Les substances hallucinogenes. Algérie-méd. 1959
Benda P, Orsini F Etude expérimentale de l'estimation du temps sous LSD-25. Presse méd. 1959
Delay J, Thuillier J, Nak... Action de la psilocybine sur le comportement des souris normales et de... Compt. Rend. ... 1959
Rinkel M Experimental study of psychosis IInd International C... 1959
Roubícek J Similarities and dissimilarities between schizophrenia and experimenta... IInd International C... 1959
Fazio C, Sacchi U La catalepsie expérimentale dans le cadre des études sur la schizophré... IInd International C... 1959
Orsini F, Benda P Etude expérimentale du ralentissement de la performance sous LSD-25. ... 1959
Melander B, Martens S Experimental studies on taraxein and LSD. Acta psychiat.Scandi... 1959
Fink M EEG and behavioral effects of psychopharmacologic agents. Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Orsini F, Benda P Etude expérimentale du ralentissement de la performance sous LSD-25. (... Presse med. 1959
Benda P, Orsini F A propos de l'étrangete temporo-spatiale sous LSD 25. (Soc.méd.-psych... Presse méd. 1959
Nakakuki M A Clinical Study of Experimental Psychosis induces by LSD 25 in Schizo...   1959
Quétin AM La Psilocybine en psychiatrie clinique et expérimentale Doctoral Thesis 1960
Rinkel M, Atwell CR, Dima... Experimental Psychiatry. V. Psilocybine, A New Psychotogenic Drug New England J. Med. 1960
Sandoz Laboratories Basle Methysergide (UML-491), a new serotonin antagonist Scientific Exhibit, ... 1960
Volmat R, Rosolato G, Wia... Recherches expérimentales actuelles en esthétique Le Carabin 1960

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