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All References with Titles containing 'Hart_ER' OR with Authors including 'Hart_ER' OR with Abstract including 'Hart_ER' OR with Keywords including 'Hart_ER'

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Marrazzi AS, Hart ER Relationship of hallucinogens to adrenergic cerebral neurohumors. Science 1955
Marrazzi S, Hart ER Evoked cortical responses under the influence of hallucinogens and rel... EEG & Clin. Neurophy... 1955
Marrazzi AS, Hart ER The possible role of inhibition at adrenergic synapses in the mechanis... J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1955
Hart ER, Redick TF, Marra... The cerebral synaptic inhibitory action of psilocybin and harmine Fed. Proc. 1962
Hart ER, Rodriguez JM, Ma... Reticular synaptic inhibition by serotonin and lysergic acid diethylam... Pharmacologist 1962