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All References with Authors including 'Inoue_T'

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Niwaguchi T, Inoue T Chromatographic separation of lysergic acid amide and isolysergic acid... J. Chromatog. 1969
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T Studies on quantitative in situ fluorometry of lysergic acid diethylam... J. Chromatogr. 1971
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T Photodecomposition of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Proc. Japan Acad 1971
Inoue T, Nakahara Y, Niwa... Studies on lysergic acid diethylamide and related compounds. II: Mass ... Chem. pharm. Bull. 1972
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sak... Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic ac... Biochem Pharmacol 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sak... Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic ac... Biochem Pharmaol 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Na... Studies on Enzymatic Dealkylation of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD... Biochem Pharmacol 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T Studies on the P-450 Difference Spectra induced by Lysergic Acid Dieth... Chem.Pharm.Bull. 1975
Niwauchi T, Inoue T Direcative analysis of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and 2,5-dimeth... J.Chromatog. 1976
Inoue T, Niwaguchi T Enzymic formation of dehydrogenated and hydroxylated metabolites from ... Xenobiotica 1980