Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
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Dixon WE |
The physiological action of the alkaloids derived from Anhalonium Lewi... |
J Physiol |
1899 |
Rothera ACH |
The alkaloids of pituri obtained from Duboisia hopwoodii |
Bio-Chemical Journal |
1910 |
Späth E |
Über die Anhalonium-Alkaloide. I. Anhalin und Mezcalin |
Monatshefte für Chem... |
1919 |
Tastevin C |
Le fleuve Muru - Ses habitants. — Croyances et moeurs kachinaua |
La Geographie |
1925 |
Blicke FF, Burckhalter JH |
α-Thienylaminoalkanes |
J Am Chem Soc |
1942 |
Stoll A, Hofmann A |
Partialsynthese von Alkaloiden vom Typus des Ergobasins (6. Mitteilung... |
Helv. chim. Acta |
1943 |
Ardis AE, Baltzly R, Scho... |
Amines Related to 2,5-Dimethoxyphenethylamine. 111 2-Hydroxy and 2-Met... |
Journal of American ... |
1946 |
Raymond-Hamet |
[The alkaloids of Mitragyna speciosa Korthals] |
Ann Pharm Fr |
1950 |
Kacker IK, Zaheer SH |
Potential analgesics, I. Synthesis of substituted 4-quinazolones |
J Indian Chem Soc |
1951 |
Frederking W |
Ueber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (meskalin und Lysergsaurediathyl... |
Psyche |
1953 |
Katzenelbogen S, Fang AD |
Narcosynthesis effects of Sodium Amytal, Methedrine and L.S.D-25 |
Dis. Nerv. System |
1953 |
Rothlin E |
Influence of ergot alkaloids and lysergic acid derivatives on an inher... |
XIX International Ph... |
1953 |
Woolley DW, Shaw E |
Some neurophysiological aspects of serotonin. |
Brit. Med. J. |
1954 |
Hoffer A, Osmond H, Smyth... |
Schizophrenia; a new approach. II. Result of a year's research |
J Ment Sci |
1954 |
Strombert VL |
The Isolation of Bufotenine from Pipatdenia (Anadenanthera) peregrina |
Journal of the Ameri... |
1954 |
Rothlin E |
Die zentralnervösen Wirkungen von Heilmitteln |
Georg. Thieme Verlag... |
1954 |
Gaddum JH, Hameed KA |
Drugs which antagonize 5-hydroxytryptamine |
Brit. J. Pharmacol. |
1954 |
Welsh JH |
Hydroxytryptamine: a neurohormone in the invertebrates. |
Fed. Proc. |
1954 |
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Gaddum JH, Hameed KA, Hat... |
Quantitative studies of antagonists for 5-hydroxytryptamine. |
Quart. J. Exper. Phy... |
1955 |
Abramson HA, Kornetsky C,... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XI. Content analysis of clinical ... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Levine A, Abramson HA, Ka... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIV. Effect on personality as obs... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, L... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XV. The effects produced by subst... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Abramson HA, Waxenberg SE... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIII. Effect on Bender-Gestalt te... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Levine A, Abramson HA, Ka... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XVI. The effect on intellectual f... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Salmoiraghi G C, Sollero ... |
Blockade by Brom-lysergic-Acid-Diethylamide (BOL, of the Potentiating ... |
J. Pharm. & Exper. T... |
1956 |
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE |
A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrin... |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1956 |
Brodie BA, Shore PA, Plet... |
Serotonin-releasing activity limited to rauwolfia alkaloids with tranq... |
Science |
1956 |
Kar AB, Boscott RJ |
Preliminary investigations on the influence of reserpine and lysergic ... |
Indian J. Pharmacy |
1956 |
Burroughs W |
Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs |
British Journal of A... |
1956 |
Camp BJ |
The Alkaloid of Acacia berlandieri N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine : A dis... |
Graduate School of A... |
1956 |
Szára, S |
Dimethyltryptamin: Its Metabolism in Man the Relation of its Psychotic... |
Experientia |
1956 |
Purpura DP |
Experimental analysis of the inhibitory action of lysergic acid diethy... |
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. |
1957 |
Carlsson A, Shore PA, Bro... |
Release of serotonin from blood platelets by reserpine in vitro |
J. Pharmacol. Exper.... |
1957 |
Widlocher D, Nakajima H, ... |
Action des monoéthylamide (LAE) et diéthylamide (LSD) de l'acide lyser... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Broghammer H, Takagi K, S... |
Die Wirkung von Lysergäure-Diäthylamid (LSD) und Urethan auf die Tätig... |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Eichenberger E, Friolet B |
Pharmakologische Beeinflussung des Pyrogen- und LSD-Fiebers des Kaninc... |
Helvet. physiol. et ... |
1957 |
Yamada T, Tsunoda T, Taka... |
Accentuation of LSD 25 effect through antihistaminica. |
Fol. psychiat. Jap. |
1957 |
Callieri B, Mariani E |
The effects of mono- and diethylamide of lysergic acid on the activity... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Thuillier J, Nakajima H |
Action comparée des drogues psychotropes sur les "souris tournantes" p... |
Psychotropic drugs. |
1957 |
Miura T, Tsujiyama Y, Mak... |
The effect of psychotropic substances on nerve and neuroglia cells dev... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Kahr H, Fischer W |
Die Wirkung des 5-Oxytryptamins auf das Pigmentsystem der Haut |
Klin. Wschr. |
1957 |
Neuhold K, Taeschler M, C... |
Beitrag zur zentralen Wirkung von LSD: Versuche über di Lokalisation v... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1957 |
DeMaar EWJ, Miller AE, Wi... |
Psychic effects of combined administration of rauwolfia alkaloids and ... |
Fed. Proc. |
1957 |
Weidmann H, Cerletti A |
Die Wirkung von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid und 5-Hydroxytryptamin (Sero... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1957 |
Sailer S, Stumpf C |
Beeinflussbarkeit der rhinencephalen Tätigkeit des Kaninchens. |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Kammerer T, Singer L, Ebt... |
Un cas de schizophasie Action des agents pharmacodynamiques (Maxiton, ... |
Ann. méd. psychol. |
1957 |
Winkel K |
Ueber die Wirkung von LSD 25 auf fokale Krampfpotentiale der Hirnrinde... |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Cerletti A, Doepfner W |
Comparative Study of the Serotonin Antagonism of Amide Derivatives of ... |
J. of Pharm. & Exper... |
1958 |
Jost F, Vicari R |
Zu den Provokationsverfahren in der Medizin. (LSD als Provokationsmit... |
Medizinische |
1958 |
Cerletti A, Doepfner W |
Comparative study on the serotonin antagonism of amide derivatives of ... |
J. Pharmacol. Exper.... |
1958 |
Takagi H, Yamamoto S, Tak... |
The effect of LSD and reserpine on the central nervous system of the c... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Yui T, Takeo Y |
Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. Elym... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Yui T, Takeo Y |
Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. The ... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Costa E, Zetler G |
Interactions between epinephrine and psychotomimetic drugs on cat nict... |
Fed. Proc. |
1958 |
Shibusawa K, Tokuzawa K, ... |
Studies on anaphylactic shock. 2. Inhibition of anaphylactic shock wi... |
Gunma J. Med. Sc. |
1958 |
Melander B, Martens S |
The mode of action of taraxein and LSD. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1958 |
Stäger R |
Intoxikationsversuche mit Ameisen und einigen andern Kleintieren. |
Bull. Murithienne |
1958 |
Winkel K |
Ueber die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf fokale Krampfpotentia... |
Pflügers Arch.Phy... |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Frey A, Ott H,... |
Konstitutionsaufklärung und Synthese von Psilocybin |
Experientia |
1958 |
Iahikawa K |
Clinical and experimental studies upon the actions of dihydroergot-der... |
J.Chiba med. Soc. |
1958 |
Hladovec J, Votava Z |
The effect of ergot alkaloids, their partial synthetic derivatives and... |
Physiol. Bohemoslov. |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
Psilocybin ein psychotroper Wirkstoff aus dem mexikanischen Rauschpilz |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Frey A, Ott H,... |
Détermination de la Structure et Synthèse de la Psilocybine |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Mörsdorf K, Bode HH |
Zur Beeinflussung der permeabilitätssteigernden Wirkung des Serotonins... |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1959 |
Waser PG, Itzbicki M |
Der Einfluss verschiedener Psychopharmaka auf den Bluthistamingehalt v... |
Experientia |
1959 |
Delay J, Thuillier J, Nak... |
Action de la psilocybine sur le comportement des souris normales et de... |
Compt. Rend. ... |
1959 |
Balestrieri A |
Psychotrope Pharmaka und psychische Epilepsie. Erfahrungen mit Weckam... |
Nervenarzt |
1959 |
Perris C |
Elektromyographische Untersuchungen der Wirkung von LSD 25 auf die neu... |
Experientia |
1959 |
Isbell H |
Comparison of the Reactions Induced by Psilocybin and LSD-25 in Man |
Psychopharmacologia |
1959 |
Orsini F, Benda P |
Etude expérimentale du ralentissement de la performance sous LSD-25. ... | |
1959 |
Dhawan BN, Gupta GP |
LSD-25 antagonism of morphine analgesia | pha... |
1959 |
Cerletti A |
Comparison of abnormal behavioral states induced by psychotropic drugs... |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1959 |
Melander B, Martens S |
Experimental studies on taraxein and LSD. |
Acta psychiat.Scandi... |
1959 |
Smith CM |
Some Reflections on the Possible Therapeutic Effects of the Hallucinog... |
Quart.J.Stud.Alcohol... |
1959 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Les effets somatiques de la Psilocybine |
Presse méd. |
1959 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
Psilocybin und Psilocin, zwei psychotrope Wirkstoffe aus mexikanischen... |
Helv. chim. Acta |
1959 |
H Isbell |
Comparison of the reactions induced by Psilocybin and LSD 25 in man. |
Psychopharmacologia |
1959 |
Gnirss F |
Untersuchungen mit Psilocybin, einem Phantastikum aus dem mexikanische... |
Schweiz. Arch. Neuro... |
1959 |
Michaux H |
La Psilocybine (Experiences et Autocritique) |
Les Lettres Nouv. |
1959 |
Nakakuki M |
A Clinical Study of Experimental Psychosis induces by LSD 25 in Schizo... |
1959 |
Kato K, Fujinawa A, Shino... |
Mental changes induced by LSD-25, on deep psychological significance o... |
Seishin Igaku |
1959 |
Turner WJ, S Merlis |
Effects of some Indolealkylamines on Man |
A.M.A. Archives of N... |
1959 |
Hamilton CL |
Effects of LSD-25 and amphetamine on a running response in the rat. |
A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... |
1960 |
Evans FT |
The Effect of Several Psychotomimetic Drugs on Human Serum Cholinester... |
Psychopharmacologia |
1960 |
Woolley DW |
Serotonin in mental disorders |
Dis.Nerv.System |
1960 |
Marrazzi AS |
The action of psychotogens and a neurophysiological theory of hallucin... |
Amer. J. Psychiat. |
1960 |
Sankar DVS |
Biochemical aspects of "LSD-psychosis" |
Fed.Proc. |
1960 |
Geiger RS |
Effects of LSD-25, serotonin and sera from schizophrenic patients on a... |
J. Neuropsychiat. |
1960 |
Fink M, Jaffe J, Kahn RL |
Drug-induced changes in interview patterns: linguistic and neurophysi... |
The Dynamics of Psyc... |
1960 |
Sankar S, Kopelman A, Sch... |
Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on larval growth |
Nature |
1960 |
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... |
Neka nasa iskustva u lecenju dusevnih bolesnika dietilamidom lizergicn... |
Vojno-sanit.Pregl. |
1960 |
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... |
Prilog ispitivanju dejstva LSD-25 u eksperimentu na psima |
Vojnosanit. Pregl. |
1960 |
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... |
O nekim aspektima primene LSD-25 u nasoj Klinickoj psihijatrijsdkoj pr... |
Vojnosanit. Pregl. |
1960 |
Gershon S, Olariu J |
JB-329, a new psychotomimetic. Its antagonism by tetrahydroaminacrin ... |
J. Neuropsychiat. |
1960 |
Dhawan BN |
Blockade of LSD-25 pyrexia by morphine |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1960 |
Shirahashi K |
Electroencephalographic study of mental disturbances experimentally-in... |
Folia Psychiat. Neu... |
1960 |
Vojtechovsky M, Grof S |
Podobnosti a rozdíly mezi esperimentální psychózou po LSD-25 a po mezk... |
Csl. Psychiat. |
1960 |
Ishido M |
Psychopathologische Untersuchungen der psychischen LSD-Störung - Erfor... |
Psychiat. Neurol. Ja... |
1960 |
Takashina K |
Physiological studies of visual symptoms due to the effects of halluci... |
Psychiat. Neurol. Ja... |
1960 |