Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
Click on Column Headers to Re-Sort The Current List |
Szuman S |
Analiza Frmalina I Psychologiczna Widzen Mesalinowych [The Formal and ... |
Kwartalnik Psycholog... |
1930 |
Stoll A, Hofmann A |
Partialsynthese von Alkaloiden vom Typus des Ergobasins (6. Mitteilung... |
Helv. chim. Acta |
1943 |
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... |
Psychological and biochemical effects of lysergic acid diethylamide |
Nature |
1951 |
Alemà G |
Allucinazioni da acido lisergico in cieco senza bulbi oculari |
Riv. Neur. |
1952 |
Matefi |
Mezcalin- und Lysergsäurediäthylamid-Rausch: Selbstversuche mit besond... |
Confinia Neurologica... |
1952 |
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... |
Lysergsäure-Diäthylamid und Kohlenhydratstoffweschel. Vorl�ufige Mit... |
Nervenarzt |
1952 |
Lovell RRH, Osborne JA, G... |
Ascorbic acid, glucose-l-phosphate, and lysergic-acid diethylamide in ... |
Lancet |
1953 |
Liddell DW, Weil-Malherbe... |
The effects of methedrine and of lysergic acid diethylamide on mental ... |
J. Neurol. |
1953 |
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... |
Further observations on the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide. |
j. Ment. Sc. |
1953 |
Stoll A, Rutschmann J, Ho... |
Ueber die Synthese von C14-diäthylamin und C14-lysergsäure-diäthylamid |
Helv. chim. Acta |
1954 |
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Hofmann A |
Discovery of D-lysergic acid diethylamide--LSD |
Sandoz Excerpta |
1955 |
Marrazzi AS, Hart ER |
Relationship of hallucinogens to adrenergic cerebral neurohumors. |
Science |
1955 |
Elkes C, Elkes J, Mayer-G... |
Hallucinogenic drugs |
Lancet |
1955 |
Abramson HA, Kornetsky C,... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XI. Content analysis of clinical ... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Arnold OH, Hofmann G |
Untersuchungen über Bernsteinsäureefekte bei LSD.-25- Vergiftungen und... |
Wien. Zschr. Nervenh... |
1955 |
Levine A, Abramson HA, Ka... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIV. Effect on personality as obs... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, L... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XV. The effects produced by subst... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Abramson HA, Waxenberg SE... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIII. Effect on Bender-Gestalt te... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Levine A, Abramson HA, Ka... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XVI. The effect on intellectual f... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Stoll A, Rothlin E, Rutsc... |
Distribution and fate of 14C-labeled lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 2... |
Experientia |
1955 |
Evarts EV, Landau W, Frey... |
Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and bufotenine on electrica... |
Amer. J. Physiol. |
1955 |
Evarts EV, Marshall WH |
The effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on the excitability cycle of... |
Amer. Neurol. Ass. |
1955 |
Marrazzi S, Hart ER |
Evoked cortical responses under the influence of hallucinogens and rel... |
EEG & Clin. Neurophy... |
1955 |
Marrazzi AS, Hart ER |
The possible role of inhibition at adrenergic synapses in the mechanis... |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1955 |
Hirsch JM, Quintero Maro ... |
Psiquatría experimental con LSD. Communicación preliminar y exposición... |
Arch. venezol. psiqu... |
1955 |
Bowman RL, Caulfield PA, ... |
Spectrophotofluorometric assay in the visible and ultraviolet |
Science |
1955 |
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Ba... |
Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of epinephrine and norep... |
XXth International P... |
1956 |
Oinzel K H, Mayer-Gross W |
Prevention of Psychological Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Deithylamide (L... |
Nature |
1956 |
Mansour TE |
Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide, serotonin and related compounds ... |
Fed Proc |
1956 |
Shemano I, Nickerson M |
Effect of ambient temperature on thermal responses to drugs |
Fed. Proc. |
1956 |
Sjoerdsma A, Kornetsky C,... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide in patients with excess serotonin |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1956 |
Dalmau-Ciria M |
Fármacos y psiquiatría. (Diálogo con el Prof. R. Sarró) |
Med. clín. |
1956 |
Ginzel KH, Mayer-Gross W |
Prevention of psychological effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L... |
Nature |
1956 |
Ruiz-Ogara C, Martí-Tusqu... |
Psicosis lisérgica |
Rev. psiquiatr. psic... |
1956 |
Masserman J, Pechtel C |
An experimental investigation of factors influencing drug action |
Psychiatr. Research ... |
1956 |
Brown BB, Braun D, Feldma... |
The pharmacologic activity of (4-piperidyl)-benzhydrol hydrochloride (... |
J. Pharmacol. Exper.... |
1956 |
MacDonald JM, Galvin JAV |
Experimental psychotic states |
Amer. J. Psychiatr. |
1956 |
Yamada T, Takumi A |
Histamine effect upon the symptoms of LSD 25 intoxication |
Fol. psychiatr. Jap. |
1956 |
Fink MA |
Anaphylaxis in the mouse: possible relation of the Schultz-Dale reacti... |
Proc. Soc. Exper. Bi... |
1956 |
del Greco F, Masson GMC, ... |
Renal and arterial effects of serotonin in the anesthetized rat |
Amer. J. Physiol. |
1956 |
Masciocchi A |
Modificazioni elettroencefealographiche nel corso della terapia con re... |
Arch. psicol. neurol... |
1956 |
Cline HS, Freeman H |
Resistance to lysergic acid in schizophrenic patients. |
Psychiatr. Quart |
1956 |
Mariategui Chippe J |
Psicopatología de la intoxicación experimental con la dietilamida del ... |
Tesis |
1956 |
Mariategui J |
Psicopatología de la intoxicación experimental con la LSD. Estudios e... |
Rev. neuro-psiquiatr... |
1956 |
Alema G, Donini G |
Sugli effetti della intossicazione sperimentale con dietilamide dell'a... |
Riv. sper. freniatr. |
1956 |
Marrazzi AS |
The effects of certain drugs on cerebral synapses. |
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. |
1957 |
Abood LG, Romanchek L |
The chemical constitution and biochemical effects of psychotherapeutic... |
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. |
1957 |
Dimascio A, Greenblatt M,... |
A study of the effects of LSD: Physiologic and psychological changes a... |
Am. J. Psychiatr. |
1957 |
Widlocher D, Nakajima H, ... |
Action des monoéthylamide (LAE) et diéthylamide (LSD) de l'acide lyser... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Dimascio A, Suter E, Hyde... |
Physiological effects of LSD: report of a detailed investigation in o... |
Psychiatr. Quart. |
1957 |
Burton RM, Sodd MA, Goldi... |
The analeptic action of lysergic acid diethylamide and d-amphetamine o... |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1957 |
Burton RM, Sodd MA, Goldi... |
Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on barbiturate anesthesia |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1957 |
Martin AJ |
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide ) treatment of chronic psychoneurotic ... |
Internat. J. Social ... |
1957 |
Yamada T, Tsunoda T, Taka... |
Accentuation of LSD 25 effect through antihistaminica. |
Fol. psychiat. Jap. |
1957 |
Callieri B, Mariani E |
The effects of mono- and diethylamide of lysergic acid on the activity... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Thuillier J, Nakajima H |
Action comparée des drogues psychotropes sur les "souris tournantes" p... |
Psychotropic drugs. |
1957 |
Miura T, Tsujiyama Y, Mak... |
The effect of psychotropic substances on nerve and neuroglia cells dev... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Primac DW, Mirsky AF, Ros... |
Effects of centrally acting drugs on two tests of brain damage |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Haley TJ, Rutschmann J |
Brain concentrations of LSD-25 (Delysid) after intracerebral or intrav... |
Experientia |
1957 |
Elmadjian F, Hope JM, Lam... |
Excretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine in various emotional state... |
J. Clin. Endocrin. |
1957 |
Weidmann H, Cerletti A |
Untersuchungen über die pressorische Wirkung des 5-Hydroxy-tryptamin (... |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1957 |
DeMaar EWJ, Miller AE, Wi... |
Psychic effects of combined administration of rauwolfia alkaloids and ... |
Fed. Proc. |
1957 |
Arnold OH, Hofmann G, Leu... |
Untersuchungen zum Schizophrenieproblem. |
Wien. Szchr. Nervenh... |
1957 |
Weidmann H, Cerletti A |
Die Wirkung von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid und 5-Hydroxytryptamin (Sero... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1957 |
Weidmann H |
Die Wirkung von D-Lysergsäurediäthylamid und 5-Hydroxy-tryptamin auf s... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1957 |
Boardman WK, Goldstone S,... |
Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the time sense of norma... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Chauchard P, Mazoué H |
Effets sur l'excitabilité des centres nerveux de la sérotonine et de l... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Ba... |
Ephinephrine and arterenol (norepinephrine) in mental disease. |
Arch. Neruol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Mansour TE |
The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and rel... |
Brit. J. Pharmaocol. |
1957 |
Mariátegui J, Zambrano M |
Psicosíndromes experimentales con los derivados del ácido lisérgico. E... |
Rev. neuro-psiquiatr... |
1957 |
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H,... |
Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores et des sclèrotes dans la ... |
Compt. rend. Acad. s... |
1958 |
Heim R, Hofmann A |
Isolement de la Psilocybine à partir du Stropharia cubensis Earle et d... |
Compt. rend. Acad. s... |
1958 |
Murphree HB, De Maar EWJ,... |
Effects of lysergic acid derivatives on man; antagonism between d-lys... |
J. Pharmacol. & Expe... |
1958 |
Freeman H |
Pupil dilatation in normal and schizophrenic subjects following lyserg... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1958 |
Takagi H, Yamamoto S, Tak... |
The effect of LSD and reserpine on the central nervous system of the c... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Freedman DX, Aghajanian G... |
Patterns of tolerance to lysergic acid diethylamide and mescaline in r... |
Science |
1958 |
Mahler DJ, Humoller FL, D... |
Comparison of effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and bufotenine on ... |
Fed. Proc. |
1958 |
Maynard DM |
Action of drugs on lobster cardiac ganglion |
Fed. Proc. |
1958 |
Feld M, Goodman JR, Guido... |
Clinical and laboratory observations on LSD-25 |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1958 |
Cohen S, Fichman L, Eisne... |
Subjective reports of lysergic acid experiences in a context of psycho... |
Amer. J. Psychiat. |
1958 |
Weidmann H, Cerletti A |
Weiterer Beitrag zur Pharmakologie von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid: Die... |
Helvet. physiol. et ... |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC, Laverty S... |
Differential effects of lysergic acid and sodium amytal on immediate m... |
J. Ment. Sc. |
1958 |
Melander B, Martens S |
The mode of action of taraxein and LSD. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1958 |
Birkmayer W, Danielczk W |
Die vegetative Regulationsfähigkeit im Alter |
Ges. z. Förderung wi... |
1958 |
Arnold OH, Hofmann G, Leu... |
Untersuchungen zum Schizophrenieproblem. IV.Mitteilung: Die Verteilu... |
Wien.Ztschr.Nervenhk... |
1958 |
Hoffman RA |
Effect of and interaction between tranquilizers, serotonin and lysergi... |
Amer.J.Physiol. |
1958 |
Hoffman RA |
Effect of LSD-25 on body temperature of pigeons. |
Am.J.Physiol. |
1958 |
Hofmann A |
Lysergic acid diethylamide and related compounds. Relationship betwee... |
Chemical concepts of... |
1958 |
Birkmayer W, Neumayer E |
Der klinische Aspekt des reticulären Systems. |
Mehrdimensionale Dia... |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC |
Effects of LSD-25 on tests of personality. |
J.Ment.Sci. |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC, Pare CMB,... |
Alleviation of the psychological effects of LSD in man by 5-hydroxytry... |
J.Ment.Sc. |
1958 |
Weidmann H, Taeschler M, ... |
Zur Pharmakologie von Psilocybin, einem Wirkstoff aus Psilocybe mexica... |
Experientia |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Frey A, Ott H,... |
Konstitutionsaufklärung und Synthese von Psilocybin |
Experientia |
1958 |
Hofmann A |
Rapport sur une auto-expérience avec le Psilocybe mexicana Heim |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Ba... |
Concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine in plasma and cerebro... |
Transactions of the ... |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
Psilocybin ein psychotroper Wirkstoff aus dem mexikanischen Rauschpilz |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
La Psilocybine, Principe Actif Psychotrope Extrait Du Champignon Hallu... |
Les chamignones hall... |
1958 |
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H,... |
Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores et des sclèrotes dans la ... |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H,... |
Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores, et éventuellement des sc... |
Let champignons hall... |
1958 |