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All References with Titles containing 'Obe_G' OR with Authors including 'Obe_G' OR with Abstract including 'Obe_G' OR with Keywords including 'Obe_G'

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Hollister LE, Sjoberg BM Clinical syndromes and biochemical alterations following mescaline, ly... Comprehens. Psychiat... 1964
LE Hollister, BM Sjoberg Clinical syndromes and biochemical alterations following mescaline, ly... Comprehens. Psychiat... 1964
Sjoberg BM, Hollister LE The Effects of Psychotomimetic drugs on primary suggestibility Psychopharmacologia ... 1965
Obe G, Herha J Genetische Schäden durch LSD? In vivo-Untersuchung an ll LSD-Konsument... Fortschr. Med. 1973
Uvnäs-Moberg K, Bjökstr... Oxytocin as a possible mediator of SSRI-induced antidepressant effects Psychopharmacology (... 1999
Obergriesser T, Ende G, B... Hippocampal [1H]-MRSI in ecstasy users European Archives of... 2001