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Rostafinski M O omamach doswiadczalnych u chorych na padaczke Roczn. psychjatr. 1950
Geronimus LH, Abramson HA... Effects of LSD-25 Annual Rep. Biol. La... 1954
Abramson HA, Evans LT, Ge... Bioassays for LSD-25 Annual Rep. Biol. La... 1954
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... J. Psychol. 1955
Abramson HA, Kornetsky C,... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XI. Content analysis of clinical ... J. Psychol. 1955
Levine A, Abramson HA, Ka... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIV. Effect on personality as obs... J. Psychol. 1955
Abramson HA, Waxenberg SE... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIII. Effect on Bender-Gestalt te... J. Psychol. 1955
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrin... J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1956
Evans LT, Geronimus LH, K... Effect of ergot drugs on Betta splendens Science 1956
Sokoloff L, Perlin S, Kor... Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation and meta... Fed. Proc. 1956
Sjoerdsma A, Kornetsky C,... Lysergic acid diethylamide in patients with excess serotonin Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1956
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B... Production of tolerance to psychosis-produclng doses of lysergic acid ... Science 1957
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B... Blocking effect of brain extract on lysergic acid diethylamide reactio... Science 1957
Kornetsky C, Humphries O,... Comparison of psychological effects of certain centrally acting drugs ... Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1957
Kornetsky C, Humphries O Relationship between effects of a number of centrally acting drugs and... Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1957
Primac DW, Mirsky AF, Ros... Effects of centrally acting drugs on two tests of brain damage Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1957
Sokoloff L, Perlin S, Kor... The effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation an... Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. I. Blocking effect o... Arch. Neruol. Psychi... 1957
Bogdanski DF, Spector S Comparison of central actions of cocaine and LSD. Fed. Proc. 1957
Kornetsky C Relation of physiological and psychological effects of lysergic acid d... Arch. Neruol. Psychi... 1957
Bogdanski DF, Weissbach H... Pharmacological studies with the serotonin precursor. 5-hydroxtryptop... J. Pharmacol. Exper.... 1958
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky A... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. II. Development of ... Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... 1958
Votava Z, Podvalová I, Se... Studies on the pharmacology of d-lysergic acid cycloalkylamides. Arch. internat. phar... 1958
Ostfeld AM, Visotsky HM, ... A comparison of the psychotomimetic effects of scopolamine, lysergic a... Clin. Res. 1958
Horácková E, Mosinger B, ... Císelny ctverec pri sledování koncentrace pozornosti v experimentální ... Csl.psychiatr. 1958
Baron MO, Sklarofsky B, F... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXVIII. Assay of 2-bromo-lysergi... J.Psychol. 1958
Baron M O, Sklarofsky B, ... Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXVIII. Assay of 2-Brom-Lysergic ... J. of Psychology 1958
Bogdanski DF, Sheatz GC, ... An EEG study of psychotropic drugs in animals Pharmacologist 1959
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. III. Modification of... A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Draskoci M Assay of lysergic acid diethylamide and its passage from blood into th... Brit.J.Pharmacol. 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. I. An explorator... A.M.A. Arch. gen. Ps... 1960
Vojtechovsky M, Horácková... Pokus o blokováni experimentální psychózy po LSD-25 theadrylem. Csl. Psychiat. 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and JB-318: A comparison of two hall... A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Vojtechovsky M, Grof S, V... Experimentalpsychose als Folge der Verabreichung von 200 mg. Benactyzi... wein. Ztschr. Nerven... 1960
Vojtechovsky M, Grof S Podobnosti a rozdíly mezi esperimentální psychózou po LSD-25 a po mezk... Csl. Psychiat. 1960
Grof S, Vojtéchovsky M, V... Diethylamid kyseliny d-lysergové (LSD). (Historie, chemické a farmako... Casop.lek.cesk. 1960
Grof S, Vojtechovsky M, V... Dietylamid kyseliny d-lysergové (LSD). 2. Klinická cást. Casop. lek. cesk. 1960
Grof S, Vojtechovsky M, V... Dietylamid kyseliny d-lysergové (LSD). 3. Praktické a teoretické pro... Casop.lek.cesk. 1960
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics J.Psychol. 1960
Abramson HA, Rolo A, Skla... Production of Cross-Tolerance to Psychosis-Producing Doses of Lysergic... J.Psychol. 1960
HA Abramson, A Rolo, B Sk... Production of cross-tolerance to psychosis-producing doses of lysergic... J. Psychol. 1960
Bultosová H, Grof S, Horá... Psychopatologie a biochemie experimentálních psychóz vyvolanych antich... Csl. Psychiat. 1960
Horácková E, Vojtechovský... Odhad casu v experimentální psychóze po LSD-25 Csl. Psychiat. 1960
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, ... Étude du comportement et du changement de couleur du Phoxinus phoxinus... CR, Soc. Biol. 1961
Thuillier J, Makajima H, ... Influence de la mélatoine, d'amines biogčnes et de l'acétylcholine sur... C.R. Soc. Biol. 1961
Jacob J, Blozovski M Actions de divers analgésiques sur le comportement de souris exposées ... Arch. int. Pharmacod... 1961
Stone CA, Wenger HC, Ludd... Antiserotonin-antihistaminic properties of cyproheptadine J. Pharmacol. exp. T... 1961
Krawczynski J The influence of serotonin, d-lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-brom-LS... J. Neurochem. 1961
Hamilton CL, Wilpizeski C Effects of LSD-25 on food intake in the rat Proc. Soc. exp. Biol... 1961
Thuillier J, Makajima H, ... Influence de la melatonine, d'amines biogenes et de l'acetylcholine su... Presse méd. 1962
Sandowski B, Longo VG Electroencephalographic and behavioural correlates of an instrumental ... Electroenceph clin. ... 1962
Mietkiewski E, Lichota E Przyczynek do badán nad osrodkowyz dzialeniem dwuetylamidu kwasu lizer... Acta physiol. pol. 1962
Pawlowski AA Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on the modification of a learned... J. Neuropsychit. 1962
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB 318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. III. Qualitative an... Arch. gen. Psychiat. 1962
Vojtechovský M, Vítek V, ... Beetnflussung Experimenteller Psychosen Nach Psilocybin Durch Necrohor... Activ. Nerv. sup. 1962
Vojtechovský M, Vitek V, ... Ovlivnení experimentální psychózy po Psilocybinu prekursory neurohormo... Activ. nerv. sup. 1962
Alnaes R, Skaug OE Kliniske og psykopatologiske fenomener under psykoterapi ved hjelp av ... T. norske Laegeforen 1963
Hano J, Wilimowski M, Gie... Recherches pharmacologiques sur de nourveaux tranquillisants Presse méd 1963
Dubanský B, Kolarík J, Vy... The effect of Psilocybin upon the clinical and EEG picture of focal br... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1963
ROSZKOWSKI AP, KELLEY NM A rapid method for assessing drug inhibition of feeding behavior J Pharmacol Exp Ther... 1963
GC Sheatz, DF Bogdanski Differential Effect of LSD upon Habituating and Extinquishing Evoked R... J. Neuropsychiat. 1964
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... Reversal of LSD-25 Action by chronic pretreatment with Marplan in Hum... Fed. Proc. 1964
Mirsky AF, Kornetsky C On the dissimilar effects of drugs on the Digit Symbol Substitution an... Psychopharmacologia 1964
Temkov I, Bojadjiewa M, J... Ein LSD-25 test als diagnostisches Hilfsmittel bei Abgrenzung schizoph... Savr. med. 1964
Hoffmeister F, Kreiskott ... Untersuchungen mit zentral wirksamen Anticholinergica Arzneimittel-Forsch. 1964
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... LSD-25 Action in Normal Subjects Treated with a Monoamine Oxidase Inhi... Life Sci. 1964
Dubanský B, Kolarík J, Vy... Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschadigungen. V... Acta Univ. Palackian... 1964
Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M,... Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirn-schadigungen. ... Acta Univ. Palackian... 1964
Kolarík J, Sevcík M, Duba... Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirn-schadigungen. ... Acta Univ. Palackian... 1964
Vyhnánková M, Ruzicková R... Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschädigungen II... Acta Univ. Palackian... 1964
Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M,... Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschidigungen II... Acta Univ. Palackian... 1964
Dubansky B Pouzití Psilocybinu Jako Diagnostického Testu v Neurologii Cak. Lek. ces. 1964
A Rolo, LW Krinsky, HA Ab... Preliminary Method for Study of LSD with children Int. J. Neuropsychia... 1965
J Glowinski, J Axelrod Effect of Drugs on the Uptake, Release and Metabolism of H3-Norepineph... J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1965
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... Accentuation of the Psychological Effects of LSD in Normal Subjects Tr... Life Sci. 1965
Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M Pathologic laughter as manifestation of the psychotomimetic action of ... Activ. Nerv. Sup. 1965
Krus DM, Resnick O, Raski... Apparent Eye Level Test; Its Background and Use in Psychopharmacology Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 1966
Vojtechovský M, Vítek V, ... Experimentelle Psychose nach Verabreichung von Benactyzin Arzneimittel-Forsch. 1966
Votava Z, Padvalová I, Vo... Unterschiede in der pharmakologischen Wirkung von halluzinogenen und n... Arzneimittel-Forsch 1966
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... LSD-25. Drug interactions in man Excerpta Medica, Int... 1966
Derbolowsky U Psycholytische Intervalltherapie mit LSD 25 oder amulante analytische ... Z. Psychother. Med. ... 1966
Gromova EA, Skuratova SA,... Electrophysiological analysis of the action of serotonin and of some o... Farmakol. I. Toksiko... 1966
Kostowski W A note on the effects of some psychotropic drugs on the aggressive beh... J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1966
Derbolowsky G, Derbolowsk... Bemächtigungstherapie als psychotherapeutische Kategorie (Occupationsa... Prax Psychotherapie 1966
Collins RL, Ordy JM, Samo... Psilocin: Effects on behaviour and brain serotonin in mice Nature (Lond.) 1966
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... Multitherapist interview utilizing LSD 2nd International Co... 1967
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... Preliminary study of LSD with children 2nd International Co... 1967
Vojtéchovský M, Krus D, K... The influence of tryptophane and 5-HTP pretreatment on experimental ps... Active.nerv.sup (Pra... 1967
Taborsky J Blockade der Dextran-Anurie bei wasserbelasteten Ratten durch die Sero... Med Pharmacol exp 1967
Auerbach R, Rugowski JA Lysergic acid diethylamide: effect on embyros Science 1967
Dubansky B, Vyhnankova M Unterschiede in der Reaktionsweise von Psilocybin bei Hirngeschadigten... Activ Nerv Sup 1967
Dubansky B, Vyhnankova M,... Veranderungen der ausseroptischen Sinneswahrnehmung nach Psilocybin Activ Nerv Sup 1967
Dubansky B, Vyhnankova M,... Gleichzeitiges Vorkommen von propriozeptiven Sinnestauschungen und neu... Activ Nerv Sup 1967
Skakkebaek NE, Philip J, ... LSD in mice: abnormalities in meiotic chromosomes Science 1968
Kobayashi S, Dushenski LA... Demonstration of human reagin using monkey tissues. - VI. Pharmacologi... J. Allergy 1968
Rydzynski Z, Cwynar S, Gr... Preliminary report on the experience with psychosomimetic drugs in the... Activ. nerv. sup. 1968
Vojtechovsky M, Skála J, ... Klinický obraz LSD psychozy po premedikaci 1-tyrosinem a dl-DOPA u chr... Activ. nerv. sup. 1968
Kruskal WH, Haberman S Chromosomal effect and LSD: samples of four Science 1968
Derbolowsky G Dealing and working with materials in grouanalysis and with "LSD 25" Brit. J. Soc. Psychi... 1968
Vojtechovsky M, Hoit V, S... Ovlivneni experimentalnich psychoz po psilocybinu inhibitory MAO Activ Nerv Sup 1968

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