Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
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Editors |
Peyote Button Induces Religious Fervor: Strange Indian Cult Studied by... |
The Science News-Let... |
1930 |
Zehnder K, Cerletti A |
Hemmung der Menschenserum-Pseudocholinesterase durch Lysergsäurediäthy... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1956 |
Cerletti A, Konzett H |
Spezifische Hemmung von 5-Oxytryptamin-Effekten durch Lsergsäurediäthy... |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1956 |
Wilhelmi G |
Ueber die ulcerogene Wirkung von 5-hydroxytryptamin am Rattenmagen und... |
Helvet. physiol et. ... |
1957 |
Irányi J, Fráter R |
Lysergsavas diaethylamiddal (LSD) kiváltott kísérletes psychosisok. (E... |
Orv. hétil. |
1957 |
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edel... |
Threshold doses of LSD in human subjects. |
Fed. Proc. |
1957 |
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edel... |
Psychopathology and psychophysiology of minimal LSD-25 dosage. A prel... |
Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... |
1958 |
Hornykiewicz O, Obenaus H |
Beeinflussung der blutdrucksenkenden Wirkung von Dopamin und Adrenalin... |
Wien. klin. Wschr. |
1958 |
Cerletti A, Doepfner W |
Spezifische Steigerung der serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lyser... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1958 |
Cerletti A, Doepfner W |
Spzifische Steigerung der Serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lyserg... |
Helv. Pysiol. Acta |
1958 |
Mörsdorf K, Bode HH |
Zur Beeinflussung der permeabilitätssteigernden Wirkung des Serotonins... |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1959 |
Photiades H, Anastasopoul... |
Veranderung schizophrener Zustandsbilder durch LSD-25 |
IInd International C... |
1959 |
Matthies H, Sziegoleit W |
Die Beeinflussung der Acetylcholinreizung peripherer Nervenendigungen ... |
Naturwissenschaften |
1959 |
Ishido M |
Psychopathologische Untersuchungen der psychischen LSD-Störung - Erfor... |
Psychiat. Neurol. Ja... |
1960 |
Lienert GA |
Ueber die Regression psychischer Funktionen als Folge harmakologischer... |
Med.exp. |
1961 |
Vogel G, Marek ML |
Ueber die Hemmung verschiedener Rattenpfoten Oedeme durch Serotonin-An... |
Arzneimittel-Forsch. |
1961 |
Vojtechovský M, Vítek V, ... |
Beetnflussung Experimenteller Psychosen Nach Psilocybin Durch Necrohor... |
Activ. Nerv. sup. |
1962 |
Schmidt J |
Die Beeinflussung einer bedingten motorischen Fluchtreaktion der Ratte... |
Acta biol. med. germ... |
1963 |
Eugster CH, Mueller GFR, ... |
Wirkstoffe aus Amanita Muscaria: Ibotensaure und Muscazon |
Tetrahedron Letters |
1965 |
Flügel KA, Stoerger R |
Modifikationen pharmakogen hervorgerufener exogen psychotischer Zustan... |
Arzneimittel-Forsch. |
1966 |
Ziolko HU |
Persönlichkeitsabhängige Veränderungen in der experimentellen Psychose... |
Arzneimittelforschun... |
1966 |
Ruckebusch Y, Roche M, Sc... |
Parallélisme des effets des psychodysleptiques majeurs sur la toxicité... |
C.R. Soc. Biol. |
1966 |
Gnriss F |
Angst in der provozierten Grenzsituation |
Angst, Psychische un... |
1967 |
Kunge P |
Antisoziale Subkultur durch LSD-abusus? |
Beiheft Medical Trib... |
1967 |
Taborsky J |
Blockade der Dextran-Anurie bei wasserbelasteten Ratten durch die Sero... |
Med Pharmacol exp |
1967 |
Vojtechovsky M, Skála J, ... |
Klinický obraz LSD psychozy po premedikaci 1-tyrosinem a dl-DOPA u chr... |
Activ. nerv. sup. |
1968 |
Editorial |
Verminderte Intelligenz durch LSD |
Dtsch. Aerztabl. |
1968 |
Editorial |
Intelligenzverluste durch LSD |
Oest. Aerzteztg. |
1969 |
Riedel H |
Realitätsgewinn durch LSD-Rausch |
Selecta |
1969 |
Editorial |
Genetische Schäden durch psychotrope Substanzen? Lsd alterierte Leber... |
Genetische SchPraxis... |
1969 |
Kemper F |
Hemmung der Entwicklung durch Psychotica |
Naunya-Schmiedeberg'... |
1969 |
Neuhoff V, Wörner I, Fröl... |
Mikro-Disk-elektrophoretische Analyse der löslichen Proteine aus subze... |
Hoppe-Seylers Z. Phy... |
1969 |
Matthies H, Schmidt J, Kr... |
Die Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Serotonin und Noradrenalin, auf eine... | |
1971 |
Heimann H |
Psychopharmakologie und Verhalten |
Fortibildungskurse d... |
1971 |
Benz B, Waser PG |
Die Umkehr der Hypothermie mit Reserpin behandelter Mäuse durch Neuro-... |
Arzneimittel-Forsch. |
1971 |
Bergman RL |
Navajo peyote use: its apparent safety |
Am J Psychiatry |
1971 |
AssmusH, Reimer FÀ |
Akzidentelle LSD-Intoxikation bei drei Geschwistern im Kindesalter mit... |
Prax.Kinderheilk. |
1972 |
Scholz H |
Ueber die Wirkung von 'Rauschmittein' unter pharmakologischen Gesichts... |
Tägl. Prax. |
1973 |
Obe G, Herha J |
Genetische Schäden durch LSD? In vivo-Untersuchung an ll LSD-Konsument... |
Fortschr. Med. |
1973 |
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sak... |
Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic ac... |
Biochem Pharmaol |
1974 |
McMahon D |
Chemical Messengers in Development: A Hypothesis. Differentiation of e... |
Science |
1974 |
Albaugh BJ, Anderson PO |
Peyote in the treatment of alcoholism among American Indians |
Am J Psychiatry |
1974 |
Kuhnert-Brandstätter M, H... |
[Polymorphe forms of psilocine and psilocybine] |
Arch Pharm (Weinheim... |
1976 |
Marshman JA, Popham RE, Y... |
A note on the cannabinoid content of Jamaican ganja |
Bull Narc |
1976 |
Barker ET, Buck MF |
LSD In A Coercive Milieu Therapy Program |
Canad.Psychiatr.Asso... |
1977 |
Faust V, Leutner V |
Drogen-ABC. Rauschgift - Alkohol - Nikotin - Medikamente |
Notabene Medici |
1977 |
Gatzke HD |
Autoradiographische Untersuchungen zur Frage der Beeinflussbarkeit den... |
Arzueimittel-Forsch. |
1977 |
Blum K, Futterman SL, Pas... |
Peyote, a potential ethnopharmacologic agent for alcoholism and other ... |
Clin Toxicol |
1977 |
Bethel RG |
Abuse of Asthma Cigarettes |
Br Med J |
1978 |
Editorial |
Wie evoziert das LSD: Halluzinationen und Träume? |
Praxis-Kurier |
1980 |
Editorial |
Tod-geweihte: LSD hilft sterben |
Selecta |
1980 |
Loew DM |
Die Wirkung von Mutterkorn-Dervaten auf das Zentralnerensystem: Synapt... |
Funktionsstorungen d... |
1981 |
Schneider V, Klug E |
Unklares Krankheitsbild durch LSD (Beibringung?) |
1983 |
Grob CS, McKenna DJ, Call... |
Human psychopharmacology of hoasca, a plant hallucinogen used in ritua... |
J Nerv Ment Dis |
1996 |
Robson P, Bruce M |
A comparison of 'visible' and 'invisible' users of amphetamine, cocain... |
Addiction |
1997 |
Schwartz RH, Miller NS |
MDMA (ecstasy) and the rave: a review |
Pediatrics |
1997 |
Weisbord SD, Soule JB, Ki... |
Poison on line--acute renal failure caused by oil of wormwood purchase... |
N Engl J Med |
1997 |
Byard RW, Gilbert J, Jame... |
Amphetamine derivative fatalities in South Australia--is 'Ecstasy' the... |
Am J Forensic Med Pa... |
1998 |
Bogusz MJ, Maier RD, SchÃ... |
Honey with Psilocybe mushrooms: a revival of a very old preparation on... |
Int J Legal Med |
1998 |
Hegadoren KM, Baker GB, B... |
3,4-Methylenedioxy analogues of amphetamine: defining the risks to hum... |
Neurosci Biobehav Re... |
1999 |
McFee RB, Mofenson HC, Ca... |
Dextromethorphan: Another 'Ecstasy'? |
Arch Fam Med |
2000 |
Winstock AR, Griffiths P,... |
Drugs and the dance music scene: a survey of current drug use patterns... |
Drug and Alcohol Dep... |
2000 |
Hansen D, Maycock B, Lowe... |
'Weddings, parties, anything…', a qualitative analysis of ecstasy use ... |
International Journa... |
2001 |
Perrine DM |
Visions of the Night: Western Medicine Meets Peyote 1887-1899 |
Heffter Review of Ps... |
2001 |
Bracken MB, Triche E, Gro... |
Heterogeneity in assessing self-reports of caffeine exposure: implicat... |
Epidemiology |
2002 |
Goldmeier D, Lamba H |
Prolonged erections produced by dihydrocodeine and sildenafil |
2002 |
Dobkin de Rios M, Grob CS... |
Hallucinogens and redemption |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
2002 |
Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ,... |
Cannabis dependence and psychotic symptoms in young people |
Psychol Med |
2003 |
Jorm LR, Thackway SV, Chu... |
Watching the Games: public health surveillance for the Sydney 2000 Oly... |
J Epidemiol Communit... |
2003 |
de Almeida SP, Silva MT |
Ecstasy (MDMA): effects and patterns of use reported by users in Sao P... |
Rev Bras Psiquiatr |
2003 |
Holstege CP, Baer AB, Kir... |
Prolonged hallucinations following ingestion of alpha-methyl-tryptamin... |
J Toxicol Clin Toxic... |
2003 |
Halpern JH |
Hallucinogens and dissociative agents naturally growing in the United ... |
Pharmacol Ther |
2004 |
Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ,... |
Tests of causal linkages between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms |
Addiction |
2005 |
Doering-Silveira E, Grob ... |
Report on psychoactive drug use among adolescents using ayahuasca with... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
2005 |
de Rios MD, Grob CS, Lope... |
Ayahuasca in adolescence: Qualitative results |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
2005 |
Boland DM, Andollo W, Him... |
Fatality due to acute alpha-methyltryptamine intoxication |
J Anal Toxicol |
2005 |
Elliott S, Burgess V |
The presence of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolacton... |
Forensic Sci Int |
2005 |
Halpern JH, Sherwood AR, ... |
Psychological and Cognitive Effects of Long-Term Peyote Use Among Nati... |
Biological Psychiatr... |
2005 |
Russell B |
Party pills - how little is known? |
New Zealand Family P... |
2006 |
Schifano F, Deluca P, Bal... |
Drugs on the web; the Psychonaut 2002 EU project |
Prog Neuropsychophar... |
2006 |
Nichols DE |
Commentary on: Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences havin... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2006 |
Burchett SA, Hicks TP |
The mysterious trace amines: protean neuromodulators of synaptic trans... |
Prog Neurobiol |
2006 |
Wolowich WR, Perkins AM, ... |
Analysis of the psychoactive terpenoid salvinorin A content in five Sa... |
Pharmacotherapy |
2006 |
Itokawa M, Iwata K, Takah... |
Acute confusional state after designer tryptamine abuse |
Psychiatry Clin Neur... |
2007 |
Santos RG, Landeira-Ferna... |
Effects of ayahuasca on psychometric measures of anxiety, panic-like a... |
J Ethnopharmacol |
2007 |
Jaffee WB, Trucco E, Levy... |
Is this urine really negative? A systematic review of tampering method... |
J Subst Abuse Treat |
2007 |
Boyer EW, Babu KM, Macali... |
Self-treatment of opioid withdrawal with a dietary supplement, Kratom |
Am J Addict |
2007 |
Behrman AD |
Luck of the draw: common adulterants found in illicit drugs |
J Emerg Nurs |
2008 |
Sanders B, Lankenau SE, B... |
'Research chemicals': tryptamine and phenethylamine use among high-ris... |
Subst Use Misuse |
2008 |
Odujebe OA, Hoffman RS, N... |
Phenibut Withdrawal - A Novel 'Nutritional Supplement' |
Clinical Toxicology |
2008 |
Halpern JH, Sherwood AR, ... |
Evidence of health and safety in American members of a religion who us... |
Med Sci Monit |
2008 |
Uchiyama N, Kikura-Hanaji... |
[Analysis of designer drugs detected in the products purchased in fisc... |
Yakugaku Zasshi |
2008 |
Schifanoa F, Corazzaa O, ... |
Psychoactive drug or mystical incense? Overview of the online availabl... |
International Journa... |
2009 |
Tupper KW |
Entheogenic healing: The spiritual effects and therapeutic potential o... |
Book: The Healing Po... |
2009 |
Werse B, Mueller O, Bern... |
Drogentrends in Frankfurt am Main 2008 |
2009 |
Uchiyama N, Miyazawa N, K... |
[Analysis of newly distributed designer drugs detected in the products... |
Yakugaku Zasshi |
2010 |
Wood DM, Davies S, Puchna... |
Recreational Use of Mephedrone 4-Methylmethcathinone, 4-MMC with Assoc... |
J Med Toxicol |
2010 |
Gibbons S, Zloh M |
An analysis of the 'legal high' mephedrone |
Bioorg Med Chem Lett |
2010 |
Fabregas JM, Gonzalez D, ... |
Assessment of addiction severity among ritual users of ayahuasca |
Drug and Alcohol Dep... |
2010 |
Brandt SD, Sumnall HR, Me... |
The confusing case of NRG-1 |
2010 |