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All References with Titles containing 'glick' OR with Authors including 'glick' OR with Abstract including 'glick' OR with Keywords including 'glick'

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Blumenfield M, Glickman L Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to country psychiatric r... New York State Journ... 1967
Glickman L, Blumenfield M Psychological determinants of "LSD reactions" J Nerv Ment Dis 1967
Glickman L LSD, alcohol, and the courts Amer. J. Psychiat. 1970
Glick SD, Jarvik ME Differential impairment by drugs of delayed matching performance in fr... Fed. Proc. 1970
Glick SD, Jarvik ME, Naka... Inhibition by drugs of smoking behaviour in monkeys Nature 1970
Fleisher LN, Glick SD Hallucinogen-Induced Rotational Behavior in Rats Psychopharmacology 1979
Stiglick A, Kalant H Residual effects of chronic cannabis treatment on behavior in mature r... Psychopharmacology (... 1985
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob G... Psychostimulant properties of MDMA NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob G... Neurochemical mechanisms involved in behavioral effects of amphetamine... NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Maisonneuve IM, Visker KE... Time-dependent interactions between iboga agents and cocaine Eur J Pharmacol 1997
Baumann MH, Pablo J, Ali ... Comparative neuropharmacology of ibogaine and its O-desmethyl metaboli... Alkaloids Chem Biol 2001
Klonoff-Cohen H, Lam-Krug... Maternal and paternal recreational drug use and sudden infant death sy... Arch Pediatr Adolesc... 2001