Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
Click on Column Headers to Re-Sort The Current List |
Verrill AE |
A Recent Case of Mushroom Intoxication |
Science |
1914 |
Barnard C |
The Duboisias of Australia |
Economic Botany |
1952 |
Cerletti A |
Teonanacatl und Psilocybin |
Deutsche Medizinishe... |
1959 |
Sutter JM, Pelichier Y |
Les substances hallucinogenes. |
Algérie-méd. |
1959 |
Rojo M |
Therapéutica lisérgica en ciertos síndromes obsesivos y neurosis sexua... |
Act.luso-esp.Neurol. |
1959 |
JDA Whitelaw |
A case of fetishism treated with lysergic acid diethylamide. |
J.Nerv.& Ment.Dis. |
1959 |
List PH |
Psychotrope Drogen |
Pharmazie |
1960 |
Hofmann A |
Psychotomimetica. Chemische, pharmakologische und medizinische Aspekt... |
Svensk Kemisk Tidskr... |
1960 |
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... |
LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics |
J.Psychol. |
1960 |
A Cerletti |
Psychotrope Drogen. |
Pharmazie |
1960 |
Hofmann A |
Die psychotropen Wirkstoffe der mexikanischen Zauberpilze |
Verhandl. naturf. Ge... |
1960 |
DJ Douche |
Les effets de la psilocybine dans un cas d'hysterie |
Semaine d. hop. |
1961 |
Wilkinson S |
The History and Chemistry of Muscarine |
Quarterly Review of ... |
1961 |
Higginbottam J, Melton B |
Some new experiences with L.S.D |
Nursing Mirror |
1961 |
H Heimann |
Zur Behandlung therapieresistenter Neurosen mit Modellpsychosen (Psilo... |
Schweiz. Arch. Neuro... |
1962 |
LJ Meduna |
The Depression Complex: A Review of the History and Treatment of Twel... |
J. Neuropsychiat. |
1964 |
Leary T |
The religious experience: its production and interpretation |
Psychedelic Rev. |
1964 |
Schoen SM |
LSD in psychotherapy |
Amer. J. Psychother. |
1964 |
Ara H. Der Marderosian, A... |
A Uterine Stimulant Effect of Extracts of Morning Glory Seeds |
The Psychedelic Revi... |
1964 |
Fontana AE |
Psychotherapy with hallucinogens |
1965 |
Der Marderosian AH |
Nomenclatural History of the Morning Glory, Ipomoea violacea (L.) |
Taxon |
1965 |
Der Marderosian AH |
Nomenclatural History of the Morning Glory, Ipomoea violacea (L.) |
Taxon |
1965 |
Tietz W |
Complications following ingestion of LSD in a lower class population |
California Medical |
1967 |
Gordon DM |
Visual defects and LSD |
Arch Opthal. |
1967 |
Keeler MH, Kane FJ |
The use of hyoscyamine as a hallucinogen and intoxicant |
Am J Psychiatry |
1967 |
Shulgin AT, Sargent T, Na... |
The chemistry and psychopharmacology of nutmeg and of several related ... |
Psychopharmacol Bull |
1967 |
Freedman DX |
On the use and abuse of LSD |
Arch.gen. Psychiat |
1968 |
Schnoll SH, Vogel WH |
Analysis of street drugs |
N Engl J Med |
1971 |
Amarose AP, Schuster CR |
Chromosomal analyses of bone marrow and peripheral blood in subjects w... |
Arch Gen Psychiat |
1971 |
Friedman SA, Hirsch SE |
Extreme hyperthermia after LSD ingestion |
1971 |
Sreenivasan VR |
Problems in Identification of Methylenediony and Methoxy Amphetamines |
Journal of Criminal ... |
1972 |
Guha D, Pradhan SN |
Mescaline |
PharmChem Newsletter |
1972 |
Grof S |
LSD and the Cosmic Game: Outline of Psychedelic Cosmology and Ontology |
Journal for the Stud... |
1972 |
Soskin RA |
Short term psychotherapy with LSD: a case-study |
Journal of Religion ... |
1973 |
Remschmidt H |
Psychotische Zustandebilder bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten |
Münch. med. Wschr. |
1973 |
Servadio E |
The use of LSD in the psychoanalytic treatment of a case of anxiety hy... |
Zeitschrift fur Psyc... |
1973 |
Grof S, Soskin RA, Richar... |
DPT as an adjunct in psychotherapy of alcoholics |
Int Pharmacopsychiat... |
1973 |
Turek IS, Soskin RA, Kurl... |
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Subjective Effects |
Journal of Psychedel... |
1974 |
Sohn KY, Boggs DR |
Klinefelter's syndrome, LSD usage and acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
Clinical Genetics |
1974 |
Applegate RB |
The Datura Cult Among the Chumash |
The Journal of Calif... |
1975 |
Matsuyama SS, Jarvik LF |
Cytogenetic Effects of Psychoactive Drugs |
Mod.Probl.Pharmacops... |
1975 |
Yensen R |
The Use of 3, 4 Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) as an Adjunct to Brief... |
Dissertation UC Irvi... |
1975 |
Suwanlert S |
A study of kratom eaters in Thailand |
Bulletin on Narcotic... |
1975 |
Dorrance DL, Janiger O, T... |
Effect of peyote on human chromosomes. Cytogenetic study of the Huicho... |
1975 |
Yensen R, Di Leo FB, Rhea... |
MDA-assisted psychotherapy with neurotic outpatients: a pilot study |
J Nerv Ment Dis |
1976 |
Saidel DR, Babineau R |
Prolonged LSD Flashbacks as Conversion Reactions |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1976 |
Bowers MB |
Psychoses Precipitated by Psychotomimetic Drugs: A Follow-up Study |
Arch.Gen.Psychiat. |
1977 |
Goh K, Bauman AW |
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Acute Leukemia |
J. Am. Med. Wom. Ass... |
1978 |
Grossman TM |
Post-Anesthesia Catalepsy In an LSD User |
Anesth. Prog. |
1978 |
Rappolt RT, Gay G, Inaba ... |
Use of Inderal (Propranolol-Ayerst) in 1-a (Early Stimulative) and 1-b... |
Clin.Toxicol. |
1978 |
Hofmann A |
How LSD Originated |
Journal of Psychedel... |
1979 |
Bhalla AK, Hoffbrand BI, ... |
Prazosin and priapism |
Br Med J |
1979 |
Editorial |
How is the differential diagnosis made between (a) acute alcohol poiso... |
Brit. med. J. |
1980 |
Editorial |
Arguments Heard for Psychedelics Probe |
Science |
1980 |
Stewart OC |
Peyotism and Mescalism |
Plains Anthropologis... |
1980 |
Jaffe JH, Kanzler M, Gree... |
Abuse potential of loperamide |
Clin Pharmacol Ther |
1980 |
Ott, J. |
Book Review: The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica by R.G. W... |
Journal Psychoactive... |
1981 |
Abraham HD |
Visual phenomenology of the LSD flashback |
Arch Gen Psychiatry |
1983 |
Hoffman JA |
LSD flashbacks |
Arch Gen Psychiatry |
1984 |
Weaver KEC |
Letters to the Editor: LSD and Schizophrenia |
Arch. Gen. Psychiatr... |
1984 |
Weil, A.T. |
Book Review: The Cacahuatl Eater: Ruminatiions of an Unabashed Chocola... |
Journal of Psychoact... |
1985 |
Leverant R |
MDMA reconsidered |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1986 |
Janiger O, Dobkin de Rios... |
LSD and creativity |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1989 |
Whitaker-Azmitia PM, Aron... |
'Ecstasy' (MDMA)-induced panic |
Am J Psychiatry |
1989 |
Arnold WN |
Absinthe |
Sci Am |
1989 |
Lassen JF, Ravn HB, Lasse... |
[Hallucinogenic psilocybine containing mushroomsToxins contained in Da... |
Ugeskr Laeger |
1990 |
Shedler J, Block J |
Adolescent drug use and psychological health: A longitudinal inquiry |
Am Psychol |
1990 |
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Stone... |
MDMA: historical perspectives |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
1990 |
Grob C, Bravo G, Walsh R |
Second thoughts on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) neurotoxic... |
Arch Gen Psychiatry |
1990 |
Ricaurte GA, Finnegan KT,... |
Aminergic metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid of humans previously expo... |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
1990 |
Ruze P |
Kava-induced dermopathy: a niacin deficiency? |
Lancet |
1990 |
Gillogley KM, Evans AT, H... |
The perinatal impact of cocaine, amphetamine, and opiate use detected ... |
Am J Obstet Gynecol |
1990 |
Strassman RJ |
Human hallucinogenic drug research in the United States: a present-day... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1991 |
Zeki S |
Cerebral akinetopsia (visual motion blindness)A review |
Brain |
1991 |
Henry JA, Jeffreys KJ, Da... |
Toxicity and deaths from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') |
Lancet |
1992 |
Slade J |
The Tobacco Epidemic: Lessons from History |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1992 |
Henry JA |
Ecstasy and the dance of death |
1992 |
Heilig, Steve |
MDMA Update: The Science and Politics of Ecstasy |
Newsletter of the Ca... |
1993 |
Stolaroff MJ, Wells CW |
Preliminary Results with New Psychoactive Agents 2C-T-2 AND 2C-T-7 |
Yearbook for Ethnome... |
1993 |
Lyttle T |
Misuse and legend in the 'toad licking' phenomenon |
Int J Addict |
1993 |
Gledhill JA, Moore DF, Be... |
Subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with MDMA abuse [letter] |
J Neurol Neurosurg P... |
1993 |
McDowell DM, Kleber HD |
MDMA: Its history and pharmacology |
Psychiatric Annals |
1994 |
Norton SA, Ruze P |
Kava Dermopathy |
J Am Acad Dermatol |
1994 |
Azolosa JL, Stitzer ML, G... |
Opioid physical dependence development: effects of single versus repea... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
1994 |
Smith DE, Seymour RB |
LSD: History and Toxicity |
Psychiatric Annals |
1994 |
Marsh JCW, Abboudi ZH, Gi... |
Aplastic anaemia following exposure to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetami... |
Br J Haematol |
1994 |
McCann UD, Ridenour A, Sh... |
Serotonin neurotoxicity after (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
1994 |
McGuire PK, Cope H, Fahy ... |
Diversity of psychopathology associated with use of 3,4-methylenedioxy... |
Br J Psychiatry |
1994 |
Anthony JC, Warner LA, Ke... |
Comparative Epidemiology of Dependence on Tobacco, Alcohol, Controlled... |
Experimental and Cli... |
1994 |
MacDonald AG |
A short history of fires and explosions caused by anaesthetic agents |
Br J Anaesth |
1994 |
Rudgley R |
The archaic use of hallucinogens in Europe: an archaeology of altered ... |
Addiction |
1995 |
Strassman RJ |
Hallucinogenic drugs in psychiatric research and treatment. Perspectiv... |
J Nerv Ment Dis |
1995 |
Galloway G, Shulgin AT, K... |
Amphetamine, not MDMA, is associated with intracranial hemorrhage |
J Accid Emerg Med |
1995 |
van Dongen PW, de Groot A... |
History of ergot alkaloids from ergotism to ergometrine |
Eur J Obstet Gynecol... |
1995 |
Lambrecht GL, Malbrain ML... |
Acute renal infarction and heavy marijuana smoking |
Nephron |
1995 |
Milroy CM, Clark JC, Forr... |
Pathology of deaths associated with 'ecstasy' and 'eve' misuse |
J Clin Pathol |
1996 |
Crifasi J, Long C |
Traffic fatality related to the use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine |
J Forensic Sci |
1996 |
Grob CS, McKenna DJ, Call... |
Human psychopharmacology of hoasca, a plant hallucinogen used in ritua... |
J Nerv Ment Dis |
1996 |
Van Toi V, Abraham H, Bu... |
Post-LSD Hallucinosis Is Associated With Decrease In Flicker-Fusion Se... |
Investigative Ophtha... |
1996 |
Abraham HD, Aldridge AM, ... |
The Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogens |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
1996 |