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All References with Titles containing 'olfactory' OR with Authors including 'olfactory' OR with Abstract including 'olfactory' OR with Keywords including 'olfactory'

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Sandison RA Discussion Fourth Symposium: Comparison of drug-induced and endogenou... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Krill AE, Alpert HJ, Ostf... Effects of a hallucinogenic agent in totally blind subjects Arch. Ophthal. 1963
GC Salmoiraghi, FE Bloom,... Adrenergic mechanisms in rabbit olfactory bulb Am. J. Physiol. 1964
Bloom F E, Costa E, Salmo... Analysis of Individual Rabbit Olfactory Bulb Neuron Responses to the M... J. Pharmacol. & Exp.... 1964
Khazan N, Kandalaft I, Su... The EEG of the olfactory bulb of the rabbit and its reaction to psycho... Psychopharmacologia ... 1967
Griffith JD, Nutt JG, Jas... A comparison of fenfluramine and amphetamine in man Clin Pharmacol Ther 1975
Kelly PH Action of LSD on supersensitive mesolimic dopamine receptors British J.Pharmac. 1975
Persson SA Effects of LSD and BOL on the Catecholamine Synthesis and Turnover in ... Psychopharmacology 1978
Hartig PR, Scheffel U, Fr... In Vivo Binding Of 125-i-LSD To Serotonin 5-ht2 Receptors In Mouse Bra... Life Sciences 1985
Pazos A, Palacios JM Quantitative Autoradiographic Mapping of Serotonin Receptors in the Ra... Brain Research 1985
Pazos A, Cortes R, Palaci... Quantitative Autoradiographic Mapping of Serotonin Receptors in the Ra... Brain Research 1985
Perry DC [3H]Tryptamine Autoradiography in Rat Brain and Choroid Plexus Reveals... J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1986
Bhave SV, Telang SD, Durd... Effects of nutritional stress on brain tyramine concentration and dopa... Neurochem Res 1988
Matthews RT, Champney TH,... Effects of (+-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on brain dopam... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1989
Appel NM, Mitchell WM, Ga... Autoradiographic Characterization of (±)- 1-(2 , 5-d imethoxy.-4-[125I... The Journal of Pharm... 1990
Battaglia G, Sharkey J, K... Neuroanatomic specificity and time course of alterations in rat brain ... Synapse 1991
Dragunow M, Logan B, Lave... 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine induces Fos-like proteins in rat bas... Eur J Pharmacol 1991
St Omer VEV, Ali SF, Hols... Behavioral and neurochemical effects of prenatal methylenedioxymethamp... Neurotoxicol Teratol 1991
Sarnyai Z, Kovacs GL Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse Psychoneuroendocrino... 1994
Grailhe R, Waeber C, Dula... Increased exploratory activity and altered response to LSD in mice lac... Neuron 1999
Stephenson CP, Hunt GE, T... The distribution of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine 'Ecstasy'-induce... Neuroscience 1999
Pompei P, Cavazzuti E, Ma... Preprotachykinin A gene expression after administration of 3,4- methyl... Eur J Pharmacol 2002
Sorge RE, Martin LJ, Isbe... Olfactory exposure to males, including men, causes stress and related ... Nat Methods 2014