Caffeine Reports
(also No-Doz; Vivarin; Energy Drink)
(364 Total)

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Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Addiction & Habituation
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Mystical Experiences
Health Benefits
Medical Use
What Was in That?
General » » »   more   » » » [122]
Workin' With a Heart Attack-Ack-Ack: Liveblogging a Test Run of AeroShot Caffeine Inhalers Drew Grant Aeroshot Brand Caffeine Inhaler
Happy, Euphoric, Energetic High cannadware Cannabis & Caffeine (brownie)
Stimulation, Tension, Concentration Affected eveningguru Amphetamine (Adderall) & Caffeine
Intense Psychedelic Dream howard Caffeine
Coffee Slave hooked Caffeine
Mental Mescaline GodOfWar Meditation & Caffeine
Zappy Goodness Felix B. Energy Drink, Coffee & Soda
Unusual Reaction Leigon of Coral Caffeine
Total Sensory Overload turtlebeach Methylphenidate (Concerta) & Coffee
An Amazing Secret DLister Coffee & Nutmeg

First Times » » »   more   » » » [33]
Kick the Coffee Eulachon Yerba Mate & Caffeine
Childhood Revisited Xherrus Dimenhydrinate & Caffeine
More Fun Than Expected oelcsm Tapentadol
The Ultimate Hippy Speedball Mr._Rager LSD, Cannabis & Coffee
First Two Experiences Wsup Den Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen
As Was Expected Garbage Ephedrine with Gauifenesin & Energy Drink (Caffeine, Guarana, Ginseng & Other)
Messing with the Laws of Physics Abraxas Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) & Caffeine
Good, But Not Mind Blowing Spiderman Nutmeg & Caffeine
Ingested in the Morning Smartpharma Methylliberine
Never Trying Again Rtkcomics Caffeine

Combinations » » »   more   » » » [150]
Unexpected Ego Death DrSeuss Cacao, Cannabis & Alcohol
Supreme Productivity Greg Coffee & Methylphenidate (Concerta)
An Experiment NoSleepTillSunrise Damiana, Caffeine, Alcohol & Cannabis
Not Especially Impressed... orlando to miami Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen
Got My Sense of Humor Back, But Doesn't Combine Well Anonymous Venlafaxine (Effexor), Doxycycline, Caffeine & Cannabis
Pseudo-Speedball The Candyman Ephedrine, Caffiene & Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen)
From Intention of Sleep to Total Insanity. Minustwenty2 Zopiclone, Lorazepam (Ativan), Alcohol - Wine & Caffeine
Amateur's Encounter Desipio Adderall & Caffeine
Can Be a Positive Experience Jo Diphenhydramine, Pseudoephedrine (with CPM), Loratadine & Caffeine
Buzzing and Crashing Evan Rhodiola Rosea, Caffeine & Ginseng

Retrospective / Summary » » »   more   » » » [63]
Anything Goes – Dealer’s Choice, and I’m the Dealer Anatoli Smorin 2-Fluoromethamphetamine, Amphetamines, Coffee, Kratom, Methylphenidate, 3-Fluoroamphetamine & LSD
Jittery Pooping Anatoli Smorin Coffee
Eight Months of Regimented Substance Use Anatoli Smorin LSD, Coffee, 4-Fluoromethylphenidate, Kratom, 2-Fluoromethamphetamine & Amphetamines (Adderall)
Insufflated vs. Oral, Caffeine Comparison cowardsCoke Caffeine
Maximizing the Day's Potential Habibi Caffeine
An Evolved Relationship Chizzlewit Coffee
Ode to Caffeine Merle Caffeine (Coffee)
Fasting Can Be Fun Mr. Yukk Caffeine & Tobacco - Cigarettes
Pumping Heart jumpy Coffee
The Caffeine Fiend stenza Caffeine & Cannabis

Preparation / Recipes » » »   more   » » » [13]
A Stupid Mistake Metafractal Caffeine (extract)
A Small Pinch in a Meth Pipe Vep Caffeine
Diaries of a Dealer Dormroom Traphouse Caffeine
Playing with Pure Jericanman Caffeine
Why the Hell Hasn't anyone Else Tried This? Trip vonShroom Ephedra sinica (extract), Cannabis & Caffeine
Kanaka Hashshash Esmond van Gogh Cannabis - Hash & Caffeine
Not Worth Snorting imlonly Caffeine
Wonderful Warm Drug Steve Hen Coffee
Apart From the Traditional Methods of Brewing... Horhe Coffee
Not Fun and Burned Cafag Caffeine

Difficult Experiences » » »   more   » » » [90]
A Bag Full of Bad Ideas LFK Caffeine
Dear God, Please Spare Me Tonight Nick Caffeine
More like No-Fun Oolong Caffeine
My Heart Is On Fire Union J. Codeine, Caffeine & Cannabis
Myths and a Panic Attack Anonymous Caffeine
A Whole New Respect for Living Lord Maul Caffeine
My Life's Edge Koorac Caffeine
Puke Yellow Nightchild12 Caffeine
Think Before You Leap.... Soren Caffeine (tablets)
Surprise Result Elvira Caffeine

Bad Trips » » »   more   » » » [21]
Always Use A Spoon CoffeeDude Caffeine (Coffee)
A Scary Climax to an Addiction Stereophonic Caffeine
Yellow Vomit Close to Modern Caffeine
My Head Hurts Erica Caffeine
Every Day - Hell - Unknown regrets Caffeine
Trying to Run Outside egg LSD, Cannabis & Coffee
Hangover That Never Seems To Go Away JZArtist Caffeine, Ephedrine & Supplements
April Fool’s Day Peth Caffeine
Can Caffeine Really Do This? Ghost Caffeine
Becoming Insane Tree Cannabis & Caffeine

Health Problems » » »   more   » » » [65]
Caffeine and Sports Rear Admiral Caffeine
The Shakes A. Hamilton Caffeine
Bulimic With a DPH Problem NotT Diphenhydramine & Caffeine
A Panic Attack and A Trip to Hospital Tim Methylphenidate, Caffeine & Cannabis
A Horrible Day At Work Jay-Tee-En Caffeine (Coffee) & Cannabis
Curled Up in a Ball Doggie Caffeine
Two Days in the Hospital sputnik Caffeine & Sertraline (Zoloft)
Worst Drug Experience I've Had SNK Caffeine & Cannabis
Caused Headaches E. G. Cooper Caffeine
Death Blooms gODHEAD Caffeine

Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters » » »   more   » » » [13]
An Unhappy Trio Dickie Wellbutrin, Modafinil (Provigil), Caffeine
Rendered Inactive G Love Caffeine (coffee)
Caffeine Fatal Anonymous Caffeine
Dying Friend? Scared2death Diphenhydramine & Caffeine
Seizure and Hospital Trip Back on Track Alprazolam (Xanax), Ephedrine, & Caffeine
A Scary Climax to an Addiction Stereophonic Caffeine
From Intention of Sleep to Total Insanity. Minustwenty2 Zopiclone, Lorazepam (Ativan), Alcohol - Wine & Caffeine
Yellow Vomit Close to Modern Caffeine
My Life's Edge Koorac Caffeine
Love/Hate dexter Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen

Addiction & Habituation » » »   more   » » » [39]
My Beloved Partner Reene Caffeine (Pepsi)
Never Knew That I Truly Was Addicted V Coffee
Inspired to Quit Taren Caffeine & Various
A Nasty Drug Gurd Yuk...! Traven Caffeine (Coffee, Coca Cola)
Zoning and Speeding Where-Am-I Caffeine, Pharmaceuticals & Migraines
Addict Went Too Far Fnord Caffeine
Love/Hate dexter Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen
Quick and Dramatic Mood Change EEP Caffeine
Caffeine Addiction and Withdrawal caffeine queen Coffee & Tea
I've Tried to Quit Tripp Caffeine

Glowing Experiences » » »   more   » » » [33]
Through the Roof Luis A Tapentadol, Coffee & Caffeine
Glorious supersonic Clonazepam, Tramadol & Coffee
Affective Catapulting Karakal Caffeine
24 Hour Adventure Deptstoremook Caffeine
10 Hours of Bliss Brendan Herbal Ecstasy - Herbal Extreme Plus
Experimenting with Assiduity Dr Robert Coffee & Methylphenidate
Super Comfortable Brassbean Tramadol & Caffeine
The Longest High Physchead420 Lisdexamfetamine, Cannabis & Caffeine
Untapped Potential Toxic_Hulk Caffeine
After a Relationship Breakup Mystic Mike MDMA & Caffeine (Ecstasy)

Mystical Experiences   [4]
Something Happened at the Lake That Other Guy Caffeine & Dreams
Deep Gratitude sourcream Cannabis, Caffeine, Coffee, Vitamins & Floating
An Experiment NoSleepTillSunrise Damiana, Caffeine, Alcohol & Cannabis

Health Benefits » » »   more   » » » [12]
Unexpected Introspection and Lucid Dreaming Moc 5-HTP, Caffeine, & Melatonin
Caffeine Swimmers DrDuckHead Caffeine
Through the Roof Luis A Tapentadol, Coffee & Caffeine
Kick the Coffee Eulachon Yerba Mate & Caffeine
Buzzing and Crashing Evan Rhodiola Rosea, Caffeine & Ginseng
Avid Caffeiner Switches to Atomoxetine Terra Strattera (Atomoxetine)
Fast Headache Relief Jonas Omar Analgesics & Supplements
A Lasting Euphoria Prisoner of Society Caffeine
Avoided Coffee and Ativan Worked Again one Lorazepam & Coffee
Great Study Helper! Mcbain Caffeine

Families   [3]
Through the Roof Luis A Tapentadol, Coffee & Caffeine
Zappy Goodness Felix B. Energy Drink, Coffee & Soda

Medical Use   [3]
Can Be a Positive Experience Jo Diphenhydramine, Pseudoephedrine (with CPM), Loratadine & Caffeine
The Aphrodisiac Queen for Him & Her CuriousGeorge Zolpidem, Caffeine & Alcohol - Wine
Headache Magic momof2boys Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen

What Was in That?   [1]
Better Than Any Amphetamine I've Tried 7zyzz7 Pre-Workout Supplement (w/ DMAA & Caffeine)

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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