Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
Click on Column Headers to Re-Sort The Current List |
Briggs JR |
'Muscale Buttons' Physiological Effects Personal Experience |
The Medical Bulletin |
1887 |
Heffter A |
Ueber Pellote. Beitrag zur chemischen und pharmakologischen Kenntnis d... |
Arch Exp Path Pharm |
1898 |
Dixon WE |
The physiological action of the alkaloids derived from Anhalonium Lewi... |
J Physiol |
1899 |
Tastevin C |
Le fleuve Muru - Ses habitants. — Croyances et moeurs kachinaua |
La Geographie |
1925 |
Epstein D, Gunn JA, Virde... |
The action of some amines related to adrenaline: IMethoxy-phenylethyla... |
J Physiol |
1932 |
The action of sympathomimetic amines on the isolated heart of the frog |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1949 |
Busch AK, Johnson WC |
L.S.D. 25 as an aid in psychotherapy |
Dis. Nerv. System |
1950 |
Benedetti G |
Beispiel einer strukturanalytischen und pharmakodynamischen Untersuchu... |
Z. Psychother. |
1951 |
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... |
Psychological and biochemical effects of lysergic acid diethylamide |
Nature |
1951 |
Feasibility of quantitative separation of the threo- and erythro-forms... |
Nature |
1952 |
Rothlin E, Cerletti A |
Ueber einige pharmakologische Untersuchungen an Mäusen mit congenitale... |
Helv. physiol. Acta |
1952 |
Blickenstorfer E |
Zum ätiologischen Problem der Psychosen vom akuten exogenen Reaktionst... |
Arch. F. Psychiatr. ... |
1952 |
Bradley PB |
The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain in th... |
Eeg & clin. Neurophy... |
1953 |
Arnold OH, Hoff H |
Untersuchungen über die Wirkungsweise von Lysergsäurediäthylamide (1. ... |
Wien. Ztschr. Nerven... |
1953 |
Walther-Büel H |
Ueber Pharmakopsychiatrie |
Schweiz. med. Wschr. |
1953 |
Ginzel KH, Kottegoda SR |
A study of the vascular actions of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine, tryptamine, a... |
Quart. J. Exper. Phy... |
1953 |
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... |
Further observations on the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide. |
j. Ment. Sc. |
1953 |
Bradley PB |
The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain of th... |
Eeg & Clin. Neurophy... |
1953 |
Kepner CH |
Personal experiences with LSD and Niacin |
Saskatchewan Psychia... |
1953 |
Hoffer A, Osmond H, Smyth... |
Schizophrenia; a new approach. II. Result of a year's research |
J Ment Sci |
1954 |
Hoff H, Arnold OH |
Die Therapie der Schizophrenie |
Wien. klin. Wehnschr... |
1954 |
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomo... |
Experimental psychiatry. III. A chemical concept of psychosis. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1954 |
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI |
The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25).Part 2. Centra... |
J. Fac. Med. Iraq |
1954 |
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Agnew N, Hoffer A |
Nicotinic acid modified lysergic acid diethylamide psychosis |
J. Ment. Sc. |
1955 |
Blair EL, Wakefield M, In... |
Lowered "capillary resistance" after iontophoresis of lysergic acid di... |
Nature |
1955 |
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Ba... |
Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of epinephrine and norep... |
XXth International P... |
1956 |
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE |
A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrin... |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1956 |
Lienert GA |
Pharmakopsychologische Untersuchungen über den Abbau der geistigen Lei... |
Verlag fur Psycholog... |
1956 |
Schwarz BE, Wakim KG, Bic... |
Behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of hallucinogenic drugs... |
Arch. Neurol.Psychia... |
1956 |
Cerletti A |
Neuere Aspekte der Pharmakologie des vegetativen Nervensystems. |
Münch. med. Wschr. |
1956 |
Cerletti A |
Neuere Aspekte der Pharmakologie des vegetativen Nervensystems. |
Schweiz. med. Wschr. |
1956 |
Winter CA, Flataker L |
Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide upon performance of trained rats... |
Proc. Soc. Exper. Bi... |
1956 |
Savage C |
The LSD psychosis as a transaction between the psychiatrist and patien... |
Grune & Stratton, In... |
1956 |
Yamada T, Takumi A |
Histamine effect upon the symptoms of LSD 25 intoxication |
Fol. psychiatr. Jap. |
1956 |
Flügel F, Bente D |
Das akinetisch-abulische Syndrom und seine Bedeutung für die pharmakol... |
Dtsch. med. Wschr. |
1956 |
Kar AB, Boscott RJ |
Preliminary investigations on the influence of reserpine and lysergic ... |
Indian J. Pharmacy |
1956 |
Burroughs W |
Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs |
British Journal of A... |
1956 |
Camp BJ |
The Alkaloid of Acacia berlandieri N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine : A dis... |
Graduate School of A... |
1956 |
Widlocher D, Nakajima H, ... |
Action des monoéthylamide (LAE) et diéthylamide (LSD) de l'acide lyser... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Clark LD, Bliss EL |
Psychopharmacological studies of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) i... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Broghammer H, Takagi K, S... |
Die Wirkung von Lysergäure-Diäthylamid (LSD) und Urethan auf die Tätig... |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Eichenberger E, Friolet B |
Pharmakologische Beeinflussung des Pyrogen- und LSD-Fiebers des Kaninc... |
Helvet. physiol. et ... |
1957 |
Wilhelmi G |
Ueber die ulcerogene Wirkung von 5-hydroxytryptamin am Rattenmagen und... |
Helvet. physiol et. ... |
1957 |
Day J |
The role and reaction of the psychiatrist in LSD therapy |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1957 |
Sailer S, Stumpf C |
Reserpinwirkung auf das Kininchen-ECG |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Yamada T, Tsunoda T, Taka... |
Accentuation of LSD 25 effect through antihistaminica. |
Fol. psychiat. Jap. |
1957 |
Thuillier J, Nakajima H |
Action comparée des drogues psychotropes sur les "souris tournantes" p... |
Psychotropic drugs. |
1957 |
Olds J, Killam KF, Eiduso... |
Effects of tranquilizers on self-stimulation of the brain. |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Miura T, Tsujiyama Y, Mak... |
The effect of psychotropic substances on nerve and neuroglia cells dev... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Balestrieri A |
"Amphetamine shock" during LSD-25 and mesclaine psychosis |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Benda P, Miravet LF |
Action de la chlorpromazine et de la réserpine sur la sensibilité du c... |
Compt. rend. Soc. de... |
1957 |
Irányi J, Fráter R |
Adatok a kísérletes lysergsav-diathylamid psychosis tünettánahoz. (Ang... |
Ideggyógyászati Szem... |
1957 |
Flügel F, Bente D |
The akinetic-avolitional syndrome. Its significance for psycho-pharmac... |
German Med. Monthly |
1957 |
Winter CA, Flataker L |
Further experiments on the performance of trained rats treated with ly... |
J. Pharmacol. Exper.... |
1957 |
Jost F, Pemsl H |
Prospektive Psychiatrie (Faktor "Zeit"). |
Münch. med. Wschr. |
1957 |
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Ba... |
Ephinephrine and arterenol (norepinephrine) in mental disease. |
Arch. Neruol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Songar A |
LSD-25 (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) 'in merkezî sinir sistemlerine t... |
Acta neuro-psychiat. |
1957 |
Abramson HA, Hewitt MP, L... |
The stablemate concept of therapy as affected by LSD in schizophrenia |
J. Psychol. |
1958 |
Hoffer A |
Adrenochrome in blood plasma |
Am. J. Psychiatr. |
1958 |
Takagi H, Yamamoto S, Tak... |
The effect of LSD and reserpine on the central nervous system of the c... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Yui T, Takeo Y |
Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. Elym... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Yui T, Takeo Y |
Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. The ... |
Jap. J. Pharmacol. |
1958 |
Mahler DJ, Humoller FL, D... |
Comparison of effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and bufotenine on ... |
Fed. Proc. |
1958 |
Giberti F, Gregoretti L |
Studio comparativo degli effetti psicopatologici della monoetilamide d... |
Sistema nerv. |
1958 |
Cargnello D, Lukonovich N |
Lo psicoma da LSD. Gli aspetti psicopatologici della intossicazione s... |
Arch. psicol. neurol... |
1958 |
Solms H |
Die Bedeutung "vergleichend-pharmakopsychiatrischer Analyse" für das S... |
Confina neurol. |
1958 |
Weidmann H, Cerletti A |
Weiterer Beitrag zur Pharmakologie von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid: Die... |
Helvet. physiol. et ... |
1958 |
Burgers ACJ, Leemreis W, ... |
Inhibition of the secretion of intermedine by d-lysergic acid diethyla... |
Acta endocrin. |
1958 |
Bockoven JS |
Explorations in psychotherapy |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1958 |
Cerletti A |
Biochemie, Physiologie und Pharmakologie des 5-Hydroxytryptamins (Sero... |
Helv. med. Acta |
1958 |
Vinar O |
Analogien zwischen schizophrenen Erkrankungen und der LSD-Psychose. |
Psychiatrie |
1958 |
Smith CM |
A new adjunct to the treatment of alcoholism: The hallucinogenic drug... |
Quart. J. Alcohol |
1958 |
Hoch PH |
Psychoses-producing and psychoses-relieving drugs. |
Res. Publ. Ass. Nerv... |
1958 |
Melander B, Martens S |
The mode of action of taraxein and LSD. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1958 |
Söderberg U |
Short term reactions in the thyroid gland revealed by continuous measu... |
Acta physiol.Scandin... |
1958 |
Naranjo P |
Drogas psicotomiméticas. Estudio comparativo de la harmina, la dietil... |
Arch. criminol. neur... |
1958 |
Arnold OH, Hofmann G, Leu... |
Untersuchungen zum Schizophrenieproblem. IV.Mitteilung: Die Verteilu... |
Wien.Ztschr.Nervenhk... |
1958 |
Cerletti A, Doepfner W |
Spezifische Steigerung der serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lyser... |
Helvet. physiol. pha... |
1958 |
Rof Carballo J, González ... |
Experiencia clínica con la dietilamida del ácido lisérgico (DAL). |
Bol.Inst.pat.méd. |
1958 |
Winkel K |
Ueber die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf fokale Krampfpotentia... |
Pflügers Arch.Phy... |
1958 |
Lajtha A |
The biochemistry of hallucinogens. Chemistry of mescaline and lysergic... |
Psychopharmacology. ... |
1958 |
Weidmann H, Taeschler M, ... |
Zur Pharmakologie von Psilocybin, einem Wirkstoff aus Psilocybe mexica... |
Experientia |
1958 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Étude psycho-physiologique et clinique de la Psilocybine |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Brack A |
Rapport sur les expériences personnelles (auto-expérimentation) avec l... |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Cailleux R |
Trois essais d'ingestion avec les Psilocybes hallucinogènes |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Ba... |
Concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine in plasma and cerebro... |
Transactions of the ... |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
Psilocybin ein psychotroper Wirkstoff aus dem mexikanischen Rauschpilz |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Mörsdorf K, Bode HH |
Zur Beeinflussung der permeabilitätssteigernden Wirkung des Serotonins... |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1959 |
Smythies JR |
Quantitative measurement of the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide o... |
Nature |
1959 |
Zanowiak P, Rodman MJ |
A study of LSD-serotonin central interaction |
J.Amer.Pharmaceut. A... |
1959 |
Slaytor M, Pennefather JN... |
Metabolites of LSD and ergonovine. |
Experientia |
1959 |
Bliss EL, Clark LD, West ... |
Studies of sleep deprivation - relationship to schizophrenia. |
Arch.Neurol. Psychia... |
1959 |
Waser PG, Itzbicki M |
Der Einfluss verschiedener Psychopharmaka auf den Bluthistamingehalt v... |
Experientia |
1959 |
Delay J, Thuillier J, Nak... |
Action de la psilocybine sur le comportement des souris normales et de... |
Compt. Rend. ... |
1959 |
Starbuck WC, Heim HD |
Some in vitro effects of chlorpromazine, lysergic acid diethylamide, a... |
J. Amer. Pharm. Ass.... |
1959 |
Balestrieri A |
Psychotrope Pharmaka und psychische Epilepsie. Erfahrungen mit Weckam... |
Nervenarzt |
1959 |
Abramson HA |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXIV. The response index as a m... |
J.Psychol. |
1959 |
Aronson H, Silverstein AB... |
Influence of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on subjective time. |
A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... |
1959 |
Melander B, Martens S |
Experimental studies on taraxein and LSD. |
Acta psychiat.Scandi... |
1959 |