Mushrooms - P. cubensis Reports
(also Psilocybe cubensis)
(817 Total)
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Show New Reports Show All Reports Main Mushrooms - P. cubensis Vault
First Times
Retrospective / Summary
Preparation / Recipes
Difficult Experiences
Bad Trips
Health Problems
Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Addiction & Habituation
Glowing Experiences
Mystical Experiences
Health Benefits
Medical Use
What Was in That?
General » » »   more   » » » [347]
Refractions From the Prism of Self Freak of Nurture Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher)
Self/Collective Love Heroic Dose VDay Trip scratchedelder Mushrooms - P. cubensis
A Trip Spent Walking and Police Escorting seebueb Mushrooms - P cubensis
My Journey To Insanity SlipKnot420 Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Preparation Martin H. P. cubensis, Cannabis & Tobacco
In the Arms of Psilocybin Miganis Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Catharsis Garuda Mushrooms - P. cubensis & St. John's Wort
Swallowed by the Ground cloned2bewild Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Being Folded Into the Fractal Machine NotTheDroids Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Medicine for a Confused Mind Cyril Mushrooms - P. cubensis

First Times » » »   more   » » » [178]
The Yin Yang - A Symbol of Life bickoma Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Any Dose can Be High Dose for Newbie Prophessor Plum Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Psychedelic Initiation VapourBoy Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Death and Transfiguration f Mushrooms - P. cubensis
An Intense Journey Luna Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher)
Mystery Runes and Medicinal Merriment GonzoBlackshirt Mushrooms - P. cubensis (extract)
Testing the Waters, Dipping Into the Void Thomas Psilocybe cubensis (Amazonian)
Learning To Let Go teepeep10 Mushrooms - P. cubensis
My Perception of Time Went Out the Window Traveler Mushrooms - P. cubensis
The Most Influential Night of My Life BMeebz Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Combinations » » »   more   » » » [174]
The Moment VapourBoy Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis
Piecing Together the Shattered Parts of My Ego Hypersphere Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora), & B. caapi & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Psilohuasca Healing Hypersphere B. caapi & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Passionflower As an MAOI tripfiend Passion Flower & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
1st Heroic Dose but Not Transformative Ben Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Alprazolam
Neon Fractal Rocks With Algae and Aliens jhoppa 2C-I, Mushrooms - P. cubensis, & Cannabis
Curtains of Perception Trippymoose Salvia divinorum (20x extract), Mushrooms - P. cubensis & unknown & Alcohol
A Quick Submersion in Psiloperazine Land Cryptix420 Piperzines, Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Memory Exploration Yakov Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis

Retrospective / Summary » » »   more   » » » [34]
Color Choice Game Mel Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Meditation
Mushroom Diaries anonimo Mushrooms - P. cubensis
The Shadows of My Confinement Zen Priest Salvia divinorum (extracts), Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Fasting & Meditation
The Fourfold Trips O.Gothic Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Set, Setting, Strain? bengt Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Observations Collectively Unconscious Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
The 'Day After' Reactions Are Tough Var Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher & Amazonian) & Cannabis
Discovery, Healing, and Transformation Elf Mushrooms - P. cubensis & P. mexicana
Various Experiences with MAOIs Sam Syrian Rue vs B. caapi with P. cubensis
Meditation on the Combinations Ligeti Venlafaxine (Effexor), Cannabis, Mescaline, Cacti, Mushrooms - P. cubensis & P. cyanescens

Preparation / Recipes » » »   more   » » » [20]
Walking With Mescalito jrock Cacti - T. pachanoi, Cannabis, Mushrooms - P. cubensis, & Mushrooms - Copelandia spp.
Shrooms in Bali Paradise Jamur Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Virgin Cultivation Voyage phatbmacninja Mushrooms - P. cubensis (PES Amazonia)
Confused and Hopelessly Trapped in the 1980s thermomber Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Oudoor Grown Cubensis Nico Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Close to Pure? Dr. Knight Mushrooms - P. cubensis (extract)
Total Cure for Psilocybin Nausea Yellow Spectrum Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Lemon Oil
A Perfect Specimen Kriz Mushrooms (P. cubensis)
It Began as an Idea IrishElf2022 Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Perfect Tea Smith Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Difficult Experiences » » »   more   » » » [155]
A Trip with Dante FromMississippi Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Difficult Discovery of Enlightenment Guru Rimpoche Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
A Week in the Woods, a Night of ?&!... TheWoodsman Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Not What I Bargained For ignotus Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Panic and Amnesia evlove Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Seizuring Kings Psylostriker Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Ravaged by Truth and Revelation Waixingren Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Set and Setting - Ups and Downs of a Trip D Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Swept Up into the Everlasting Orgasm of Life On The Beach Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Fighting with Myself Claire Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Bad Trips » » »   more   » » » [56]
Hitting Bottom and Coming Back Up Pala Mushrooms (P. cubensis)
Imminent Death and Enlightenment Way Mushrooms - P. cubenesis
Visions of Terror Shpongleyez Mushrooms - P. Cubensis & Cannabis
The Day I Died Dethrox Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
The Journey Down Death Mountain The King in Yellow Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Fear and Loathing in Amsterdam Andy McPotsmoker Mushrooms ('Stropheria cubensis') & Cannabis
Eternal Suffering and Rebirth jeldrid Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Panic Ensued Jagermeister Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Alcohol & Cannabis
John Madden as the Devil Beatboxing Jeeeeem Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Flowers Eating and Writing Entity Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis

Health Problems » » »   more   » » » [15]
Dangerous Combination Delirium Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Unknown
Unexpected, Involuntary Spasms Morpheus Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Hell on Earth Gringo Vesspiucci Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Lithium
Shroom OD EB Mushrooms - P. cubensis & P. cyanescens & Cannabis
Vitamin C Potentiation Trial Oneiros Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Dancing with a Friend Veetu Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
The Wave taco Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
Panic Ensued Jagermeister Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Alcohol & Cannabis
A Fainting Spell Anon Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Careful With MAOI's... Azmodeus Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters » » »   more   » » » [14]
''Museum Dose'' My Ass! Manolenta Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Niacin
More Than Just a Bad Trip White Rabbit Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Vitamin C Potentiation Trial Oneiros Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Awfully Loud Here In Albany Thucydides Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Work and Play D. Darko Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
From Death to God Out of Body Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
He Told a Cop to Suck His Cock Anonymous Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Emergency! Sunshine Mushrooms (P. cubensis)
Totally Out of It and in a Terrifying Situation becareful Mushrooms - P. cubensis
The Most Influential Night of My Life BMeebz Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Addiction & Habituation   [1]
How 10 Grams Got Me Bitch Slapped by God Jeff A. Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Buprenorphine with Naloxone

Glowing Experiences » » »   more   » » » [182]
Into the Kaleidoscope (or, The Marriage) gumshoe Mushrooms - P. cubensis ('Cambodian')
This is the Moment You Realize Craig Mushrooms - P. cubensis
A 'Heroic' Tale: The Rice Cake Trip Anonym Trismegistus Mushrooms - P. cubensis (mycelium)
Escalante Dreaming Fielding Mellish Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Stepping Blissfully Out of the Body holothewise Mushrooms - P. cubensis
How I Quit Smoking Using Magic Mushrooms FrogManWhiskers Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Rotating Space, Topological Games Zanti Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Above All Else, We Cannot Fully Understand Intrepid Traveler Mushrooms - P. cubensis
A Magical Journey to Earth ManInMe Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Ensanvorance: A Revelation OddisionEnsanvorant Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Mystical Experiences » » »   more   » » » [121]
Hinduistic Divination Baker Mushrooms - P. cubensis
An Encounter With Teonanacatl Navi Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Heroically Parading Maidens_Wattle Huasca Brew (B. caapi, Syrian Rue, P. viridis, M. tenuiflora), A. nervosa, & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Mental Reboot psilociner Mushrooms - P. cubensis
At the Museum of the Collective Unconscious steak307 Mushrooms - P. cubensis
I Was Being Watched Medy Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Loss of Presence Gregg Dix Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Changing the World as I Knew It SteveFox Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Paradise in a Painting Basi Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Mexican) & Cannabis
The 'Magic' of Mushrooms. How Shoud I? Keoki Mushrooms- P. cubensis

Health Benefits » » »   more   » » » [14]
Rescued from Hell Frog Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Chronic Migraines Relieved Jayde Mushrooms - P. cubensis
For the Pain of Fibromyalgia Purplepele Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Vitamins/Supplements
One Case - Ad Hoc Data (Cluster Headaches) matthew Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Amazon strain)
How 10 Grams Got Me Bitch Slapped by God Jeff A. Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Buprenorphine with Naloxone
My Cluster Headache Cure Austin Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Psilocybin And Cluster Headaches Baldheaded Weirdo Mushrooms - P. cubensis & LSD
Relief of Cluster Headaches Wolfman Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Headaches
Ego Death RedRH Mushrooms - P. cubensis
How Mushrooms Cured My Panic Attacks Kevin Mushrooms - P. cubensis ('Amazonian')

Families » » »   more   » » » [17]
Healing and Revealing Quetzal Butterfly Mushrooms (P. cubensis)
Couples Therapy on the Train Tracks traintracks Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Love Death and Magic Mushrooms Todd Caldecott MDMA & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Heads Started Morphing Into Ant People Desiree Mushrooms - P. cubensis
The Day I Woke Up and Started Believing MSing Mushrooms - P. cubensis
A Family Thing Boomer Mushrooms - P. cubensis
1st Heroic Dose but Not Transformative Ben Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Alprazolam
Loss of Presence Gregg Dix Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Time for Therapy Orlando RedTailed Mushrooms (P. cubensis)
Level 5, Solo Arrogance newbietripper Mushrooms - P. cubensis

Medical Use   [5]
Getting Medicinal Benefits alternativebuddah Mushrooms - P. cubensis
OCD Treatment Captkannabis3 Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Psilocybin Abatement Notseinfeld Cluster Headaches and Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Chronic Migraines Relieved Jayde Mushrooms - P. cubensis
For the Pain of Fibromyalgia Purplepele Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Vitamins/Supplements

What Was in That?   [1]
Dangerous Combination Delirium Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Unknown

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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