Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
an Erowid logo on front chest, and a spiral design on back.
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What's New at Erowid
Jan 01 2004 to Dec 31 2004
Thu Dec 30, 2004 #
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Iboga Fruit (Sliced) and Seeds
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Iboga Fruit (Long Pod) on Plant
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Iboga Fruit (Round Pod) on Plant
SPIRIT : Traditions : Buddhism : Finding Freedom in the Fetters
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 29, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Health : Response to 'The Bad News Isn't In': Please Pass the Crow
PLANTS : Yerba Maté : Timeline
PLANTS : Yerba Maté : Image Vault
PLANTS : Yerba Maté : Chemistry
Update (minor)
- Yerba Maté
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 28, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Health
Culture : Art : Image : bryson holbrook : midnight mass
Culture : Art : Image : carl fairweather : a walk down the road trip
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Created Proper Research Chemical Index
PSYCHOACTIVES : Research Chemicals : DEA Seeks Info about Chemicals for Possible Scheduling (Aug 2004)
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Research Chemicals : Moved Research Chemical FAQ to new URL
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 27, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- GENERAL : About : FAQ : Added 'Can I pay for an ad or sponsor a link?'
Ask Erowid : How many LSD molecules in a hit of LSD?
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 23, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : petrus boots : justice
Culture : Art : Image : petrus boots : prayer
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 22, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : shannonjyl
Culture : Art : Image : shannonjyl : self
Culture : Art : Image : shannonjyl : self 1
Culture : Art : Image : john grunwell : untitled 2
Culture : Art : Image : john grunwell : sexmosaic of nymphosis
Culture : Art : Image : john grunwell : aom round
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 21, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : justin jackley : politix
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 20, 2004 #
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : Proposed Bill in UK to Control Fresh Psilocybin Mushrooms
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 19, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 17, 2004 #
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : LSD : 'LSD Overdose' update
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 16, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 15, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : bethezda
Culture : Art : Image : bethezda : gravity
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : British Mushroom Law Timeline 2002-2004
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : British Judge Finds Prosecution of Fresh Mushroom Vendors Unfair
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 14, 2004 # - New Testing Results (5)
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : shay hildebrand
Culture : Art : Image : shay hildebrand : space pills
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : U.S. Drug Control Timeline
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Added Link to Home-Still Building Instructions
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 13, 2004 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : November : Scheduling
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : tara sullivan
Culture : Art : Image : tara sullivan : inkblot 1
Sat Dec 11, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 10, 2004 #
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Law : Supreme Court Lifts Preliminary Injunction Stay Against UDV
PLANTS : Datura : Law : Oklahoma Expands Drug Laws Intending to Include Datura
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Chemistry : Psilocybin Extraction Notes
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 9, 2004 #
Update (major)
- Added Firefox RSS Bookmark to What's New
Wed Dec 8, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 7, 2004 #
SPIRIT : Out of Body Experience
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Law : Supreme Court Blocks Ayahuasca Pre-Decision, Delays Case
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 6, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : k johnson
Culture : Art : Image : k johnson : over the hills and far away
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : ras dope
Culture : Art : Image : ras dope : nomed
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : adam saari
Culture : Art : Image : adam saari : gaia mother
Culture : Art : Image : adam saari : awakening
Culture : Art : Image : bbr : trainstation
PLANTS : Datura : Dose
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Fixed and added links
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : New featured link at top of page
Update (minor)
- GENERAL : Mentions : Channel 6 mid-Michigan mention of Erowid (screenshot)
Sat Dec 4, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 3, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 1, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Bupropion : Added comment to one offsite link
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Morning Glory : Extraction of LSA Method 1 : Added Caution and Version History
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Morning Glory : Extraction of LSA Method 2 : Added Caution and Version History
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Links : Psychoactives : Cleaned up stale links, added links
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 30, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : bbr
Culture : Art : Image : bbr : paradieslift
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : beth snow
Culture : Art : Image : beth snow : psychedelic twilight
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : sean gordon
Culture : Art : Image : sean gordon : abstract plain
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : highway christ in the day
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 29, 2004 #
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : Utah Added to States Controlling Psilocybin Mushroom Spores
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 28, 2004 #
39 New Ecstasy Tablet Images
Thu Nov 25, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 24, 2004 #
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : 15' Kratom Tree
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Kratom Branch and Leaves
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Kratom Tree
Update (major)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Health : Research : Survey on Mystical Experience and Psychotherapy (request for respondents)
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : LSA : Testing : Update re cross-reactivity and possible false positives for LSD
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 23, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : jlof lof : welcome o shore of sanity
Culture : Art : Image : lof jlof : secret place
Culture : Art : Image : lof jlof : phoenix and the witchdoctor
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 22, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : psymbolic visual communications
Culture : Art : Image : psymbolic visual communications : windypop
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : frank grether
Culture : Art : Image : frank grether : prom03 image 39
GENERAL : About : Hey, It's a Library: Responses to Common Criticisms
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Drug Geeks: Informed Peers in the Psychoactive Community
New Experience Reports
Sat Nov 20, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 19, 2004 #
FREEDOM : Police : DEA Vault
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 17, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 3C-P : Law Vault
CHEMICALS : 3CP : 3C-P Information
Culture : Art : Image : hannah : morning
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Tramadol : Law : DEA Considers Scheduling Tramadol
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 16, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Law : 10th Circuit en banc Reaffirms Preliminary Injunction Against DEA
Culture : Art : Image : cody a seekins : psychic vampyre meets 2 c-i guy
Culture : Art : Image : nemo boko : aum
Culture : Art : Image : nemo boko : marijuana mandala
Culture : Art : Image : nemo boko : opening doors
GENERAL : Survey : The Myth that Ecstasy Users Think Ecstasy Is 'Safe'
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 15, 2004 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : International Legal Status of Psilocybin Mushrooms
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : UN's INCB Psilocybin Mushroom Policy
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : Dutch Summary of Int. Status of Psilocybin Mushrooms
PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : News : Brazil Moves to Decriminalize Recreational Drug Use
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Peyote : Law : Info on Russia added
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 14, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 12, 2004 #
PLANTS : Khat : Image : Catha edulis Leaves
PLANTS : Khat : Image : Catha edulis Plant
PLANTS : Khat : Image : Young Catha edulis Plant
PLANTS : Khat : Image : Potted Catha edulis Plant
PLANTS : Khat : Image : Catha edulis Shoots
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Close-up of Mitragyna speciosa Plant
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Mitragyna speciosa Plant
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Mitragyna speciosa Leaf
New Experience Reports
Thu Nov 11, 2004 #
PLANTS : Belladonna : Image : Flowering Atropa belladonna
PLANTS : Belladonna : Image : Atropa belladonna Flower and Berries
PLANTS : Belladonna : Image : Atropa belladonna Plant
PLANTS : Belladonna : Image : Atropa belladonna Flower and Unripe Berries
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 10, 2004 #
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora caerulea
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora caerulea
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora alata
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora alata Fruit
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora caerulea Vine
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Flowering Passiflora caerulea
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora caerulea
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora caerulea Flower Bud
Mon Nov 8, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : tyler holm
Culture : Art : Image : tyler holm: earth
Culture : Art : Image : kris davidson : access collective study of holographic geometry
Culture : Art : Image : kris davidson : hallucinatory modscape
Culture : Art : Image : kris davidson : starseed
Culture : Art : Image : kris davidson : trans-data slip
Sun Nov 7, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : 3t vakil: vector inbound #3
Culture : Art : Image : 3t vakil : vector inbound #4
Culture : Art : Image : spiffy spaffy : reflections
Sat Nov 6, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 5, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Nov 4, 2004 #
PLANTS : Cacti : Image : Heavily Flowering Trichocereus pachanoi
PLANTS : Cacti : Image : Trichocereus pachanoi Flowers
PLANTS : Cacti : Image : Close-up Trichocereus pachanoi Flower
PLANTS : Cacti : Image : Flowering Trichocereus pachanoi
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 3, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Eden: The Novel
PLANTS : Lotus : Image : Dried Blue Lotus
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora x belotii Flower and Vine
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora x belotii Drawing
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora x belotii Flower Close-up
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image : Passiflora x belotii Flower
PLANTS : Poppy : Image : Papaver somniferum Flower
PLANTS : Poppy : Image : Young Papaver somniferum Plant
PLANTS : Poppy : Image : Papaver somniferum Flower
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 2, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Conversaciones con María Sabina
LIBRARY : Books : Vida de María Sabina
LIBRARY : Books : Chilies to Chocolate
LIBRARY : Books : The Whole Chile Pepper Book
Mon Nov 1, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : Nitrous Oxide : Nitrous Oxide and Drug Testing
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : might mite mutate mite might not
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : opalesque
Culture : Art : Image : m anaconym : iterative echo morphing from arm book into leaves
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : id maker
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : edge of your carpet
Culture : Art : Image : chris varthalamis : my wish
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : we make this world or shape shifter
Culture : Art : Image : steve hatchett : kneb
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 29, 2004 #
GENERAL : Newsletter : Erowid Extracts 7 Index
LIBRARY : Books : The True History of Chocolate
LIBRARY : Books : Maria Sabina Selections
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 28, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 27, 2004 #
LSD : Media : 'LSD Overdose' Raises Questions
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Effects : Corrections and clarification of terms
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 25, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : roland marquardt
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : steve hatchett
Culture : Art : Image : roland marquardt : dakini dance
Culture : Art : Image : roland marquardt : the gift
Culture : Art : Image : billy burbank : tsunami
Culture : Art : Image : billy burbank : zardoz
Culture : Art : Image : steve hatchett : purple birds dream
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 24, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 22, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 21, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 19, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : carey thompson : hypnagog
Culture : Art : Image : cary thompson : treceluna
Culture : Art : Image : mauxaum : bluwebber 7
Culture : Art : Image : ryan ludwig : green curl
Culture : Art : Image : ryan ludwig : luscious lake
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 18, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : christopher hutson
Culture : Art : Image : christopher hutson : mother mindspider sends out the squirrelrunners
Culture : Art : Image : christopher hutson : rainbow snake
Culture : Art : Image : simon haiduk : what is, and is, is endless
Culture : Art : Image : 3t vakil : vector inbound1
Culture : Art : Image : 3t vakil : vector inbound 2
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 17, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : neil gibson : festus small
Culture : Art : Image : neil gibson : geoaxiom
Culture : Art : Image : neil gibson : axis motors
New Experience Reports
Sat Oct 16, 2004 #
PHARMS : Benzodiazepines : Rational Use of Benzodiazepines, WHO 1996
Fri Oct 15, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 14, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 13, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 12, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 11, 2004 #
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Basics
PLANTS : Coleus Vault
PLANTS : Coleus : Law Vault
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : Bits & Pieces : Note added about visuals and visual hallucinations
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 10, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Tobacco : Fixed Nicotine / Tar Ratio Errors
New Experience Reports
Sat Oct 9, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 7, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 6, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 4, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Oct 2, 2004 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Health : Risk Assessment Report Related to Paddos
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : PF's Encounter with the Law
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 1, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Law : U.K. Drinking Age Rules
PLANTS : Cannabis : Law : Eric Sterling's Letter to the Editor about Alaska Supreme Court Decision
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Law : Alaska Supreme Court Upholds Right to Use Cannabis
Update (major)
- GENERAL : Mentions : Added new entries
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 30, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Media : China Firm Embroiled in Ketamine Scandal
PHARMS : Meclizine Vault
PHARMS : Meclizine : Law Vault
Update (major)
- SPIRIT : Traditions : Shamanism : Repairs on stale off-site links
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : Law : Germany law section updated
Update (minor)
- CULTURE : Characters : the Shulgins : Added link to in-progress Shulgin documentary
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Olanzapine : Added experience report links
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 29, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : PMA : Media : Toxic drug warning for party goers
PHARMS : Hydromorphone : FDA Approves New High Dose Hydromorphone Tablets
PSYCHOACTIVES : Statistics : 2003 US National Drug Survey Data Update
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Law : 5-MeO-DIPT Formally Added to Schedule I by the DEA
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : AMT : Law : AMT Formally Added to Schedule I by the DEA
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : Mushroom Vendor Cases Dropped in U.K.
New Experience Reports
Tue Sep 28, 2004 #
COLUMNS : eScottology : He Didn’t Die Of A Drug Overdose
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 27, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 26, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Sep 25, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 24, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 23, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 22, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Ketamine : updated links
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Law : Added China
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Cacao : added links
New Experience Reports
Tue Sep 21, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 20, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Sep 18, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 17, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 16, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 15, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Sep 14, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 13, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- CULTURE : Characters : Albert Hofmann : Added link to Hofmann's Potion
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 9, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 3, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Dreaming Universe
LIBRARY : Books : Natural Products from Plants
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 2, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Plant Alkaloids
Update (major)
- Search : Search Interface Updated
Wed Sep 1, 2004 #
GENERAL : Media Mentions of Erowid
Update (major)
- GENERAL : About : Complete re-design
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 30, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 29, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Marijuana Question
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 28, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : bryson holbrook
Culture : Art : Image : bryson holbrook : tree of wisdom
Culture : Art : Image : genie weaver : mushroom magic
Culture : Art : Image : kukulkan : pupae pupate
Culture : Art : Image : kukulkan : inside the space
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 27, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 26, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Green Medicine
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 25, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Solvent Neurotoxicity
LIBRARY : Books : Mushrooms Moulds and Miracles
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 24, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 23, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DALT : Law Vault
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DALT : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DALT : Entry from Forthcoming Shulgin Book
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 21, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 20, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 19, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 18, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 17, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 16, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : carl fairweather : free dreamer
DONATIONS : Buy Books Online and Support Erowid
Update (major)
- DONATIONS : Complete re-design
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 14, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 13, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 12, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 10, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 9, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : justin jackley
Culture : Art : Image : mariela delapaz : copihue - ffower of fire
Culture : Art : Image : mariela delapaz : venus of the forest
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : chapel
Culture : Art : Image : justin jackley : the scrounge
Culture : Art : Image : ym stigmate : life 1313
LIBRARY : Books : The Handbook of Clinically Tested Herbal Remedies
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 8, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 7, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 6, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 5, 2004 #
PLANTS : Mimosa : Mimosa Active Without MAOI?
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 4, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : Updated off-site links
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 3, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Law : Drinking Age in US Military
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Photo of 19th Century Heroin Prescription
LIBRARY : Books : Cannabis Therapeutics
LIBRARY : Books : American Women and the Repeal of Prohibition
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Trips for the Mind
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 2, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : abu
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : rhesusmonkey cotter
Culture : Art : Image : abu : jupiter beach
Culture : Art : Image : abu : loch jupiter
Culture : Art : Image : rhesusmonkey cotter : the inside of my eyelids
Culture : Art : Image : carlos caban : where are the sacred places
Culture : Art : Image : carlos caban : saint michael
Culture : Art : Image : carlos caban : fetus dream
Ask Erowid : Why do some extraction techniques suggest using dangerous solvents?
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 1, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 29, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 27, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Law : Netherlands added
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Eating FAQ : quantities adjusted
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 26, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : nad wolinska
Culture : Art : Image : nad wolinska : inner vision
Culture : Art : Image : nad wolinska : spiral journey
Culture : Art : Image : john grunwell : no title
Sun Jul 25, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 23, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : TMA-2 : Law Vault
LIBRARY : Books : Magic Mushroom Cultivation
LIBRARY : Books : Hideous Absinthe
PLANTS : Khat : Catha edulis Boosts Sperm Power
Update (minor)
- SMARTS : Piracetam : FAQ proofread and revision history added
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 22, 2004 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : Don't Try This At Home, Vol 2
PSYCHOACTIVES : Research Chems : DEA Announces Research Chemical Vendor Busts
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Mushrooms : Psilocybe FAQ: Some doses adjusted
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 21, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-I : Bits & Pieces : 2C-I/2C-* Sold as 'Mescaline Derivative'
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Chemistry : Update of melting point information
PHARMS : Tramadol : Effects
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Families : Media section updated
Update (minor)
- SMARTS : Melatonin : Law : Canada entry updated
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 20, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Amazonian Chronicles
LIBRARY : Books : Ceremonial Chemistry
LIBRARY : Books : The Chemistry of Conscious States
LIBRARY : Books : Dark Paradise
LIBRARY : Books : Teonanacatl
LIBRARY : Books : LSD, Spirituality, and the Creative Process
SMARTS : Piracetam : Law Vault
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 19, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : billy burbank
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : paul colwyn
Culture : Art : Image : paul colwyn : jed nightmare
Culture : Art : Image : billy burbank : meditation
Culture : Art : Image : billy burbank : annunciation
Culture : Art : Image : jdarts allyn : metallurgy
SPIRIT : Traditions : Scientology
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 18, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jul 17, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 16, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 15, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 13, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-C : Effects
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 12, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : carlos caban
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : kukulkan
Culture : Art : Image : kukulkan : and so in turn
Culture : Art : Image : kukulkan : an angel alights
Culture : Art : Image : hannah : dreaming new worlds
Culture : Art : Image : cody a seekins : beyond reflections of caravaggio
Culture : Art : Image : carlos caban : 2100ad
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Syringes : Added/fixed links
Update (minor)
- SPIRIT : Traditions : Buddhism : Updated stale links
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 11, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jul 10, 2004 #
PHARMS : Zopiclone : Zopiclone
Fri Jul 9, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : spiffy spaffy
Culture : Art : Image : spiffy spaffy : into the abyss
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 8, 2004 #
HERBS : Mint : Law Vault
HERBS : Mugwort : Law Vault
HERBS : Mulberry : Law Vault
HERBS : Nootka lupine : Law Vault
HERBS : Pennyroyal : Law Vault
HERBS : Periwinkle : Law Vault
HERBS : Sage : Law Vault
HERBS : Uvaursi : Law Vault
HERBS : Valerian : Law Vault
HERBS : Vervain : Law Vault
HERBS : Yarrow : Law Vault
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Codeine : Law : Greece and Netherlands Added
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Lagochilus : Law : Central Asia Added
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 7, 2004 #
HERBS : Cloves : Law Vault
HERBS : Comfrey : Law Vault
HERBS : Echinacea : Law Vault
HERBS : Eucalyptus : Law Vault
HERBS : Eyebright : Law Vault
HERBS : Feverfew : Law Vault
HERBS : Foxglove : Law Vault
HERBS : Galangal : Law Vault
HERBS : Garlic : Law Vault
HERBS : Ginger : Law Vault
HERBS : Ginseng : Law Vault
HERBS : Goldenseal : Law Vault
HERBS : Hemlock : Law Vault
HERBS : Hops : Law Vault
HERBS : Horse Chestnut : Law Vault
HERBS : Hydrangea : Law Vault
HERBS : Jojoba : Law Vault
HERBS : Lavender : Law Vault
HERBS : Licorice : Law Vault
HERBS : Milk Thistle : Law Vault
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 5, 2004 #
Update (minor)
- SPIRIT : Martial Arts : Tai Chi Knife link updated
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 2, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : DOI : Bits and Pieces
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : Testing Kits FAQ : Listing for Methylone updated
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Law : Listing for United Kindgom updated
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 30, 2004 #
GENERAL : Newsletter : Erowid Extracts 6 Index
HERBS : Calendula : Law Vault
HERBS : Caraway : Law Vault
HERBS : Catnip : Law Vault
HERBS : Chamomile : Law Vault
Tue Jun 29, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : chris varthalamis : angels
Culture : Art : Image : adam scott miller : third eye scribe
Culture : Art : Image : adam scott miller : neptune entelechy
Culture : Art : Image : adam scott miller : jokers wild
PHARMS : Benzodiazepine : Bits : Benzodiazepine Bits and Pieces
PLANTS : Peyote : Law : Utah Supreme Court Rules Non-Indians May Use Peyote Religiously
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 28, 2004 #
ABOUT : The Ongoing Process of Site Redesign: Erowid 3.0
GENERAL : Conferences : MindStates IV and AssaCon I Reviews
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabinoids Neuroprotective?
PSYCHOACTIVES : Basics : The Importance of Measured Doses
PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : Limiting Liability While Discussing Psychoactives
SMARTS : Selegiline : Law Vault
SMARTS : Vasopressin : Law Vault
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 27, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 26, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 25, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 23, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 4-Hydroxy-DIPT : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : 4-Hydroxy-DIPT : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 22, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : carl fairweather
Culture : Art : Image : ym stigmate : atome-cells-amphetamine--4.jpg
Culture : Art : Image : carl fairweather : the gaia earth dream 2
Culture : Art : Image : carl fairweather : the symbols of the earth dream
HERBS : Arrowroot : Law Vault
HERBS : Black Cohosh : Law Vault
HERBS : Borage : Law
HERBS : Bryonia : Law
HERBS : Calamus : Law
SMARTS : Ginkgo : Law
SMARTS : Melatonin : Law
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 21, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 2-Aminoindan : Law
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-4 : Law
CHEMICALS : 4-fluoro-Amphetamine : Law
CHEMICALS : Adrenochrome : Law
CHEMICALS : Methylone : Law
PLANTS : Coffee : Law
PLANTS : Guarana : Law
PLANTS : Justicia : Law
PLANTS : Kanna : Law
PLANTS : Lagochilus : Law
PLANTS : Mimosa : Law : Law
PLANTS : Mucuna pruriens : Law
PLANTS : Phalaris : Law
PLANTS : Psychotria : Law
PLANTS : St John's Wort : Law
PLANTS : Stipa : Law
PLANTS : Virola : Law
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : BZP : Non-traditional Designer Substances BZP in New Zealand
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 20, 2004 #
PHARMS : Acetaminophen : Law
PHARMS : Amitriptyline : Law
PHARMS : Bromazepam : Law
PHARMS : Bupropion : Law
PHARMS : Citalopram : Law
PHARMS : Clonidine : Law
PHARMS : Cyclizine : Law
PHARMS : Cyclobenzaprine : Law
PHARMS : Dimenhydrinate : Law
PHARMS : Diphenhydramine : Law
PHARMS : Fluoxetine : Law
PHARMS : Flurazepam : Law
PHARMS : Gabapentin : Law
PHARMS : Meperidine : Law
PHARMS : Paroxetine : Law
PHARMS : Risperidone : Law
PHARMS : Sertraline : Law
PHARMS : Sildenafil : Law
PHARMS : Sumatriptan : Law
PHARMS : Tiagabine : Law
PHARMS : Trazodone : Law
PHARMS : Zolpidem : Law
Sat Jun 19, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 18, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jun 17, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-21 Vault
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-21 : Law
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-21 : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-21 : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-21 : Image : 3D Molecule
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 16, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 15, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 14, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : victor olenev
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : wanda
Culture : Art : Image : hannah : sphere
Culture : Art : Image : hannah : metal life
Culture : Art : Image : wanda : noname
Culture : Art : Image : victor olenev : totem of L
Culture : Art : Image : victor olenev : lord of toilet (lords of xibalba)
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 12, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 11, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 9, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 8, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jlof lof
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : neil gibson
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : chris varthalamis
Culture : Art : Image : chris varthalamis : uarari
Culture : Art : Image : neil gibson : fetus
Culture : Art : Image : neil gibson : matrix
Culture : Art : Image : jlof lof : search for the animal spirit
Culture : Art : Image : jlof lof : the barriers in between
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 7, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 6, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 4, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jun 3, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 2, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : j mlnarik
Culture : Art : Image : j mlnarik : vivid glimpse
CHEMICALS : BZP : Non-traditional Designer Substances in New Zealand
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : serpent
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : mind fossil 2
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : bigsee
Culture : Art : Image : nikosxyl xyl : cybud
Culture : Art : Image : nikoisxyl xyl : alienwalk
LIBRARY : Books : Sinsemilla Tips
LIBRARY : Books : Handbook of Modern Drugs
LIBRARY : Books : The Drug Dilemma
LIBRARY : Books : Beneath the Diamond Sky
LIBRARY : Books : Talking Back to Prozac
LIBRARY : Books : Pipe Dream Blues
LIBRARY : Books : Kuan Yin
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 1, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : steve danzig
Culture : Art : Image : steve danzig : search for self - death 3
Culture : Art : Image : steve danzig : dark eros 5
Culture : Art : Image : steve danzig : dark eros 2
Culture : Art : Image : steve danzig : anthopo ecosophy
Culture : Art : Image : steve danzig : we can do what we want
Culture : Art : Image : steve danzig : search for self - life 13
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : kris davidson
Culture : Art : Image : kris davidson : illuminating paths of navigational evolution
Culture : Art : Image : kris davidson : new optic composition #8
LIBRARY : Books : Ecstatic Imagination
LIBRARY : Books : Hasheesh: Herb Dangerous
LIBRARY : Books : The Violet Forest
Culture : Art : Image : simon haiduk : my awakening
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Review - No 11 (1971)
LIBRARY : Books : Jail Notes
LIBRARY : Books : 'Ludes
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Mon May 31, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : hannah
Culture : Art : Image : hannah : lotus self
Culture : Art : Image : hannah : watcher
LIBRARY : Books : Miserable Miracle (mescaline)
LIBRARY : Books : The Primo Plant
LIBRARY : Books : Shadows In The Sun
LIBRARY : Books : Shaman's Path
LIBRARY : Books : Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapy Research 1931-1995
LIBRARY : Books : Narcotics and Hallucinogenics
LIBRARY : Books : Isthmian Ethnobotanical Dictionary
Update (major)
- SMARTS : Modafinil : Interactions : Modafinil - Methadone Interaction
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Sun May 30, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Hashish: Studies of Long-Term Use
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs and Sex
Thu May 27, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Connoisseur's Handbook of Marijuana
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Review - No 2 (1964)
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Review - No 4 (1964)
Mon May 24, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : rainbow circle
Culture : Art : Image : rainbow circle : dn-eye
Culture : Art : Image : rainbow circle : cosmic egg
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jim lemons
Culture : Art : Image : jim lemons : alignment
Culture : Art : Image : jim lemons : don't you remember me?
Culture : Art : Image : robert venosa : two spheres
Culture : Art : Image : robert venosa : hallucinogenic self portrait
Culture : Art : Image : robert venosa : portrait of terence mckenna
Culture : Art : Image : robert venosa : sheherezade
New Experience Reports
Fri May 21, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 20, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue May 18, 2004 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : May 2004 : I'm Bored
LIBRARY : Books : Numerology
LIBRARY : Books : Ether and Me
New Experience Reports
Mon May 17, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : mariela de la paz
Culture : Art : Image : mariela de la paz : ayahuaska at the gates of san pedro
Culture : Art : Image : mariela de la paz : the toad
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : michael dare
Culture : Art : Image : michael dare : space ship
Culture : Art : Image : michael dare : shore fight
Sun May 16, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : aeropithon fluoressence : tentacles of hungary
Culture : Art : Image : aeropithon fluoressence : plasma origin
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : unique horn
New Experience Reports
Fri May 14, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Image : Myron Stolaroff in Italy, mid 1960s
New Experience Reports
Thu May 13, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed May 12, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon May 10, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : david wilson
Culture : Art : Image : david wilson : the bald head from cuba
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : byka
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : look outside or alone but never lonely
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : plateau
Culture : Art : Image : jason justice : alien love
Sun May 9, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri May 7, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 6, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Kat Harrison
New Experience Reports
Wed May 5, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue May 4, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : john ruskowski
Culture : Art : Image : john ruskowski : the ravens dream
Culture : Art : Image : john ruskowski : heliocentricity
New Experience Reports
Mon May 3, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jason t
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : essence
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : lucid eye for all
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : rose eye vortex
Culture : Art : Image : jason t : universes collide
Culture : Art : Image : jason t : garcia
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : prayer 2
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : last day
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : hobgoblin
New Experience Reports
Sun May 2, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : vasin ted : see it, catch it, look inside
Culture : Art : Image : vasin ted : inhale
New Experience Reports
Tue Apr 27, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Apr 26, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : istvan horkay
Culture : Art : Image : istvan horkay : persian gymnasts 2
Culture : Art : Image : istvan horkay : persian gymnasts
Sun Apr 25, 2004 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : Harrison Narcotics Act (1914)
PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : The Volstead Act (1920)
Fri Apr 23, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 22, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Apr 20, 2004 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : We'll Be Asking The Questions Here
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jason justice
Culture : Art : Image : manub : psilosoph01
Culture : Art : Image : jason justice : spiral mountain
New Experience Reports
Sat Apr 17, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Captain Trips: A Biography of Jerry Garcia
Mon Apr 12, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : aeropithon fluoressence
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jenalyn
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : adrian scharfetter
Culture : Art : Image : aeropithon fluoressence : droplens
Culture : Art : Image : jenalyn : spring awakening
Culture : Art : Image : adrian scharfetter : dakini
Tue Apr 6, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : sean mcclean
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : sheela na gig
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : blood ruby
Culture : Art : Image : ym stigmate : trip
Culture : Art : Image : ym stigmate : shroomy on the side
Culture : Art : Image : ym stigmate : futur trip
Culture : Art : Image : josh neuman : world strings
Culture : Art : Image : josh neuman : looker
Culture : Art : Image : sean mcclean : the great one
Culture : Art : Image : brendan gee : plasmatosis
New Experience Reports
Mon Apr 5, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Integration Journal
LIBRARY : Books : Just the Facts: LSD
LIBRARY : Books : Psychoactive Plants: Cacti and Other Succulents
LIBRARY : Books : The Healing Journey
New Experience Reports
Sat Apr 3, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Apr 2, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Prayers
LIBRARY : Books : Peyote Music
LIBRARY : Books : Drug Crazy
LIBRARY : Books : Haight Ashbury Flashbacks
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana Botany
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 1, 2004 #
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Law
New Experience Reports
Wed Mar 31, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Medical Botany
PLANTS : Arundo donax (Colorado River Reed)
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image Vault
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Tryptamine Content of Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Comment from TIHKAL
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Excerpts from Entheogen Review
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Single stalk of Arundo donax
PLANTS : Arundo donax : Image : Flowering Arundo donax
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 30, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jevonne
Culture : Art : Image : jevonne : standing pink
LIBRARY : Books : Waiting For The Man
LIBRARY : Books : Lands of the Saracen
LIBRARY : Books : Popular Science - 1902
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 29, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : ben balanoff
Culture : Art : Image : ben balanoff : man is god
Culture : Art : Image : ben balanoff : man in motion
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : simon haiduk
Culture : Art : Image : simon haiduk : astral projection
Culture : Art : Image : simon haiduk : insight of venus
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 27, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Mar 26, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-AMT : Effects
CHEMICALS : 5MeO-AMT : Bits and Pieces
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : 5MeO-AMT : Overhaul of 5-MeO-AMT Vault
New Experience Reports
Thu Mar 25, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Mar 24, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 23, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : john w allen : eyes of the shroom
Culture : Art : Image : brendan gee : avairium incendium
Culture : Art : Image : cody a. seekins : virgin in the shamans dream garden
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Iboga Seeds
Mon Mar 22, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Triplepoint: LSD in Group Therapy
LIBRARY : Books : The Magic Cantina
LIBRARY : Books : Hit Man
LIBRARY : Books : Dangerous Plants
PLANTS : Kratom : Bogus Kratom Market Exposed
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Photo of Eppendorf Tube
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : TFMPP : Law : TFMPP No Longer Scheduled
New Experience Reports
Sun Mar 21, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Realms of the Human Unconscious
LIBRARY : Books : Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture
LIBRARY : Books : Heaven and Hell
LIBRARY : Books : Exploring Inner Space
LIBRARY : Books : Poisonous Plants
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : 3D Mitragynine Molecule
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : 2D Mitragynine Molecule
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Kratom Seeds
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Mitragyna speciosa Extract
Experience : 'Blue By You' by Blue Boy ( DMT )
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 20, 2004 # - New Pill Testing Results (2)
LIBRARY : Books : Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
LIBRARY : Books : Mama Coca
LIBRARY : Books : The Peyote Dance
LIBRARY : Books : Better Sex Through Chemistry
LIBRARY : Books : Hallucinations
LIBRARY : Books : Hallucinogenic Drugs
Fri Mar 19, 2004 #
PLANTS : Kratom : Law
PLANTS : Kratom : Chemistry
PLANTS : Kratom : Dose
PLANTS : Kratom : Journal References
PLANTS : Kratom : The Alkaloids of Mitragyna
PLANTS : Kratom : Comments on Kratom and Mitragynine
PLANTS : Kratom : A Study of Kratom Eaters in Thailand
PLANTS : Kratom : Pharmacotheon Excerpt on Kratom
PLANTS : Kratom : Effects
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Mitragyna speciosa
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Mitragyna speciosa close-up
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Kratom with seedpods
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 15, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : sarah walker : regal
Culture : Art : Image : sarah walker : raoul's table top
Culture : Art : Image : sarah walker : purple stool
Culture : Art : Image : sarah walker : heart
New Experience Reports
Thu Mar 11, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Cannabible 1
LIBRARY : Books : The Cannabible 2
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 9, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : hugh byrne
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : traveler
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : line flyer
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : watching
Culture : Art : Image : anna ignatieva : face
Culture : Art : Image : anna ignatieva : empty
Culture : Art : Image : hugh byrne : my dreems
Culture : Art : Image : hugh byrne : life moves on
CULTURE : Characters : Peter Gorman : Making Magic, by Peter Gorman
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 8, 2004 #
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum Close-up
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Dried Salvia divinorum Leaf
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Dried Salvia divinorum Leaves
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Dried and Crushed Salvia divinorum Leaves
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Opium Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass Cannabis Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Straight Glass Cannabis Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass Freebase Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass Cannabis Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass Cannabis Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass Snake Pipe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass Cannabis Pipe
New Experience Reports
Sun Mar 7, 2004 #
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Flowering Salvia divinorum
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum growing indoors
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Two young Salvia divinorum plants
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Two five month old Salvia divinorum plants
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum 5x Extract
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum 5x Extract
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum Flower
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum growing in window
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Baggie of Salvia divinorum 5x Extract
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : Salvia divinorum in Hydroculture
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : A densely leaved Salvia divinorum plant
Sat Mar 6, 2004 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : Don't Try This at Home
New Experience Reports
Fri Mar 5, 2004 #
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Collection of harvested A. muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Mid-sized Amanita muscaria var muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria growing in clover
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Mature Amanita muscaria
New Experience Reports
Thu Mar 4, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Research : DEA Approves MAPS MDMA/PTSD Study
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria var muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Dried Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Three Amanita muscaria var formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Mature Amanita muscaria var formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Two Amanita muscaria var muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : A single Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Four Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Large Amanita muscaria var formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Freshly harvested Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : A. muscaria universal veil
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Four Amanita muscaria
PSYCHOACTIVES : Families : Dialogs : 'Our kids are pretty straight in a lot of ways'
New Experience Reports
Wed Mar 3, 2004 #
PHARMS : Cyclizine
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Two Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita gemmata (tan)
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Young Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria var formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria var formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Mature Amanita muscaria var formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria var muscaria
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Dried Amanita muscaria var formosa
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 2, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : hendrik baartman : grafimathematica425b
Culture : Art : Image : gilles rossi : veintruderz
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita gemmata
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria Close-up
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 1, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jamie s
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : marjorie kaye
Culture : Art : Image : jamie s : dots
Culture : Art : Image : marjorie kaye : passionflower
Culture : Art : Image : marjorie kaye : a drop of water in the sun
Culture : Art : Image : marjorie kaye : the sleeper at the core of the world
Culture : Art : Image : marjorie kaye : the poles of jupiter
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 29, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : chris el-flyer dyer : lucid dream of ant
Culture : Art : Image : chris el-flyer dyer : father time
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 28, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 27, 2004 #
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Image : Zyprexa tablets
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 26, 2004 #
PHARMS : Morphine : Image : Oramorph Tablet
PHARMS : Morphine : Image : Morphine tartrate syrette
PHARMS : Naltrexone : Image Vault
PHARMS : Naltrexone : Image : Naltrexone Tablet
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 25, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : SSRIs : Preliminary Report by American College of Neuropharmacology on SSRIs and Teen Suicide
HERBS : Echinacea : Image : Echinacea angustifolia Flower
PLANTS : Leonotis leonurus : Image : Dried Leonotis leonurus
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : grantanamo strebel
Culture : Art : Image : grantanamo strebel : folded prophecy
Culture : Art : Image : dave hunter : spirit flight mandala
Tue Feb 24, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : geoff bryan
Culture : Art : Image : geoff bryan : worlds within worlds
Culture : Art : Image : geoff bryan : untitled
Culture : Art : Image : geoff bryan : nexus
Culture : Art : Image : geoff bryan : bridges
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : belief
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : preciousness
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : unsquaring the circle
PLANTS : Banisteriopsis : Image : Twisted Banisteriopsis caapi Vines
PLANTS : Belladonna : Image : 2 small Atropa belladonna plants
PLANTS : H.B. Woodrose : Image : Small Hawaiian Baby Woodrose plant
PLANTS : Henbane : Image : Potted Hyoscyamus niger plant
PLANTS : Mucuna pruriens : Image Vault
PLANTS : Mucuna pruriens : Image : Mucuna pruriens Beans
PLANTS : Psychotria : Image : Psychotria viridis Seeds w/ penny
PLANTS : Psychotria : Image : Psychotria viridis Seeds
PLANTS : Psychotria : Image : Psychotria alba Plant
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 23, 2004 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : Image : GHB Bottle
CHEMICALS : GHB : Image : Two GHB Bottles - Front
CHEMICALS : GHB : Image : Two GHB Bottles - Back
PLANTS : Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum)
PLANTS : Kanna : Psychoactive constituents of the genus Sceletium
PLANTS : Kanna : The Distribution of Mesembrine Alkaloids in Selected Taxa of Kanna
PLANTS : Kanna : Image : Sceletium tortuosum plant
PLANTS : Kanna : Image : Flowering Sceletium tortuosum plant
PLANTS : Kanna : Image : Dried Sceletium tortuosum
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 18, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : dimitris georgopolous : plant
Culture : Art : Image : dimitris georgopolous : bioplasma
Tue Feb 17, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : hawkfeather a
Culture : Art : Image : hawkfeather a : children song
Culture : Art : Image : hawkfeather a : weeping dragon goddess
Culture : Art : Image : hawkfeather a : love my whole
Culture : Art : Image : hawkfeather a : inner truth
Mon Feb 16, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : espyratt stratt
Culture : Art : Image : espyratt stratt : autums lost
Culture : Art : Image : gwyllm llwydd : plant universe
Culture : Art : Image : brendan gee : translucid dissolution
Culture : Art : Image : jordan flato : desert in mind
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 15, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 14, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : The New Strawbale Home
LIBRARY : Books : The Straw Bale House
LIBRARY : Books : The Passive Solar House
LIBRARY : Books : The Rammed Earth House
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 13, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jdarts allyn
Culture : Art : Image : jdarts allyn : c-dream
Update (major)
- CULTURE : Characters : Humphry Osmond, psychedelic pioneer, dies at 86
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 12, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Werner Pieper
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 11, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : dayla janke
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : roald blijleven
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : psychedelic romp through oblivion
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : niflheim
Culture : Art : Image : dayla janke : the spiritual touch
Culture : Art : Image : roald blijleven : kikkerjim psychedelic
Culture : Art : Image : roald blijleven : psychedelicE
Culture : Art : Image : roald blijleven : shanna psychedelic 001
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 9, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 8, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 7, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 6, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 5, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 4, 2004 #
PLANTS : Cacti : Law : U.S. Legal Status of Non-Peyote Mescaline-Containing Cacti
Tue Feb 3, 2004 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Health : Cancer Study Seeks Patients for Psilocybin Research
Update (major)
- CULTURE : Completed Revision of Culture Vaults
Mon Feb 2, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Wavy Gravy
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 31, 2004 #
Update (major)
- CULTURE : Burning Man Vault Update
Update (major)
- CULTURE : Burningman : Burning Man FAQ - Update
Fri Jan 30, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Salvador Roquet
CULTURE : Characters : Nina Graboi
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 29, 2004 #
CULTURE : Burningman : 2000 Photos
CULTURE : Burningman : 2001 Photos
CULTURE : Burningman : 2002 Photos
CULTURE : Burningman : 2003 Photos
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 28, 2004 #
PLANTS : Yerba Mate : Chemistry : Does Yerba Mate Contain Caffeine?
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 27, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 25, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas
Sat Jan 24, 2004 #
LIBRARY : Books : Cannabis and Cannabinoids
Fri Jan 23, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : lyosha kuznetsov
Culture : Art : Image : lyosha kuznetsov : in the myst
Culture : Art : Image : lyosha kuznetsov : it is what it is not
CULTURE : Hippies : Timeline
LIBRARY : Books : The Hippie Dictionary
LIBRARY : Books : Rave Culture and Religion
Thu Jan 22, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : audrey holmes
Culture : Art : Image : audrey holmes : guardian
Culture : Art : Image : audrey holmes : awareness
Culture : Art : Image : audrey holmes : the unaware
PHARMS : Carisoprodol : Image : Color photo of 2 Generic Carisoprodol and Acetaminophen Tablets
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 21, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : dimitris georgopoulos
Culture : Art : Image : dimitris georgopoulos : center inner self
Culture : Art : Image : dimitris georgopoulos : mech
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 20, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : spiked by an angel
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : the orange baron
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : alice
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : me
Culture : Art : Image : ben tolman : cognitive transformation (detail)
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 19, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jan 16, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 14, 2004 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Families : Dialogs : 'It's like questions about sex'
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 13, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Alan Watts : The Nature of Consciousness
CULTURE : Characters : Alan Watts : The Value of Psychotic Experience
CULTURE : Characters : Alan Watts : The World as Emptiness
CULTURE : Characters : Alan Watts : Lecture on Zen
CULTURE : Characters : Albert Einstein : Religion and Science
CULTURE : Characters : Bob Wallace : Timeline
CULTURE : Characters : Bob Wallace : Obituary
LIBRARY : Reviews : Angels We Have Heard While High
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 12, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : serpent hide
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : out of the green
CULTURE : Characters : Bob Wallace : Obituary
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 11, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 10, 2004 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jan 9, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Alexander Shulgin : 1994 DEA Raid of Shulgin\'s Laboratory
CULTURE : Characters : Ann Shulgin : A New Class of Criminals
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 8, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Walter Pahnke
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 7, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Ralph Metzner
CULTURE : Characters : John Beresford
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 6, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : Jordon Flato
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : Mike Chai
Culture : Art : Image : Mike Chai : liquid pleasure
Culture : Art : Image : Jordon Flato : the separation of the twins
Culture : Art : Image : jordon flato : the hierophant
Culture : Art : Image : jordon flato : alchemical phoenix
Culture : Art : Image : chris el-flyer dyer : peeling bodies
Culture : Art : Image : kelin kreider: bang
PSYCHOACTIVES : Basics : Drug Etiquette 101
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 5, 2004 #
CULTURE : Characters : Fitz Hugh Ludlow : The Apocalypse Of Hasheesh
CULTURE : Characters : Fitz Hugh Ludlow : What Shall They Do to be Saved?
CULTURE : Characters : Fitz Hugh Ludlow : Outlines of the Opium-Cure
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 4, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : liquis
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : the end
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : afterbirth
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : star of david
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : spiral
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : spacecr
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : pod control
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : glyph
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : equilibrium
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : emblem
Culture : Art : Image : liquis : compass
CULTURE : Characters : John Lilly : New York Times Obituary
CULTURE : Characters : Timothy Leary : No Illusions
CULTURE : Characters : Timothy Leary : On and Off
CULTURE : Characters : Timothy Leary : Long Live Timothy Leary, by John Perry Barlow
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 3, 2004 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : brendan gee
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : enola nataz
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : erez sitzer
Culture : Art : Image : erez sitzer : deeproots
Culture : Art : Image : erez sitzer : canopy
Culture : Art : Image : erez sitzer : totem
Culture : Art : Image : jory gaunce : inside
Culture : Art : Image : jory gaunce : golden pattern the gap inbetween
CULTURE : Characters : Art Kleps
New Experience Reports
Fri Jan 2, 2004 #
New Experience Reports